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Pakistani Nationalists should study Chinese and Japanese governing systems

cuzz you lack the basic fundamentals of understanding!

INHERENTLY the people of this part of the world are CORRUPT at a GENETIC level!

The Chinese and Japanese have a HUGE sense of national pride. Pride in their people and the Will to be a good citizen. In their Genome there in no way near as much moral bankruptcy as we have in our region.

No matter what system you bring in. for as long as people's DNA is morally corrupt! The system you talk about will fail.

pride, nationalism and discipline are traits that must be instilled in group of people to make it a nation.

The chineese system by design does that.

You may want to study a little more in history, and see who was Confucius and how his work has shaped the modern governance system.
The only PRABLEM is pajwa

In his head he thinks he is doing fantastic job should drink fantastic tea
pride, nationalism and discipline are traits that must be instilled in group of people to make it a nation.

The chineese system by design does that.

You may want to study a little more in history, and see who was Confucius and how his work has shaped the modern governance system.
ahh If you re-read what I wrote!
Lol.. and u think in China, people work hard wouldn't get what they want? Everything is thru corruption? By your theory, Pakistan shall be a very developed and advance nation like China? But is it?

You shall watch the alibaba documentary about jack ma. Btw, that documentary is produced by US and a close associates not China themselves. See for yourselves what is fairness in China. Why all Chinese works so hard. All of them are equal and have a chance.

Xi anti corruption campaign even further cement better condition for all Chinese to strive.

And your favorite Europe is in fact, a control society but it's becos of the competition from far east Asia, then they start to have this nonsense of total freedom and total human rights just to attack China and paint them in better lights. There is no such thing called freedom of speech in Europe. Can I talk about Nazism or extremist in open area? You can't, it's outlaw by EU law. If you can't talk such thing, what is the so called freedom of speech? Isn't suppose you can talk about anything and allow human being to decide for themselves?
Why would I watch Alibaba documentaries? I told you earlier that we don't like your system. In your system, the military controls everything. Xi can't say anything against CCP because he is a puppet himself. I haven't seen any person from China, openly talking against your system. Why we haven't found anyone who speaks against your system?

The answer is simple. It's tight restrictions and forced disappearances that keep your system running like a communist system but you pretend that you are free. I don't care what your president is doing in your country. I am not satisfied with the Chinese communist system. Europe is a much bigger force. You aren't even close to European standards. Forget about them. Try to speak against injustice. I think a guy burned himself today in China just because he wasn't satisfied with your stupid covid actions. People are sick in your country. Nobody can survive in a system of anarchy and chaos.
Chinese members want Pakistani people to accept their narrative, their system, etc. You can see that they are reminding us about their space station and technology. I mean it's funny. The question is can space station achievement make the country progress faster? The answer is no. It's the system. You can go to France, the United States, or even Germany and you can see that the people are free. There is freedom of speech. Journalists just don't vanish. Not many people remember the space age. The united states and the west believe in a system where the power of people is essential in guiding a country toward ultimate success.
On the contrary, the Communist system is a system of a single power, which is the military. Citizens have no value. There are forced disappearances and mostly uneducated society that believes in power rather than basic education, etc. Look at the Chinese for example! They keep reminding us about the space station. I mean these Chinese are criminals. They steal technology. It's not me, it's the west who has evidence against them. This same China copied and pasted several hardware items from Russia. Russia even became angry with them in the past. We can't live in a system where a single power runs the country. You can see how easily these Chinese spread the covid virus, without anyone's knowledge. They infected the whole world. People who made videos of the suspected lab in China vanished on the same night. They use firewalls to stop freedom of speech. Even their citizens are fed up but they can't say anything against the system. It's like north Korea.

Same With Russia. the opposition leader was poisoned by agencies. People were picked up from the roads because they were against the invasion of Ukraine.

Now, look at the west again. Look at the standards of their education. I think it's time for us to say goodbye to the communist mindset. it has destroyed our country and I don't like too much Chinese involvement in every matter of Pakistan. I can discuss Gwadar and CPEC game here but I don't want to discuss it. Nobody follows a culture or mindset blindly.
If you have competent and reliable visionaries in charge, like China, then it is a beautiful system.

But every system should be an individualistic one based on individual situations. Not a copy and paste.
Bash Pakistan? So u admit there is no serious corruption and abuse of power in Pakistan? How is Pakistan free in a way with a military dictator sitting on top?

Can Pakistan cope without aid or loan to tide over? Who is the one responsible for Pakistan current state? You want to keep in denial and think Pakistan is fine and doing great now. Go ahead, u lapdog of western.

Xi is revered becos China is doing fine, we don't have covid death like million of USA, we don't have mass shooting daily and CPC are empowered to do the right thing to protect tax paying and hardworking ordinary citizens. Criminal will be jailed and not bail out unlike in US where those bail out are straight jumping into next crime of terrorizing others.

We have single woman able to walk freely in night of China without fear of mug or rape unlike in major cities of America or some Europe. If one thing works well , why would we need to go against or speak against? Becos it don't suit your agenda. Nothing to do with doing right or wrong. Am I right?
We haven't said that Pakistan is doing great. Stop this nonsense. We are talking about improving our own system, I mean the Pakistani system. Pakistan taking aid or not is none of your matter. why are you interfering in our matters? Basically, china doesn't want to see Pakistan with western countries. You are showing hate and trying to control the Pakistani narrative. Pakistani relations with the west are quite old and I know the Chinese don't like our relations with the west. This is Pakistan's policy, not Chinese policy. Why you are forcing Pakistan to accept what china wants? We are an independent country. We can do whatever we want.

If you have competent and reliable visionaries in charge, like China, then it is a beautiful system.

But every system should be an individualistic one based on individual situations. Not a copy and paste.
Under one single power who has weapons, I would say no, never. The democratic model is best. Pakistan needs real independence. The Communist system will ultimately destroy a country because superiority complex is common. You can see russia. Soviet union destroyed itself. Now China is making new maps, threatening India and Taiwan. I mean, I don't like this system at all.
Second, china didnt steal high tech from your white masters
What's wrong with stealing technology? The US itself has done that throughout history and other powers.

The China stealing technology narrative is just a cope for witnessing China's rapid development in many fields.

Under one single power who has weapons, I would say no, never. The democratic model is best. Pakistan needs real independence. The Communist system will ultimately destroy a country because superiority complex is common. You can see russia. Soviet union destroyed itself. Now China is making new maps, threatening India and Taiwan. I mean, I don't like this system at all.
And the democratic US hasn't done the same? Sponsoring regime changes globally, and bombing them to infinity when they don't follow favourable policies?
You dont know what fk you are talking about, you delusional indian. First, China is not a military dictatorship, the military is not even represented in the highest level of authority the standing polItburo of the party in China. Second, china didnt steal high tech from your white masters, the white westerners are just smearing china to gain concessions from china. Third, china didnt create and spread the corona virus, its the US and your india that started and spread the deadly virus to the world irresponsibly that did much damage to everyone. Why then US wont let WHO come to US to investigate the Fort Derrick labs for the origins of the corona virus while china had twice let WHO came to Wuhan to investigate already ? What are your white masters the Americans afraid of WHO if they have nothing to hide ?
Stop lying openly. Stupid Chinese are the reason for the outbreak of Coronavirus. People filmed it, I mean the outbreak and Aljazeera got the footage but after a very long time. It's hard for information to flow from your country because you kidnap people, you make them disappear. you killed millions but countries will take revenge. You must wait and watch. Do you think you have freedom? You can't speak a word against CCP otherwise they will teach you how to obey your master. hahaha, Who are you fooling? Our relations with the west shouldn't worry China. You must not poke your nose in our matters.

What's wrong with stealing technology? The US itself has done that throughout history and other powers.

The China stealing technology narrative is just a cope for witnessing China's rapid development in many fields.

And the democratic US hasn't done the same? Sponsoring regime changes globally, and bombing them to infinity when they don't follow favourable policies?
Yes, they bombed too but with valid reasons except for iraq, which was unfortunate. At least their people can say anything on the streets. They can raise any slogan but in the Communist system, you will die on the street. Communist is basically a tightly monitored system where there is no value of human beings. One power is superior. One power takes decisions and invades. The United States and China are two different systems.
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Stop lying openly. Stupid Chinese are the reason for the outbreak of Coronavirus. People filmed it, I mean the outbreak and Aljazeera got the footage but after a very long time. It's hard for information to flow from your country because you kidnap people, you make them disappear. you killed millions but countries will take revenge. You must wait and watch. Do you think you have freedom? You can't speak a word against CCP otherwise they will teach you how to obey your master. hahaha, Who are you fooling? Our relations with the west shouldn't worry China. You must not poke your nose in our matters.

Yes, they bombed too but with valid reasons except for iraq, which was unfortunate. At least their people can say anything on the streets. They can raise any slogan but in the Communist system, you will die on the street. Communist is basically a tightly monitored system where there is no value of human beings. One power is superior. One power takes decisions and invades. The United States and China are two different systems.
Stop your fk BS, you are just as ignorant as any brained washed m**** by the evil west as can be. You are just an Indian lackey to the whites pretending to be Pakistani, shame on you.
Stop your fk BS, you are just as ignorant as any brained washed m**** by the evil west as can be. You are just an Indian lackey to the whites pretending to be Pakistani, shame on you.
Truth hurts baby.
In late 1990s/early 2000's, Japanese were asked to review Pakistan's road and traffic structure and offer their advice on managing traffic, roads network and road infrastructure. The Japanese kept analyzing and finally made a report saying that the road management, traffic control and speed limits enforced in Isb/Rwp/Lhr are perfect for Pakistan roads, since the public might need a mental overhaul to learn a more robust, efficient and faster road and traffic system, which the public might not cope up and the rate of accidents will increase. The rickshaws and slow moving vintage taxis along with horse carts will need to disappear from roads. So let the traffic system continue as it is. And thats how they left it at.

Unless the public learns to adapt to new changes as well as are willing to sacrifice their laziness and rest to allow improvements in Pakistan, nothing will change really.
Stop lying openly. Stupid Chinese are the reason for the outbreak of Coronavirus. People filmed it, I mean the outbreak and Aljazeera got the footage but after a very long time. It's hard for information to flow from your country because you kidnap people, you make them disappear. you killed millions but countries will take revenge. You must wait and watch. Do you think you have freedom? You can't speak a word against CCP otherwise they will teach you how to obey your master. hahaha, Who are you fooling? Our relations with the west shouldn't worry China. You must not poke your nose in our matters.

Yes, they bombed too but with valid reasons except for iraq, which was unfortunate. At least their people can say anything on the streets. They can raise any slogan but in the Communist system, you will die on the street. Communist is basically a tightly monitored system where there is no value of human beings. One power is superior. One power takes decisions and invades. The United States and China are two different systems.
Lol... What voice other than western sponsor fake voice which nothing but cause destructive. It funny hownu keep asking protest need to be made and voice need to be heard for what? When the country is going in right direction with improvement in technology , living standard and livelihood of all Chinese?

This is the typical total freedom which China will avoid at all cost. Look at the street of US and Europe. The price to paid for total freedom at your own safety expense is not something Chinese are looking to. You are trying to promote anti government action even things goes well.

Tell me why Europe are not allow to talk about Nazism? Isn't it part of freedom of speech? Allowing people to decide what idea is for them? If Europe has such restriction what makes China different to control speech to prevent hatre threat and subversive tactics by foreign agent.

In Pakistan, all Pakistanis can see the country is in falter. Of cos there is protest needed against current incompetent government who can't do much to avoid disaster.

US has been killing innocent for decades and all u can offer for Syrian or Iraqi is just a sorry. What a cheapshot u try to used to mask the atrocities your master. Can I wipe out your family and just offer a sorry and nothing done more to atone the sin or prevent such tragic from happen? You are in cahoots with the devil and try speak up for Satan. There shows your evil, you are not taking care of the interest of Pakistan it looking after your master uncle Sam.

What's wrong with stealing technology? The US itself has done that throughout history and other powers.

The China stealing technology narrative is just a cope for witnessing China's rapid development in many fields.

And the democratic US hasn't done the same? Sponsoring regime changes globally, and bombing them to infinity when they don't follow favourable policies?
These @Arsalan345 is nothing but agent for American. See how he keeps promote USA despite US has been killing innocent for decades with blood from Afghanistan, Iraq , Syria. It's disgusting there are such human being selling their soul for a few penny and work against their country.
Yes, but the Afghanistan war is over.

Now Insh'Allah Pakistan will develop.

Ito Hirobumi of Japan:
View attachment 884950

Meiji Restoration promoted rapid industrialization and militarization of Japan.

Deng Xiaoping:
View attachment 884951

China opened their economy and labour force to the world.
Just giving examples here to explain a context.

Japanese invented Ninjutsu, Chinese invented Kung-fu - they would train at night, in secrecy to gain independence from their oppressor's. These nations had hard working public, they knew how to put in the effort and then reap its rewards. The public was willing to sacrifice itself.

In Pakistan's case, Jinnah did the hard work and put in the effort, the public did what its usually does - gathering to form a procession as a means of support to the leader, as seen on 23rd March 1940. The ultimate sacrifice from muslims of India started occurring after that and mainly in 1947 during migration, where millions perished.

In the absence of a leader like Jinnah, can public make a move on its own ?

Yes I agree with you.

Or form a new political party such as MDP party "Muslim Democratic Party."
Leader of MDP ?
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