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Pakistani kid suffers rape in a madrasa

Any man anywhere who does anything ti a child should have his balls and Penis cut in public.

The thief injustice of Pakistan will do nothing. Take a few men. Get the badtard...spread him in public and cut his penis and balls off. Watch how the crime against kids drops immediately
Yes Pakistan should apply full Sharia law immediately, a country with 99% muslims and still doesn't want to implement Sharia, shameful indeed.
You said 'being gay' is punishable... So do you agree that gays should be thrown from tall building to death? Just like how ISIS did it.!?
Ironically its mostly gays who want to implement sharia laws.
All old school religious institutions have become outdated, and means of clinging to power and perks by the clergy. Similar stories about church too...
There are many more incidents than reported. Harsh punishment won’t address the core issue.

The problem with Pakistan is this. We are privatizing education which is completely wrong. Education is an indoctrination mechanism of your population and its too dangerous to be privatized.

Every syllabus, religious sermon, certification of teachers, teaching institutions etc should be controlled and regulated by the state. Follow the Middle East model. Any religious scholar not following the state narrative needs to be chucked out.

Currently, it’s a free for all. Some tread on extremist ideology, promote sectarianism, go on a haram spree, indulge in homo activities, are not qualified teachers, have mental issues. Not to say all are bad but there are huge number of issues.
Even outside Madressa Launda Baazi is very common in Areas like Bannu and much of south western KPK. South Punjab among Baloch Punjabis.
In fact so common that taking a Launda on date is more normal than taking a girl on date.
No wonder these areas are doomed
They say even a bird flies with one wing in Bannu. The other wing covers its a$$, for obvious reason.
This is so unfortunate.

First of all the kid must not be made to come in public. This is a traumatic experience as evident by the facial expressions of the boy. The media needs to be reasonable.

Secondly, the accused must be persecuted and an example needs to be set.

Finally, all the educators in madrassa system must be thoroughly vetted with background checks and mental health assessments. It's do able if there is will.

The religious institutions are already running on charity. People will just more money to cover additional cost. It's about curbing this menance of sodomy which exists as a fact.
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