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Pakistani Nationalists should study Chinese and Japanese governing systems

You are right. It's the nation that must stand up. No force in the world can stop the force of the people. Will is necessary. There is no will to change. Everyone wants Imran khan to change the system. it's a problem of education. A broad-minded approach will solve problems.

The problem is education. we started (As a nation) corruption because there is no sense of right or wrong. there is no fear of punishment. There is no dignity, no pride. Everyone is thinking about their own goals, their own families, etc. Thinking is key. A broad mindset is necessary but they aren't thinking wisely because most of them aren't well educated. It's sad but true. They want Imran khan to correct the system but they will continue their corruption. I see corruption each day. it's like normal stuff. Those same people talk about religion. they offer prayers five times. I mean are we even Muslim? We must ask ourselves first. Do we have an understanding that something is right and something is wrong? I think we don't even know what's right or wrong. we are only following leaders, nations, etc. Imran khan is a hero. Similarly, nobody wants to listen anything against China because, for typical Pakistanis, the Chinese are heroes. I mean what is this mindset? It's a lack of education.
I have read extensively about Pakistani military officers so I ventured into the bureaucrats who were in positions of authority during early stages of Pakistan’s independence, in 50’s and so on.

I came across the famous ones and found some of them as authors and writers of books also. Venturing forward I kept looking from their writings what they thought of Pakistan and how it should be. They worked with Ayub, Ghulam Muhammad etc.

Then I started looking into other writers/authors since these government offficials also influenced other writers, journalists, media persons, movie producers etc. An example would be Qudratullah shahab influencing mumtaz mufti. Then going further into poetry: faiz Ahmed faiz, hafeez jallandhri etc.

Who is a famous Pakistani poet post 2000s ? I think the last one was Munir Niazi who dies in early 2000s.
In text books, the children still study Iqbal, Ghalib etc. While in engineering/medical study, it becomes mandatory at some stage to follow modern research, the literature side of Urdu/English is still stuck in 1800s,1900s poetry.

So while you look at Pakistan in 50's and 60s, you will see a budding progressing nation. China got independence two years later from Pakistan and started progressing at the same time. As the study expands, you will see what was the notion, the mindset post independence in government sector (civil + military) and how it broadened into politics that we see today. How religion Islam, the link of medina with Pakistan and the trials that Allah sent on Pakistan carved it out today.

Religion in its subtle form, played a prominent role in lives of people who mattered and took it as a way of life. Its not the same which is seen today. The religion back then can again be seen in writings of authors as well as poetry. Take Ishfaq Ahmed as an example and read through his writings/talk shows till 2000s. There was a time when public even wanted Ayub Khan to rule Pakistan so when you see the trend now that Army did this Army did that, well public itself wanted Army, so why blame Army. Much of public also got satisfaction during Zia's rule, especially the religious cadre of molvis. Then the learned population of Pakistan who were fed up of BB-Nawaz exchanging seats drama, welcomed Musharraf as ruler of Pakistan. Later Musharraf out of all was ridiculed the most by public.

In any case, the link of Pakistan with Medina Shareef can be seen in writings and books. This brings out the mystical side of Pakistan in the books and talks by authors who were Government officials or media persons. Then there are future predictions, which are there, some of them came true, some are still left. The predictions don't interest me much but the talk of divinity, the faith on God, and the optimism about future of Pakistan was always there in the writings and views of authors.

Now with advent of media in which illiterate and irresponsible public is at the forefront to give negative and depressing views about Pakistan, Government and Military, forgets that media is not the decision making authority of the world. Its just a tool, just as a pen used to be tool of authors like Ibn e Insha, Saadat Manto, Bano Qudisa, Nadeem Qasmi, Josh Malhiabadi etc but they were responsible writers. Some of these authors had their background in media, whether radio or TV, like Ashfaq Ahmed, and they understood the responsibility of guiding the youth of Pakistan.
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