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Pakistani Parliament declares neutrality on Yemen, calls for peace talks.

Nope no their govt but can you funnel tons of money to another country without some support from the govt or help from some influential officals? Nope .. The GCC govts need to go after these basards I they are truely sincere ?

As for Iran supporting Yemeni militants.. Are you blind ? Can't you see te GCC doing the same ? They are hell bent to destroying eachother .. The difference I that its the people whose countries have become the battlefields thanks to The rivalry between these guys.

Would you jump in fire knowin it all? Nope ... Not unless you are batshit crazy.

Anyway lets wait and see, hopefully this conflict can be resolved diplomatically.
I understand your point. But can you please compare the effect of various parties? Let's say role of GCC, Iran, U.S in Pakistan's suffering. It would be much much better to create a new thread where we could talk about it without having to go off topic.

Brother, you expect me to do a balancing act when my country bleeds ? To take out a weighing scale to determine who had a more negative effect ?

If I may try to speak for Pakistanis:

We admire Iran for her resilience, her defiance and her fortitude and would like to emulate some of that but at the same time we don't like her Ayatollahs for spreading her ideology (a fairly negative ideology) to Pakistan that kick started this sectarian turf war.

Likewise we dislike the Saudis for their mistreatment of the Pakistani labor class and for the funding of some very shady seminaries in Pakistan that have ripped apart the very fabric of our society but at the same time we like them for helping us in our times of need, supporting us when we needed support and for the people-to-people relations that exist between some Saudis and some middle class Pakistanis who've worked there and brought back fond memories.

So its 'complicated'....very complicated.

Briefly we dislike our own the most who'd put either of the two countries before Pakistan !
Founded by Jinnah but not edited by him today lol, anyway I feel they have shifted to the left these past few years we can disagree on this.

I disagree .. The paper shows u the mirror and its a good thing .. They don't sugar quote the truth nor do they go anti state .. Unlike express tribune or other third class media outlets.

Their articles,columns etc are eye opening.
You are still hurt for debating with some Iranian and it's obvious from your post. It's understandable, but knowing your previous stances and opinions, you are just on a typical anti-Iran rampage these days, it will pass and you'll come back to common sense. I know that because you were not like this before. Unless you have fundamentally changed which makes it even worse, but I doubt so.

So my brotherly advise which no one ever listens and falls for the same trap again and again: Don't let actions of individuals on internet affect your judgement on a whole country. I may not be always successful and it's honestly difficult, but I've been trying and it works more or less.

Tell Haman or sohiel or yavar to be a better reps for your country then because from my exprience on pdf it has only made it clear to me that as much as Pakistanis like Iran, Iranians return such feelings with scorn and disrespect towards Pakistan and Pakistanis.

Typical jihadi words :lol:

Dr. M.J.zarif is a dog yeah :

At age 17, he left Iran for the United States. Zarif attended Drew College Preparatory School, a private college-preparatory high school located in San Francisco, California.[5] He went on to study at San Francisco State University, from which he gained a BA in International Relations in 1981 and an MA in the same subject in 1982.[6] Following this, Zarif continued his studies at the Graduate School of International Studies (now named the Josef Korbel School of International Studies) at the University of Denver, from which he obtained a second MA in International Relations in 1984 and this was followed by a PhD in International Law and Policy in 1988.[7][8] His thesis was entitled: "Self-Defense in International Law and Policy"

this guy is a human : Nawaz Sharif - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Spare me you BS . diplomatic visits are scheduled years before hand , dum dum .

lol , what ? go ahead and send them :lol:

feeding your people would also be an option

An educated dog does not make him any less of a dog. :lol:
A diplomatic visit to talk about the Yemen crisis was decided years in advance, dumb shit ?

I would say the same to you here is an option, instead of funding proxy forces getting proper medication or better planes to avoid all those recent crashes would be money better spent for you.
Brother, you expect me to do a balancing act when my country bleeds ? To take out a weighing scale to determine who had a more negative effect ?

If I may try to speak for Pakistanis:

We admire Iran for her resilience, her defiance and her fortitude and would like to emulate some of that but at the same time we don't like her Ayatollahs for spreading her ideology (a fairly negative ideology) to Pakistan that kick started this sectarian turf war.

Likewise we dislike the Saudis for their mistreatment of the Pakistani labor class and for the funding of some very shady seminaries in Pakistan that have ripped apart the very fabric of our society but at the same time we like them for helping us in our times of need, supporting us when we needed support and for the people-to-people relations that exist between some Saudis and some middle class Pakistanis who've worked there and brought back fond memories.

So its 'complicated'....very complicated.

Briefly we dislike our own the most who'd put either of the two countries before Pakistan !

We should have some sort of "annual Purge" .. If know what I mean.. Me n you - we will make one helluva a team .. Il get the vehicle n the weapons .. You be my spotter - and together we will slaughter :tup:
Brother, you expect me to do a balancing act when my country bleeds ? To take out a weighing scale to determine who had a more negative effect ?

If I may try to speak for Pakistanis:

We admire Iran for her resilience, her defiance and her fortitude and would like to emulate some of that but at the same time we don't like her Ayatollahs for spreading her ideology (a fairly negative ideology) to Pakistan that kick started this sectarian turf war.

Likewise we dislike the Saudis for their mistreatment of the Pakistani labor class and for the funding of some very shady seminaries in Pakistan that have ripped apart the very fabric of our society but at the same time we like them for helping us in our times of need, supporting us when we needed support and for the people-to-people relations that exist between some Saudis and some middle class Pakistanis who've worked there and brought back fond memories.

So its 'complicated'....very complicated.

Briefly we dislike our own the most who'd put either of the two countries before Pakistan !

All those 12ers came out to protest Pakistani involvement because it affected Iranians interests, blatant display of treason. Should have been gunned down in the streets.
I understand your point. But can you please compare the effect of various parties? Let's say role of GCC, Iran, U.S in Pakistan's suffering. It would be much much better to create a new thread where we could talk about it without having to go off topic.

Iran did try to export its revolution to Pakistan in the 80's
Whether you like it or not this is a fairly common line of thinking even among the intelligentsia here hence i believe there is some grain of truth in that
Now the mistake Pakistan made was instead to counter it on a state level it allowed the Saudis to launch their own proxies here
Over the years most of the Shia militant groups have been dealt with since they presented no real threat in the first place
But the sectarian groups on the other side have become bigger monsters and a serious pain in the neck
We should have some sort of "annual Purge" .. If know what I mean.. Me n you - we will make one helluva a team .. Il get the vehicle n the weapons .. You be my spotter - and together we will slaughter :tup:



Nahhh mate, I'm a pacifist ! :ashamed:

All those 12ers came out to protest Pakistani involvement because it affected Iranians interests, blatant display of treason. Should have been gunned down in the streets.

What about the "Sunnis" who are currently protesting in favour of Saudi action in Yemen. Should they also be gunned down for treasonous behavior or do you have a different opinion of them?
Nawaz Sharif need good excuse to send troops, houthis attack on KSA border will be that excuse.

It was Saudis who attacked first, so every single Saudi soldier is a legitimate target now.

You can't invade another country and then cry that your territorial integrity is threatened.
Not only for Saudis, that's the case for any country who attacks another country.


My only point was that you can put Iran or Saudis in the same basket of goods and bads. No country is innocent, and Iran certainly isn't, neither is Pakistan. I can write a novel about Pakistan's disastrous policies in Afghanistan, but that wouldn't bring back the innocent civilians killed.

@DESERT FIGHTER put it correctly. Despite the fact that every single Shia group is automatically labaled as Iran's proxies, but even if we consider that Iran is actually behind them, we can never ever compare their crimes to those who emerged from Saudi funded Madrassas. Most of those groups were created for self defense against an ideology that was and is hell bent on eradicating them from the earth, and yes it caused problems for Pakistan, but I can't mention even one single incident in which they have sent a suicide bomber in a market or a mosque or massacred school children. Yes their actions may have caused trouble of course, but you simply can't compare level of barbarism of LeJ or TTP with those currently nonexistent Shia groups.

That's my whole point bro. I'm most asking you to support Iran or to hate Saudis, I'm not asking you you to say nice things about Iran, I'm just saying that a generalizing like this can create misunderstangins, by equalizing 2 or 3 parties for their roles.
Iran did try to export its revolution to Pakistan in the 80's
Whether you like it or not this is a fairly common line of thinking even among the intelligentsia here hence i believe there is some grain of truth in that
Now the mistake Pakistan made was instead to counter it on a state level it allowed the Saudis to launch their own proxies here
Over the years most of the Shia militant groups have been dealt with since they presented no real threat in the first place
But the sectarian groups on the other side have become bigger monsters and a serious pain in the neck

I do not think Saudis asked permission, what happened was that after the commies invaded Afghanistan it allowed Saudis to gain a foothold. As for the Iranians they were already shit stirring for a few years before that point.
An educated dog does not make him any less of a dog.

You are hitting a low, maybe we'll talk later when you have proper control of your emotions.

Iran did try to export its revolution to Pakistan in the 80's
Whether you like it or not this is a fairly common line of thinking even among the intelligentsia here hence i believe there is some grain of truth in that
Now the mistake Pakistan made was instead to counter it on a state level it allowed the Saudis to launch their own proxies here
Over the years most of the Shia militant groups have been dealt with since they presented no real threat in the first place
But the sectarian groups on the other side have become bigger monsters and a serious pain in the neck

A revolution can not be 'exported' unless the people want it. Even if Iran has tried it, it's impossible to have a genuine revolution in a country where the population doesn't want it.
I do not think Saudis asked permission, what happened was that after the commies invaded Afghanistan it allowed Saudis to gain a foothold. As for the Iranians they were already shit stirring for a few years before that point.

Yeah but what foreign ideology presents a bigger threat now
As i have posted before the events of 16th Dec and before that 50,000 dead Pakistanis make that pretty clear
We have a sort of cold peace with Iran now-a-days
An openly hostile Iran would make it three hostile counties on our borders
This is a point infact all defense analysts have been putting forward
We are not Israel and neither the G.C.C is America

Yes, We liberals have taken over Pakistan. Deal with it and fight your own wars for once. :chilli:
Easy there....little baby steps :D

A revolution can not be 'exported' unless the people want it. Even if Iran has tried it, it's impossible to have a genuine revolution in a country where the population doesn't want it.
Hence it didn't work here
Enough with Indian Consulate Bulshittttt and making stuff up . Iranian doesn't take foul mouthing from the most powerful figures in the world . now please ...

Iran is supporting Indian terrorism in Pakistan by the Indian consulates near the Pakistani border. Supporting Armenia against Azerbaijan. We are closer to Turkey and Azerbaijan than Iran due to Iranian policy on these issues.

All those 12ers came out to protest Pakistani involvement because it affected Iranians interests, blatant display of treason. Should have been gunned down in the streets.

May be should also include the ISI generals who supported Taliban and put Pakistan in danger. The intelligence agencies officials that did not stop Saudi funding of sectarian terrorists.They also need to be charged for treason.
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