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Pakistani kid suffers rape in a madrasa

Madarassa is a school system, Not sure why people are hating on it, it just shows the level of the mentality Pakistani public has. However yes the maddrassa does have its negativity and they need qualified and professional people to teach the Islamic curriculum, we also need to add maths, science, psychology, art, history, computers etc. In the history of Islam, engineers and scientists used to be qualified from the maddrassas. Child protection, safety etc needs to be checked by officials but the secular government officials are the biggest dacoits so were back to square one.
This news is terrible. But if stonings and hangings could solve things, we would be far ahead of the world. Should focus on enforcing law first before changing punishments
These "molvis" will breed jahil, intolerant and quite frankly even Islamically illiterate people!
Can you imagine
Moulvis are tearing apart RS 75 rupee notes because Govt. Has put sir sayyed Ahmad Khan's pic on that note


They are jahil to their core.
Will not happen.
Many such cases are reported regularly even sometimes people make their videos for clearcut evidence but no maulvis had never been punished.
People need to give mob justice to such sick perverts/psychos

Why are families even sending boys to live in these madrassas?
In Pakistan why can’t parents teavh their own children the basics of how to learn/read quran? Noorani qaida is easy and can be taught. Or send the kids to ladies who teach in their homes

Why send the kids to monsters??
Thats the real question….why r u sending your kid to some male u don’t know? You ask for trouble.
Do our people even have few brain cells left?
Stop feeding the molvi’s all this money to run these orphanage madrassas. Problem solved.
Can you imagine
Moulvis are tearing apart RS 75 rupee notes because Govt. Has put sir sayyed Ahmad Khan's pic on that note


They are jahil to their core.
It's sad to see every institution in Pakistan is horribly managed by pure jahils. No wonder the country is failing because it produces people like this, there's no intelligent or capable people properly handling the institutions.
Madarassa is a school system, Not sure why people are hating on it, it just shows the level of the mentality Pakistani public has. However yes the maddrassa does have its negativity and they need qualified and professional people to teach the Islamic curriculum, we also need to add maths, science, psychology, art, history, computers etc. In the history of Islam, engineers and scientists used to be qualified from the maddrassas. Child protection, safety etc needs to be checked by officials but the secular government officials are the biggest dacoits so were back to square one.
Madrasas in the subcontinent are highly backward.Why?
Because when Britishers came to the subcontinent ,they brought a new culture as well.Madrasa was a primary source of education for people.
To keep western influence away from their people,moulvis thought by keeping away English from their curriculum,they can save the Muslims from western influence.But in doing so,they also removed western dominated science and arts , they never bothered to at least translate the science into Urdu and so the madrasa system could not modernize itself and till this day continues to be a highly backward educational system.
Normal in Madressas
Pakistanis wont act in general because the Mullah is the prophet to them and they don’t want to change it otherwise
recall there was even a video of a mullah engaged in sex act with a child.

but I don't remember he got punished he even claims that the child drugged him to do sex.

wish TLP lynches these paedophiles with same obsession as the blasphemy accused ( even if some lynched were innocent).

Madrasas in the subcontinent are highly backward.Why?
Because when Britishers came to the subcontinent ,they brought a new culture as well.Madrasa was a primary source of education for people.
To keep western influence away from their people,moulvis thought by keeping away English from their curriculum,they can save the Muslims from western influence.But in doing so,they also removed western dominated science and arts , they never bothered to at least translate the science into Urdu and so the madrasa system could not modernize itself and till this day continues to be a highly backward educational system.
madrassah are sectarian dens specially deobandy madrassahs are main source of TTP and its affiliate terror organisations
Madrasas in the subcontinent are highly backward.Why?
Because when Britishers came to the subcontinent ,they brought a new culture as well.Madrasa was a primary source of education for people.
To keep western influence away from their people,moulvis thought by keeping away English from their curriculum,they can save the Muslims from western influence.But in doing so,they also removed western dominated science and arts , they never bothered to at least translate the science into Urdu and so the madrasa system could not modernize itself and till this day continues to be a highly backward educational system.

Great comment. You would love to read about the maddrassa and its curriculum during the Ottoman times.

Maddrassa was just a name for a school which had Islamic education aswell as other education. In the subcontinent I agree it has become backwards and they don't even teach other subjects than Islamic ones. But they fail to understand science, psychology, maths is also Islamic education, the western world just overtook the Muslims in this field.

Also look at how the ottomans used to recruit the maddrassa teachers, they were highly qualified and professional people rather than jahils.
Unfortunately, that doesn't deny the fact that such atrocities happen regularly in madrassas.
Yes, at the same frequency as the rest of population. But secular degenerates along with their Hindutva brethren found yet another common cause to bash Islam and Pakistan's conservative zeitgeist.
Yes, at the same frequency as the rest of population. But secular degenerates along with their Hindutva brethren found yet another common cause to bash Islam and Pakistan's conservative zeitgeist.
Pakistani conservatives deserve all the bashing for giving power to these lowlife mullahs instead of Islamic scholars. Please explain how secular people are degenerates.
recall there was even a video of a mullah engaged in sex act with a child.

but I don't remember he got punished he even claims that the child drugged him to do sex.

wish TLP lynches these paedophiles with same obsession as the blasphemy accused ( even if some lynched were innocent).

madrassah are sectarian dens specially deobandy madrassahs are main source of TTP and its affiliate terror organisations

The maddrassa which are sectarian and terrorists were all state sponsored, so we should blame the secular/western governments and their secret agendas.

Regarding the sexual predators, they need to be hanged without a doubt but they continue to exist because maddrassa will recruit anyone who knows the quran even through he may have the worst character and record.

I believe all Maddrassas should be turned in to modern schools with Islamic subjects aswell as other subjects, then allow the students to become expert in one field. Same with all schools, Islamic subjects is a must so normal Pakistanis can learn about islam and wipe out these predators because then normal teachers will be qualified to teach islam.

Also we should understand in Pakistan, any child who the parent believe is quiet and slow he will be in rolled in to maddrassa whilst the intelligent will become lawyers, doctors etc. This needs to change, we need doctors who are also Alim.

This change is already happening. New updated curriculum was created but majority maddrassa still fail to follow because the leaders of the maddrassas haven't got a clue whats 2 + 2 so they are afraid they will loose their power.

Those Qari sb jokes are real?
People need to give mob justice to such sick perverts/psychos

Why are families even sending boys to live in these madrassas?
In Pakistan why can’t parents teavh their own children the basics of how to learn/read quran? Noorani qaida is easy and can be taught. Or send the kids to ladies who teach in their homes

Why send the kids to monsters??
Thats the real question….why r u sending your kid to some male u don’t know? You ask for trouble.
Do our people even have few brain cells left?
Stop feeding the molvi’s all this money to run these orphanage madrassas. Problem solved.

Normally if the parents think a child is slow at school or he is too incompetent to work, he will be sent to a maddrassa, he will recieve free education, parents will also save on his expenses etc. Now this same child will become a hafiz or maddrassa teacher so imagine his level of thinking and character. A child who failed in school subjects and he cannot even work has become the propagator of Islam, we certainly looking for trouble.
Pakistani conservatives deserve all the bashing for giving power to these lowlife mullahs instead of Islamic scholars. Please explain how secular people are degenerates.
Why would a Pakistani conservative want lowlife mullahs over educated Islamic scholars?

Both have the same purpose but one is significantly better and more productive for society
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