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Pakistani Parliament declares neutrality on Yemen, calls for peace talks.

**** this parliament, Irani terrorist export to Yemen is clearly against international laws and Pakistan need to back Saudi Arabia here. We have to remember if Iranis can export terrorists to Yemen then they can do it to other countries around them as well including Pakistan.

Sure sure (no our country - not our war-no fk given).. Although till now senate has accused GCC (Saudis) citizens of funding illegal seminaries and terrorist groups in Pak .. We should do something about that first.
That is not true. I can tell you this based on my extensive experience and seeing the world up close. You should not let a few hateful trolls on a forum to make you see the world, this way. In fact, that is exactly what these Takfiri people want. To sow discord.
well , they're doing a good job , lol :lol:
The ONLY people with positive feelings towards Iran here are Shia muslims .
Really? Why don't you go and ask around on this forum. A lot of members who speak good of Iran are Sunnis. Another thing I would like to add is that there is something very unique to Irani members on PDF. They have this "Iran is the hit, everything else is shit" attitude that I don't see in other members, not even American or Indian members. This in-your-face attitude will result in hostility from any normal person.
I donno about those polls ( if they are acurate enough)

what i see is this forum and its members , buddy .

What i know is that at least , in Iran , people don't hate anyone except Saudis TBH

You should ask Saint Google for help..:lol:

Really? Why don't you go and ask around on this forum. A lot of members who speak good of Iran are Sunnis. Another thing I would like to add is that there is something very unique to Irani members on PDF. They have this "Iran is the hit, everything else is shit" attitude that I don't see in other members, not even American or Indian members. This in-your-face attitude will result in hostility from any normal person.


My sincere advice : go fuk yourself.

Bhai jan mera farz h logon ku btaun ke tum jaise idiots Sunnion ku represent ni krte
Ye tu me ne buhat naram lehja rakha tha me ne ek fasadi k sth
Most probably you are not a Pakistani and will most likely get banned soon hence don't quote me again
Aur han khud kuch INSANIAT seekh lu
Please compare their numbers. This forum might be a good start.

Can you name some Pakistani members whose 'Qiblah' is Tehran?

And comparing Iran's role and Saudis role in Pakistan is just utterly and plainly unfair and unjustified.

Also, as long as you refuse to see your domestic problems and only blame foreigners, you'll never get rid of your problems, because you are ignoring one of pillars of the problem. Pakistan also have had too many mistakes in past 2 decades that are too hard to ignore, so for the sake of decency, please see all sides relative to their share in the problem.

'Bearded baboons in Pakistan' is an acknowledgement of Pakistan's domestic problem which is precisely why its not the Iranians or the Saudis who formed the Sipah-e-Muhammadi and the Sipha-e-Sahaba to spar it out against each other; it were Pakistanis who did that nor were Iranians or Saudis leading sectarian parties like the Tehreek-i-Jafriya or Ahl-e-Sunnat-Wal-Jammat in Pakistan.

But it is also true that just as the donations from the Gulf states to seminaries in Pakistan isn't simply for humanitarian purposes it is equally true that Iranian cultural centers in Pakistan aren't just introducing the average Pakistani to the poetry of Hafez or Khayyam !

Unfortunately you have to live here to see that for yourself; we know that - @DESERT FIGHTER knows that....I know that....and other Pakistanis know that too.

The bottom line is that if the Iranian Ayatollahs and the Saudi Clerics had confined their turf war to their own countries....we would be better off without it.
This is probably one of the most difficult time for Nawaz Sharif as he has to carry the opposition parties on one side and on other side he can not refuse the Saudis. Most likely pakistan will send her army to KSA to stabilise KSA but there will be no combat role in Yemen and What about if Saudis provokes the Yemeni houthis on the border intentionally in order to get Pakistan or other countries involved in the conflict? After all in war games all this things happen.
'Bearded baboons in Pakistan' is an acknowledgement of Pakistan's domestic problem which is precisely why its not the Iranians or the Saudis who formed the Sipah-e-Muhammadi and the Sipha-e-Sahaba to spar it out against each other; it were Pakistanis who did that nor were Iranians or Saudis leading sectarian parties like the Tehreek-i-Jafriya or Ahl-e-Sunnat-Wal-Jammat in Pakistan.

But it is also true that just as the donations from the Gulf states to seminaries in Pakistan isn't simply for humanitarian purposes it is equally true that Iranian cultural centers in Pakistan aren't just introducing the average Pakistani to the poetry of Hafez or Khayyam !

Unfortunately you have to live here to see that for yourself; we know that - @DESERT FIGHTER knows that....I know that....and other Pakistanis know that too.

I understand your point. But can you please compare the effect of various parties? Let's say role of GCC, Iran, U.S in Pakistan's suffering. It would be much much better to create a new thread where we could talk about it without having to go off topic.
well , they're doing a good job , lol :lol:

That is why you should be careful. I have traveled the world and I have seen many people from different countries. Real people not some internet trolls.

Let me tell you a story. Once in an international exhibition, I saw the stall of SUPARCO and so I went up there, and these Pakistani engineers started explaining their organization and showing off their models to me. Then as you know me, I trolled them :D. I asked them how come Iran has a satellite launcher and Pakistan does not. The poor guys fell silent for a while and in very serious tone and with a serious face, said, because Iran is an independent country with Ahmadinejad at the helm of affairs (it was before Rouhani's election). Their appreciation for Iran, was deep. And I mean really deep.

Don't let a few low lives, define your world view.
Sure sure (no our country - not our war-no fk given).. Although till now senate has accused GCC (Saudis) citizens of funding illegal seminaries and terrorist groups in Pak .. We should do something about that first.

Do you think gov of Saudi Arabia will fund terrorist attacks in Pakistan? Or someone sending money from GCC who can be anybody. Pakistan can't stay neutral, GCC are just asking help against terrorists backed by Iran.
'Bearded baboons in Pakistan' is an acknowledgement of Pakistan's domestic problem which is precisely why its not the Iranians or the Saudis who formed the Sipah-e-Muhammadi and the Sipha-e-Sahaba to spar it out against each other; it were Pakistanis who did that nor were Iranians or Saudis leading sectarian parties like the Tehreek-i-Jafriya or Ahl-e-Sunnat-Wal-Jammat in Pakistan.

But it is also true that just as the donations from the Gulf states to seminaries in Pakistan isn't simply for humanitarian purposes it is equally true that Iranian cultural centers in Pakistan aren't just introducing the average Pakistani to the poetry of Hafez or Khayyam !

Unfortunately you have to live here to see that for yourself; we know that - @DESERT FIGHTER knows that....I know that....and other Pakistanis know that too.

The bottom line is that if the Iranian Ayatollahs and the Saudi Clerics had confined their turf war to their own countries....we would be better off without it.

Armstrong il be honest .. We have 2 sort of A-holes here/

Assholes who are supported by assholez in gulf.. Who also run militant organisations.

Assholez who are extremely pro Iran (but don't have armed militant groups - or those militant groups simply failed- unlike SSP & LeJ cunts)-- but still shia militant groups (whih no more exist) never targeted innocent people unlike lej or SSP.
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This is probably one of the most difficult time for Nawaz Sharif as he has to carry the opposition parties on one side and on other side he can not refuse the Saudis. Most likely pakistan will send her army to KSA to stabilise KSA but there will be no combat role in Yemen and What about if Saudis provokes the Yemeni houthis on the border intentionally in order to get Pakistan or other countries involved in the conflict? After all in war games all this things happen.

Nawaz Sharif need good excuse to send troops, houthis attack on KSA border will be that excuse.
Do you think gov of Saudi Arabia will fund terrorist attacks in Pakistan? Or someone sending money from GCC who can be anybody. Pakistan can't stay neutral, GCC are just asking help against terrorists backed by Iran.

Nope no their govt but can you funnel tons of money to another country without some support from the govt or help from some influential officals? Nope .. The GCC govts need to go after these basards I they are truely sincere ?

As for Iran supporting Yemeni militants.. Are you blind ? Can't you see te GCC doing the same ? They are hell bent to destroying eachother .. The difference I that its the people whose countries have become the battlefields thanks to The rivalry between these guys.

Would you jump in fire knowin it all? Nope ... Not unless you are batshit crazy.
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