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Pakistani officials furious over ‘Homeland’


Main terrorist look like taliban but extras do not fit as taliban. Extras look like from Filipinos or some other country.
They look like our Cape coloureds with their faces darkened. If this show was shot in Cape Town then they probably are.

Main terrorist look like taliban but extras do not fit as taliban. Extras look like from Filipinos or some other country.
This reminds me of some of the criticism I heard of Black Hawk Down where many Somalis living in the US complained that the extras in the movie were "clearly" West African and looked nothing like East African Somalis.

I think some people are being a little too selectively critical of Hollywood, they are not exactly known for their attention to detail.

You may want to watch this classic starring Chevy Chase and Dan Akroyd.
When I get the chance I most certainly will sir ;)
Pakistan's notorious state-terrorism collusion fits with the intended storyline of the creators of Homeland.

It's all related. The ISI is portrayed as the bad guys because the ISI was instrumental in thwarting American attempts to install a pro-India puppet in Afghanistan.

Pakistan's reluctance to fully cooperate with the Americans against the Afghan Taliban was, in part, influenced by that calculus and the knowledge that the Northern Alliance was thoroughly pro-India and anti-Pakistan.
It's all related. The ISI is portrayed as the bad guys because the ISI was instrumental in thwarting American attempts to install a pro-India puppet in Afghanistan.

And it has nothing to do with the actual role the ISI has played in supporting terror groups who have been killing US soldiers in Afghanistan and have been found to be behind high-profile terror attacks like 26/11?

I'd argue the fact OBL being found in Pakistan opened the eyes of many in the West who in the past had been ignorant of what was going on vis a vis state sponsored terrorism and Pakistan.

Whatever way you try to spin this you cannot ignore that the perception of the ISI as a rouge organisation is, in some way, rooted in reality. We can argue the degree to which this is true but the fact remains.
It's obvious as daylight. There is no conspiracy about the fact that the media is misused to shape opinion of the masses. Anyone saying that this amounts to a conspiracy theory needs to have their heads examined. We live in an age of lies and deceptions.

As I mentioned elsewhere, most people seem to be fixated on two extremes
A) authoritarian government, where government controls the people
B) democracy, where people control the government

In reality, in most so-called democracies, the situation tends to be an oligarchy where a handful of powerful interest groups control the government and the people (through the media).

Beyond a certain size, democracy is an illusion and the real power belongs to those who control the means of communication, i.e. the media. Media empires can make or break an issue, a candidate or a company. And media control, even in the West, tends to be highly concentrated in the hands of a few individuals.
LOL these guys there are not worried because they trashed Pakistan as a country's image but are 'concerned' because they didnt show Islamabad lush green and the accents were fake?

So much for embracing the democracy and American values.......only to find out yr not accepted there:enjoy:

This is a clear cut warning to all those Mummy-Daddy/ Burger Families of both Military and Civil bureaucracy who in the name of democracy and freedom are embracing the 'alien' cultures and believes.

you said it brother, freaking idiots as our officials. Our biggest worry should be these officials not the public who watches these shows because people watch it as entertainment not to learn the culture.

And it has nothing to do with the actual role the ISI has played in supporting terror groups who have been killing US soldiers in Afghanistan and have been found to be behind high-profile terror attacks like 26/11?

I'd argue the fact OBL being found in Pakistan opened the eyes of many in the West who in the past had been ignorant of what was going on vis a vis state sponsored terrorism and Pakistan.

Whatever way you try to spin this you cannot ignore that the perception of the ISI as a rouge organisation is, in some way, rooted in reality. We can argue the degree to which this is true but the fact remains.

how many times you posted this paragraph already, I read half a line a know the rest now dont even need to goto 2nd line anymore.
And it has nothing to do with the actual role the ISI has played in supporting terror groups who have been killing US soldiers in Afghanistan and have been found to be behind high-profile terror attacks like 26/11?

One can argue that the ISI has been indirectly supporting groups which have committed certain acts. It is also arguable that the US and India have indirectly supported (or given sanctuary to) groups which have committed similar acts on Pakistanis.

It is a dirty business and neither side can claim to be above suspicion. The point is that the US media will, of course, only show one side of the story.
People watch this?
Damn yanks.

Only a two kinds I come across when it comes to the outside world, the retarded kind and the mildly retarded kind. A few exceptions here and there.

View attachment 179259
Where did you learn America Geography? That's wrong. :tsk:

I don't know which is worse this coming from a moderator or the people that gave him thanks.
How can all of this justify the lies and distortions projected in the episode? We need to call a spade a spade. The episode is offensive. It doesn't do justice to the sacrifices made by Pakistan.
Sorry we went off topic. Noone is saying that the episode was not offensive. The whole show is offensive.
I don't know which is worse this coming from a moderator or the people that gave him thanks.

Moderators are members too who came to PDF for debates and expressing their opinions about things. And they still primarily come to PDF for that very same thing.
Homeland is a series which primarily focuses on CIA and its activities around the world, they started off with Afghanistan.

CIA obviously is pretty active in the Af-pak region, they even showed Iran and Pakistan is where terrorism is rampant and is effecting the whole region, so it looks more logical than some "conspiracy' :lol:

The duplicity of ISI and PA is shown in the series and this is nothing but the manifestation of so many reports out of US which detail how Pakistani state is in bed with terrorists. Of course being a series it cannot be expected to show as it is, people here are expecting too much. As if showing the various good places in Isloo will earn them some TRP or brownie points :lol:
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So true. This is how Europe plays it, you seem their glimmering cities and breathtaking skylines in Hollywood movies/shows, you barely ever see the filth and deprived areas because the said nations are good at projecting the image they want you to see.
You know mate,the first episode of the series Intelligence showed the Indian Army soldiers running around with soviet bloc AKM in their hands wearing camo which is definitely not Indian in any manner and even showed our officers in the bad light.It showed that the commanding officer's (who was a Colonel) desire to sleep with his subordinate lady officer and harassing her sexually:hitwall:!I mean,i became extremely angry watching that fcuking episode because it portrayed our Army in the negative light but i guess this is the way the American people think about us:coffee:!!
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Pakistan should NOT take this seriously, the best advice is to ignore it.

We need to look at Russia that has tremendous experiences tons of Hollywood propagandas and harassment since long times, still Russia doesn't care at all. Every other countries still respect Russia even though heavy propagandas, bad images, retarded actors, and big profit.

Tomorrow, there will be another propagandas on China and next would be fifthy lands and dumb people on India, who knows.

Whole point is America just want to be the best and number #1 on over the world while the rest of the countries are evil and very bad.
You know mate,the first episode of the series Intelligence showed the Indian Army soldiers running around with soviet bloc AKM in their hands wearing camo which is definitely not Indian in any manner and even showed our officers in the bad light.It showed that the commanding officer's (who was a Colonel) desire to sleep with his subordinate lady officer and harassing her sexually:hitwall:!I mean,i became extremely angry watching that fcuking episode because it portrayed our Army in the negative light but i guess this is the way the American people think about us:coffee:!!
I only watch the first series bro so haven't seen that but it doesn't surprise me. The Americans think themselves above everyone else.
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