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"Pakistani Lives Matter" Two Teenage girls charged with murder after stealing and assaulting 66-Year Old Pakistani UberEats driver in Washington, USA

It would also help if their parents insisted they pull the trousers up and cover their backsides before they go out to mug, kill and steal.

The majority of these guys don't even know who their real fathers are.
Because, as I said earlier, none of them can work effectively without the necessary commitments from the parents.

Parents? The majority of them don't even know who their real father is.
very sad that family does not exist in black americans , three generations of single mothers live togather . fathers are absent in the family . this absence of family makes children criminal , they don't respect rule and law .
The majority of these guys don't even know who their real fathers are.

Parents? The majority of them don't even know who their real father is.

This is an extreme example but actually not that rare. If you want to know why the crime rate is so high, look no further.

The amount of racist stupidity in this thread is disheartening, even if it isn't surprising.

The biggest racists are those who murder and commit crimes against innocent people and feel that they have a god given right to do so.
The biggest racists are those who murder and commit crimes against innocent people and feel that they have a god given right to do so.
I agree, but that mainly applies to white racists. I doubt these two girls were even thinking about race. This crime was financially motivated.

I don't know about where you live, but I've seen you decry black people not supporting brown people or Asians. In Canada, black people were the first ones to protest when a 60 year old Pakistani man was murdered by police in his own home. How do I know? Because I joined those protests. A few years ago, another brown man was attacked day police and hospitalized, and again, it was first black people who protested. Not too long ago, police shot up a brown man's car in Quebec, and once again, it was black people who first protested. The only caveat being, obviously, that they were the first outside of the community affected. Even recently, black people were the first to show their support to the Asian community, when a string of hate crimes against Asian people started.

On a side note:

I've found that 90% of the people on this forum that are now complaining about racism and white supremacy, don't know what racism and white supremacy are. A) because they are themselves engaging in racist rhetoric. B) just a few years ago, these same people were telling me "their country, their rules", and insulting me for complaining about racism and white supremacy. C) they're simply jumping on the bandwagon, because it makes western countries look bad, and anything that makes western countries look bad, they're all for supporting, even if its against their own interests.

You have no idea how many times I've had to rewrite this comment to avoid being too harsh.
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This is big news for the far right in the US. They are comparing this with George Floyd - the trial for the officer that is accused of killing is currently ongoing and may cause a massive backlash if he goes free in the US - as the two cases are similar.

Even Ben Shapiro, a far-right Muslim hater is chiming in on this:

USA is actually a breeding ground of criminals, racist and murderers covered with white sheet of human right champions and democracy which is true to be demoncracy; only few humans left among themselves.
USA on self destruction path, will be destroyed from within no external power needed.
This is big news for the far right in the US. They are comparing this with George Floyd - the trial for the officer that is accused of killing is currently ongoing and may cause a massive backlash if he goes free in the US - as the two cases are similar.

Even Ben Shapiro, a far-right Muslim hater is chiming in on this:

Don't mistake this for Ben caring about the situation, he's just using it to push his own shitty ideology.

Ben will always be trash.
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