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"Pakistani Lives Matter" Two Teenage girls charged with murder after stealing and assaulting 66-Year Old Pakistani UberEats driver in Washington, USA

GOP should try to extradite them to Pakistan.
Yes and imprison them in adiala jail rawalpindi. Summers are coming let them suffer without AC and all the first world luxuries they are used to.
Now on topic in recent years I observed that american youth is full of trash. No productivity,no meaningful talent and activities .No civil manners ,no respect for elders ,no humility and no respect for others around.
Other than his name being Mohammed Akram, no major news outlet cares if the man was Pakistani or not. Just that he was an old man targeted by some rowdy teenagers.

Of course. After all, if an immigrant from a third world country can make his way half-way across the world, and then make up for all the disadvantages by sheer hard work and determination, surely those qualities matter more than the precise origin. The bigger question here is shouldn't the locals claiming endless discrimination and victimization be able find it in themselves to rise through all the roadblocks too, just as far more disadvantaged immigrants seem to do within the same system. Or is it somebody else's job?
Sure, condemn all you want (after all, you have a licence to do so on this forum :D ), but what is the answer to my simple question above?

This criminal culture that exists amongst the Black underclass is a very serious issue. Unfortunately not only does this society fail in fixing the problem, it actually encourages it. We have a justice system that is dysfunctional and in many large urban areas, a judiciary system that is very lenient. That is why many violent assaults and murders are committed by repeat offenders.

In our political sphere, the mainstream narrative completely ignores this topic because of how sensitive it is and not wanting to be branded as racist. Of course, completely bashing and dehumanizing Asians and Muslims is fine because it fits the political class's foreign policy objectives. But using the Black underclass as a cudgel is a useful tool and thus, you can't talk about it.

Lastly, the media industry glorifies this degeneracy. Just watch Cardi B and Meghan Stallion's videos, it's a complete celebration of this degenerate culture.

So in every way, our society only perpetuates it. It will result in tragic deaths like this, often caused by youth who are basically trained all their lives to be criminals with zero empathy for others or any abilities to reflect on their actions, but the rest of us are just reduced to giving "our thoughts and prayers" to the family and commenting on "how terrible" this is on Facebook, but are otherwise helpless because this type of criminality is perpetuated and protected by our political class.
This criminal culture that exists amongst the Black underclass is a very serious issue. Unfortunately not only does this society fail in fixing the problem, it actually encourages it. We have a justice system that is dysfunctional and in many large urban areas, a judiciary system that is very lenient. That is why many violent assaults and murders are committed by repeat offenders.

In our political sphere, the mainstream narrative completely ignores this topic because of how sensitive it is and not wanting to be branded as racist. Of course, completely bashing and dehumanizing Asians and Muslims is fine because it fits the political class's foreign policy objectives. But using the Black underclass as a cudgel is a useful tool and thus, you can't talk about it.

Lastly, the media industry glorifies this degeneracy. Just watch Cardi B and Meghan Stallion's videos, it's a complete celebration of this degenerate culture.

So in every way, our society only perpetuates it. It will result in tragic deaths like this, often caused by youth who are basically trained all their lives to be criminals with zero empathy for others or any abilities to reflect on their actions, but the rest of us are just reduced to giving "our thoughts and prayers" to the family and commenting on "how terrible" this is on Facebook, but are otherwise helpless because this type of criminality is perpetuated and protected by our political class.

Absolutely nailed it.
Other than his name being Mohammed Akram, no major news outlet cares if the man was Pakistani or not. Just that he was an old man targeted by some rowdy teenagers.

They clearly do care. Every American media reporting the news has clearly stated his immigrant background. It is Anwar by the way and not Akram.
This criminal culture that exists amongst the Black underclass is a very serious issue. Unfortunately not only does this society fail in fixing the problem, it actually encourages it. We have a justice system that is dysfunctional and in many large urban areas, a judiciary system that is very lenient. That is why many violent assaults and murders are committed by repeat offenders.

In our political sphere, the mainstream narrative completely ignores this topic because of how sensitive it is and not wanting to be branded as racist. Of course, completely bashing and dehumanizing Asians and Muslims is fine because it fits the political class's foreign policy objectives. But using the Black underclass as a cudgel is a useful tool and thus, you can't talk about it.

Lastly, the media industry glorifies this degeneracy. Just watch Cardi B and Meghan Stallion's videos, it's a complete celebration of this degenerate culture.

So in every way, our society only perpetuates it. It will result in tragic deaths like this, often caused by youth who are basically trained all their lives to be criminals with zero empathy for others or any abilities to reflect on their actions, but the rest of us are just reduced to giving "our thoughts and prayers" to the family and commenting on "how terrible" this is on Facebook, but are otherwise helpless because this type of criminality is perpetuated and protected by our political class.

But where does the primary responsibility lie? Shouldn't the locals claiming endless discrimination and victimization be able find it in themselves to rise through all the roadblocks too, just as far more disadvantaged immigrants seem to do within the same system. Or is it somebody else's job?
But where does the primary responsibility lie? Shouldn't the locals claiming endless discrimination and victimization be able find it in themselves to rise through all the roadblocks too, just as far more disadvantaged immigrants seem to do within the same system. Or is it somebody else's job?

What do you exactly mean by claiming endless discrimination and victimization? Are you trying to say that slavery and racism didn't happen. Are you trying to suggest that white racist America didn't contribute to race problems, riots and criminality that exists today in the US? Stop trying to downplay white contribution to black African misbehavior.

Other immigrants weren't imported as slaves into America. They weren't lynched or raped in corn fields. They weren't hung on crosses by the KKK. They weren't considered as biblical bounty. The crimes against black African community is horrific and understated.
The public only care about things that are trending. Had this gentleman been black and the thiefs white males then the public response would have been completely different. Minority crime is not in the public focus.

It's all about what is fashionable and right now it is only white crime on minorities that is newsworthy.
But where does the primary responsibility lie? Shouldn't the locals claiming endless discrimination and victimization be able find it in themselves to rise through all the roadblocks too, just as far more disadvantaged immigrants seem to do within the same system. Or is it somebody else's job?

Yes. But it won't happen because the culture is too dysfunctional and irresponsibility is ingrained. I honestly think that most people in the inner city suffer from some sort of mental illness. I've been around that culture a lot through my life and half the people you can't even reason with.
What do you exactly mean by claiming endless discrimination and victimization? Are you trying to say that slavery and racism didn't happen. Are you trying to suggest that white racist America didn't contribute to the race problem, riots and criminality that exists today?

All I am asking is whose primary responsibility is it to escape whatever disadvantages they have in life?
People only care about things that they have been told to care about. Had this gentleman been black and the thiefs white males then the public response would have been completely different.

It's all about what is fashionable and right now it is only white crime on minorities that is newsworthy.

If the victim was Black and the thieves were White, this would be on all of the headlines. We will be having endless "conversations about race" that it would become nauseating. There would be protests and riots and entire cities burned down.
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Yes. But it won't happen because the culture is too dysfunctional and irresponsibility is ingrained. I honestly think that most people in the inner city suffer from some sort of mental illness. I've been around that culture a lot through my life and half the people you can't even reason with.

So are you agreeing that the primary responsibility to rise above the disadvantages is with those who claim they are disadvantaged and not anyone else? How they do that is another question entirely that requires this basic question to be answered clearly first.
Absolutely spot on. The ghettos didn't fall from the sky. This is decades worth of systematic racism and dehumanizing that has led to an increase in crime and violence. These people were segregated willingly and intentionally by the majority of white people. The system has totally alienated them. Now what do you expect from such a failed generation which is a product of a discriminatory system. It is definitely a major contributing factor.
And the segregation has continued in other ways - housing projects/low income housing etc. The result of these measures has been to basically concentrate people with similar problems and similar socio-economic struggles in the same neighborhoods. Children growing up in these neighborhoods go to poorly funded, poorly run schools and are surrounded by poverty and crime. Some make it out, but the system and environment is stacked against them.

I lived for a while in Oakland County, Michigan, which is one of the wealthiest counties in the US. One of the cities in Oakland County, Pontiac, is just a devastated poverty stricken shell. Used to have auto manufacturing plants which shut down decades ago. The city can't fund its schools or its police department or most public services - some proposals were made to shut down the Pontiac City schools and absorb the children into the surrounding school districts of significantly more prosperous, wealthy and diverse cities of Troy, Rochester Hills etc.

There was a huge outcry and opposition to that proposal from the residents of said affluent cities. Many of the residents did not want the kids from Pontiac schools going to the same schools as their children. There was opposition also over the fact that the taxpayers in the wealthier cities would essentially be 'subsidizing' the kids coming from Pontiac. I don't recall how that ended, but it was an ugly example of how the system has caused segregation even after segregation was legally ended.
So are you agreeing that the primary responsibility to rise above the disadvantages is with those who claim they are disadvantaged and not anyone else? How they do that is another question entirely that requires this basic question to be answered clearly first.

The reality is that ultimately, we are responsible for bettering ourselves. Isn't that correct? We could be in a shit position in life, but if we aren't wanting to improve ourselves, then we won't get out of it.

Of course, society can give a helping hand. And it already does with affirmative action, public assistance, etc. But if the mindset and culture is not there to get that underclass out of that situation, then the problems will only stagnate and worsen.

Honestly, I don't see this changing at all. It's only going to get worse.

American society no longer fixes problems. It just makes up lies and kicks the can down the road.
The reality is that ultimately, we are responsible for bettering ourselves. Isn't that correct? We could be in a shit position in life, but if we aren't wanting to improve ourselves, then we won't get out of it.

Exactly right. That alone says a lot now, does it not?
All I am asking is whose primary responsibility is it to escape whatever disadvantages they have in life?

Wrong question. The entire premise is wrong. Like I have explained to you, these children belonged to parents that were a product of a failed system. That didn't happen overnight. It is abnormal for children of such an age group to steal cars in clear daylight. These children belong to neighborhoods where crime is rampant. The system neglects such failures of the society. Don't expect generational failure to fix itself. The government and the system has a responsibility to fix the problem. It is indeed a failure of the system.
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