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Pakistani Navy going through a serious buildup

no, there was interest in MilDen, aside from that, nothing has been signed or confirmed.

It got revealed at the highest level turkish foreign minister said that Pakistan was interested in Milden.. The interest is official and I don't see why Pakistan would pass on the chance to get involved in such a beast of submarine where the oceans are becoming increasingly competitive.. Pakistan is all about gaining any type of edge and this is where the EGDE has offered itself. I am certainly confidently Pakistan will join Milden without a doubt.. Their competitive nature will not allow that to occur
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Pakistan's Naval development is progressing much slower than I expected. We should've had the High Low Mix Plan from the very beginning as the US Navy's Adm. Zumwalt's had laid out for the USN that launched the Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigate. Have few high end ships complemented by low end guided missile and torpedo ships, and modified versions for Air to Air defense. Chose a design like the OHP simple (modify it for stealth features) and build in large numbers, that would have given Pakistan the numbers it needed + the technologic edge with what's in the market of the shelf.

What is most concerning and disturbing is not having a strong Naval Air Arm (independent from PAF) that would accompany ships and protect them from air borne threats the surface combatants would face in a full blown conflict. The Navy while small is size would already have a much difficult time facing other surface and underwater combatants already, and then left to the mercy of the enemy's air borne assets, is to much, and this potential gap needs to be filled, or this investment would sink.

@Bilal Khan (Quwa)
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Pakistan's Naval development is progressing much slower than I expected. We should've had the High Low Mix Plan from the very beginning as the US Navy's Adm. Zumwalt's had laid out for the USN that launched the Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigate. Have few high end ships complemented by low end guided missile and torpedo ships, and modified versions for Air to Air defense. Chose a design like the OHP simple (modify it for stealth features) and build in large numbers, that would have given Pakistan the numbers it needed + the technologic edge with what's in the market of the shelf.

What is most concerning and disturbing is not having a strong Naval Air Arm (independent from PAF) that would accompany ships and protect them from air borne threats the surface combatants would face in a full blown conflict. The Navy while small is size would already have a much difficult time facing other surface and underwater combatants already, and then left to the mercy of the enemy's air borne assets, is to much, and this potential gap needs to be filled, or this investment would sink.

@Bilal Khan (Quwa)

stop looking at this from an outside POV. Look at it from the PN's role and Threat Environment.

Firstly, the PN was denied OHP's, the plan was to buy 12, which ended up with just one being transferred.

The PN is literally taking this approach, the 054A being the low end AAW solution, with the middle/upper tier being Ada and Jinnah.

The whole point of having this AAW umbrella is so that you DONT need aircraft to provide coverage to ships.

The Navy's job is to protect the Pakistani coast, they are NOT an offensive force by nature, the current plan if employed properly is more than sufficent to inflict heavy Indian casualties while ensuring we dont get a repeat of 71. Infact, the IN would think twice about attacking our coast now that theres potentially up to 13 submarines (and this number is increasing) ready to strike. A dedicated air arm isnt something thats necessarily needed, it may be a nice to have, but having the PAF provide coverage is better for now IMO since they also have the assets to ensure these aircraft are used to their maximum potential, something that would incur a heavy cost on an already budget limited navy.
P3C will serve until at least 2030, if not beyond. They are still very capable aircraft, our models are upgraded and the ones we have were in storage for quite a while so their flight hours are low as well. The Sea sultans will eventually replace them, but that is a long term project that we will not be seeing for a while.
Over a hundred P3Cs are still in service with the US navy as well, they will fly them till at least 2030 too.
Pakistan Navy should buy more submarines rather than surface ships. They are not of much use against India.
Pakistan Navy should buy more submarines rather than surface ships. They are not of much use against India.

Thats not at all true, surface ships provide coastal defence through their AAW capabilities, alongside this, they are also beneficial in preventing the IN from cutting off coastal cities through their weapons and ability to share data with other platforms and coastal batteries.

Also, FYI, PN IS buying more Submarines ;)
Once P-3Cs are gone which platform is going to carry Harpoon AShM?

@Bilal Khan (Quwa) @Tipu7
Both will retire, together. Not right now, but after some time. It may take a decade.
Pakistan's Naval development is progressing much slower than I expected. We should've had the High Low Mix Plan from the very beginning as the US Navy's Adm. Zumwalt's had laid out for the USN that launched the Oliver Hazard Perry Class Frigate. Have few high end ships complemented by low end guided missile and torpedo ships, and modified versions for Air to Air defense. Chose a design like the OHP simple (modify it for stealth features) and build in large numbers, that would have given Pakistan the numbers it needed + the technologic edge with what's in the market of the shelf.

What is most concerning and disturbing is not having a strong Naval Air Arm (independent from PAF) that would accompany ships and protect them from air borne threats the surface combatants would face in a full blown conflict. The Navy while small is size would already have a much difficult time facing other surface and underwater combatants already, and then left to the mercy of the enemy's air borne assets, is to much, and this potential gap needs to be filled, or this investment would sink.

@Bilal Khan (Quwa)
Your comment reminds me of a married women, who even after having 5 kids, complain about lack of love from her husband.

Pakistan Navy total tonnage is set to increase more than 300% within 15 years. The total volume of strength by many folds. From one command to three Task force groups. This force expansion and modernization is historic. All this while Pakistan is a 3rd World country with struggling economy and mere $7.8 Billion defense budget (Navy budget around $1 Billion)
When you people will be satisfied? 😒
They are amongst the best warships out there once they arrive, and in good numbers. What do you mean they are of no use against India?

Because any surface ship can be targeted relative easily. submarine has an advantage of remaining hidden and do the operation. This is not only my view. I listen to an ex Navy Chief of Pakistan Navy. He had the same opinion. He said that Pakistan should invest more on submarine rather than surface ships. India sacrificed third aircraft carrier to make the way a for submarines. Many countries do that and I think it is the right decision.
Because any surface ship can be targeted relative easily. submarine has an advantage of remaining hidden and do the operation. This is not only my view. I listen to an ex Navy Chief of Pakistan Navy. He had the same opinion. He said that Pakistan should invest more on submarine rather than surface ships. India sacrificed third aircraft carrier to make the way a for submarines. Many countries do that and I think it is the right decision

I understand where you are coming from. The thing is ASW is making leaps and bounds and you can't just rely on that or primarily on that. Look what happened to the German Navy U-Boats.
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