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Pakistani OHP ship Status

DZKK doesn't need any more OHP. All 8 Gabya-class frigates are heavily upgraded. The fleet commander already made his request to refuse these transfers. Yet the shipyards and engineers are busy with TF2000
3 boats are put on hold until Pk releases Dr. Afridi, goes after Haqqanni network and basically kisses the US's arse.
DZKK doesn't need any more OHP. All 8 Gabya-class frigates are heavily upgraded. The fleet commander already made his request to refuse these transfers. Yet the shipyards and engineers are busy with TF2000
Give it some thought where spares are coming from (remember ffg-10?)

3 boats are put on hold until Pk releases Dr. Afridi, goes after Haqqanni network and basically kisses the US's arse.
Be reasonable, would you hand a gun to someone who doesn't kiss your arse?
Pakistan has used its funding well enough - no doubt. It used its budget to buy capable submarines.
Subs are most effective for harassing and targetting enemy ships. So in that sense, Pakistan made the most of its budget.

But is that what stops a blockade?
Sandy, a blockade today is very different from a blockade that used to be in the 70's and 80's.
Indian ships no longer need to be present anywhere near a minimum of 300 kms of the Pakistani coastline to enforce an effective blockade on Pakistan. They need not station themselves close or even in fixed routes of patrol like the old days.

What is a blockade? - to ensure that no men and material can be supplied to Pakistan during the period of war
How can it be achieved - simply by making sure no major ship can unload its goods on Pakistani soil.

How do you enforce a blockade - by getting complete situational awareness of the Pakistani coastline. We dont need to station ships in an area or keep up constant fixed patrolling to achieve that. All the ports of Pakistan would be bombed in the first 24 hours of the war by missiles fired from a variety of platforms - planes, land, ships and subs.
That alone would ensure that no major material can land.

After that, Indian ships only need to run long patrols. The main onus on keeping this up would be up to air elements.

Can subs make a difference - yes. Undoubtedly they would. Are they enough ? Not even close. Indian SAG's would be out hunting for the subs themselves and the new aerial acquisitions in this department would be more useful than can be imagined.

If the Pakistani subs do not get damaged at the first declaration of war - which would be the Navy's first priority, then sustaining a blockade would be made difficult by the Pakistani subs. The question that comes to mind is then - how long do we assume the war to last.

On the spending of Pakistani Naval budget - had Pakistan invested more on air assets - from jets to LRMP's, then coupled with the Subs, it would have made a blockade quite difficult for IN.

Lastly, I agree - Indian Naval production has been pathetic - and that is a compliment to them. The only way I see out is to start farming out orders to the private yards. I would say that the Navy needs 10 years to become an effective force. Right now, they are really not.

The 300 km line is for the EEZ. India cannot stop any foreign flagged vessel in International water, because then Pakistan can do the same. Most of Indian oil imports come right through the face of Pakistan's Gwader. If India dares to stop Pakistan destined vessels, then India needs to realise that Pakistan can do the same.
Thats a little like Nepal saying they dont have an ambition become the leading military power of Asia.
Pakistan simply does not have the resources to even field a Blue Water Navy, let alone a Navy capable of projecting power. Ambition or not is downright irrelevant.

And your current Navy is incapable of that.
Even the submarines wont be able to stop a blockade.

To effectively stop a Naval blockade, Pakistan needs to invest in
1. A capable Surface Fleet
2. A capable air wing of the Navy.


We will strike at the blockade and then strike at your ports----. You are an intelligent poster---you need to read up on your history---. Our Ghazi submarine was destroyed 1300 miles away from home in search of a target in you backyard.
Well 3 OHP would be welcomed no doubt but these should be given to us with intention of respectful cooperation with no tags or strings attached.

If any nation deserves it is us , as we have played a vital part in peace efforts in region
and there is no question

We will strike at the blockade and then strike at your ports----. You are an intelligent poster---you need to read up on your history---. Our Ghazi submarine was destroyed 1300 miles away from home in search of a target in you backyard.
Pakistan can not break an Indian blockade. It simply does not have the resources to do so.
You are free to believe otherwise as most Pakistani's do.

Secondly, your submarine can be found 10,000 miles away from Pakistan for all the good that it will do. At best Pakistan can send out a couple of strikes on an Indian port. That affects India as much as lack of drinking water in Ghana.
India has literally hundreds of ports. There must always be an objective to any strike. Strike on ports is to stop trade. Indian trade will not be affected by any strike on(at best) a couple of Indian ports.

Or like the many native simplistic Pakistani's, you also think that striking an Indian port is a major achievement? Heck Pakistan's attack on Dwarka did nothing more than kill a couple of donkeys - and that is celebrated as a major victory in Pakistan.

The 300 km line is for the EEZ. India cannot stop any foreign flagged vessel in International water, because then Pakistan can do the same. Most of Indian oil imports come right through the face of Pakistan's Gwader. If India dares to stop Pakistan destined vessels, then India needs to realise that Pakistan can do the same.
You are making a fundamental mistake. You assume parity between India and Pakistan. There is no parity. Indian Navy is far larger in size, far more technologically advanced and far better in seamanship.

India does not need to board vessels as much as it needs to ensure that all ports in Pakistan which can be used for unloading supplies are destroyed. There are 3 such ports of note - Gwadar, Karachi, Pasni

The three of them will be destroyed.
Lastly, Pakistani Navy will be entirely focused on saving its assets to even think about sailing the high seas in search for ships to board.

Talk sense and specifics.
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The stupidest comment so far, makes your entire post turn into BS.
Go and read through the entire thread and you will understand why.
or...presume as usual that Pakistan will miraculously do what is hardly possible.
Go and read through the entire thread and you will understand why.
or...presume as usual that Pakistan will miraculously do what is hardly possible.

It depends on the time frame you are talking about?

Pakistan can successfully evade an Indian Naval Blockade for at-least 3 weeks, after that most of Pakistan's conventional capability will be diminished to fight on a conventional war. If war does last more than 3 weeks, you can be assured that Pakistan won't be firing Harpoons at the IN, it will be getting geared up to take the fight to the next level.

India does not need to board vessels as much as it needs to ensure that all ports in Pakistan which can be used for unloading supplies are destroyed. There are 3 such ports of note - Gwadar, Karachi, Pasni

If that happens, you can be assured that Pakistan's Strategic Force will reply with a missile strike Mumbai Harbour and other important ports. Pakistan's offensive strength relies not on its submarine force, rather on its Missile Force. There's a reason why Pakistan has invested heavily to create sophisticated missiles that can carry the payload to the intended target with deadly accuracy.
It depends on the time frame you are talking about?

Pakistan can successfully evade an Indian Naval Blockade for at-least 3 weeks, after that most of Pakistan's conventional capability will be diminished to fight on a conventional war. If war does last more than 3 weeks, you can be assured that Pakistan won't be firing Harpoons at the IN, it will be getting geared up to take the fight to the next level.
You are assuming outright destruction of all naval assets for a blockade.

I am talking about denying any and all forms of replenishment by sea from other countries and stoppage of trade as a coercive measure.
You are assuming outright destruction of all naval assets for a blockade.

This is exactly what the IN commanders would want. They won't accept PN targeting their ships from left, right and centre. PN fields coastal batteries in the form of Harpoon II, C803, C802 and C602. They will constantly bombard and harass blockading ships with these deadly accurate ASM's. I sincerely doubt that IN commanders will tolerate such intransigence.

I am talking about denying any and all forms of replenishment by sea from other countries and stoppage of trade as a coercive measure.

First, Pakistan maintains enough supplies to last it at-least 3 months during a war.

Second; are you implying that IN is in a position to stop and board vessels flying under the flags of PRC, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, US and EU. You are way over estimating your hand there my friend, i suggest come back down to reality.
Is PN waiting for more OHPs then they will go for comprehensive upgrade and weapons package for the ships??
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