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Pakistani Embassy in Ukraine Provides Support to Indian students in Ukraine

Retarded Pakistanis logic. Help those that want to wipe out our people, race and nation..........brilliant!..........:disagree:
It would be better if Pakistan, after helping its own citizens, prioritizes its resources and personnel to help people from African countries and other people (from countries Pakistan is trying to build a deeper relationship with) over the Indians. Although, if Indians ask for help, Pakistan should provide it, but not prioritize it over other nations.

This is not the time to be emotional but logical. The Indian students, individually and as a group, may be grateful, and we don’t wish them I’ll, but this is a major opportunity for Pakistan to leverage its good will with Ukraine to help Africans and people from the Middle East out of Ukraine.

Also, despite the potential backlash from Russia, Pakistan should condemn the invasion at the UN, and ask for an immediate ceasefire. Pakistan needs to distinguish itself from the abstaining Indians in the minds of its trading partners, and through it, try to get out of FATF, and try to spearhead an initiative to protect the developing world from the ramifications of this crisis, which could be global famine with the inevitable shortage of fertilizer, wheat and oil/gas. If this seems too extreme and one sided, we should see how even China is backing off from supporting Russia. Russia still needs to sell its products, so the blowback from Russia on Pakistan will be mild in comparison to what a collective of the majority of Pakistan’s trading partners can do.

Also, for Pakistan, the next time India will try to attack Pakistan, the vote against the Russian invasion can be held up as proof that Pakistan prioritized principles, while India believes in might makes right. Which can be used to strengthen the cause of the Kashmiri people.

Further, any deal for Russian oil or gas via pipeline may take years to come to fruition, trade corridors through Russia will be futile for the time being, and Pakistan has lived 75 years with less then optimal relations with the Russians, a few more years until this crisis is resolved won’t make that much difference. Pakistan can try to leverage its principled position to try to get some kind of prioritized access (along with other developing countries as a collective) to markets and resources, to strengthen the effort to make it financially viable for developing countries to stand on the principles as much as the developed countries.

P.s. looks like the government has decided to abstain. Perhaps they saw better reasons then I have put forth. They weighed the pros and cons and I trust they must have felt they made a smart choice.

An interesting point about many if not most of the 35 countries that abstained could be that many of them see the prospects of the BRI as their future and Russian involvement in Eurasian integration is essential.
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Allhumdulliah we still hold Islamic values. You never stop doing the right thing , no matter what. We will crush them in war but will always help as per our Islamic values.

people who are complaining, please check yourself you guys are turning into the very thing you hate
Why are we doing this? Why wasting our resources on thankless indians? Will india ever do this for Pakistanis? Why cant we get off this chamchageeri mentality?

Bro at times we kill with kindness too. It goes to show we have got good hearts, different values and we are a great bunch. Our war is at the battle fields not in the coffee shops.
if anyone can post this in r/indiaspeaks with title "Muslim Pakistanis helping hindu Indian students abandoned by Siri Modi g"


i think zombies have more functioning brain cells than Bakhts!

more gems from yindu heaven


Pakistan embassy helping future Modi and Yogi supporters and voters :tup:
Last time they rescue 1 student somewhere and they keep on repeating for months.
This is what countries do.
These events are to collect brownie points.
Helping some would give us good marks or a deed to show how benevolent we are to indian odinary public and the world.
India has been doing this. We Pakistanis have always been hesitent in doing these type of cosmetic things. Which are also good in long run.
You must be very young.
You are always on fire. Things are not managed that way. Even in war you dont hurt innocent people.
With such thoughts you basically stand with the evil west .
Big people think big to acheive big. For saving 10,000 killing 500 is justified. The world turned a blind eye when the german Nazis were in the making. If in the 1930,s even if 1 million of them got killed that was a beneficial deal because it would have saved the world from WW2 which killed millions of people.
Putin is just cleaning up the mess caused by the so called defenders of the free world and humanity. As far the civilians getting killed that's just the inevitable cost of war and US and NATO is responsible for those not Russia. You want to save few thousand Ukrainians or the whole of Ukraine from that evil ideology. I would choose the latter.
My post is very clear, standing with the people, does not equate to standing with the state or a civilisation.
Anyone professing to take a moral stand, such as yourself, is duty bound to apply those morals across the board, and not pick and choose according to likes and dislikes.

I understand your points, but does that mean people must suffer? No, that would be wrong.
Do not make the mistake of judging me personally, discuss the point, not me as an individual.

You guys always stood beside the invaders until today, everyone who were fighting with the occupiers looks terrorists to you , when civilians were being pounded by NATO and Israeli bombers you labeled them your heroes , now your cries nothing but crocodile tears for us and many more
Us guys? It's me as an individual, no guys or group, just me.
Don't be silly and apply a whole host of labels that have nothing to do with me, come on, I know you are better then this.

Did you also stand with the people of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Kashmirs and Rohingyas?
I'm truly saddened and shocked by such a stupid question being raised by yourself, I have read your other posts, you are a good person.

I also stand with people of Ukraine but not with their savage racists.
On that statement, we stand together.
Please do not forget I live in the UK, I have experienced racism, first hand. It does not mean I spread the same hate blindly without fault. Being civilised means, having the decency to think clearly.

And what do we expect to get in return from india? For sure it would be far worse than what we get in return from afghans.
There r thousands of Pakistani students and we should help them first and if all are safe then we can think of helping others.
Come on yaar, you are changing the subject, at least stick to the point, this isn't right.
I feel where your views are coming from and to a degree, I agree. But let's keep things in perspective.
I feel your anger, but there is nothing wrong with showing a bit of compassion.
My post is very clear, standing with the people, does not equate to standing with the state or a civilisation.
Anyone professing to take a moral stand, such as yourself, is duty bound to apply those morals across the board, and not pick and choose according to likes and dislikes.

I understand your points, but does that mean people must suffer? No, that would be wrong.
Do not make the mistake of judging me personally, discuss the point, not me as an individual.
Then Mr Genius do tell me how in any war the people are not supposed to suffer??
How a mass scale implementation of evil ideology doesn't equate with a state or civilization?
Then Mr Genius do tell me how in any war the people are not supposed to suffer??
How a mass scale implementation of evil ideology doesn't equate with a state or civilization?

What's with the anger?
Do you want to clam down, relax.

Which part are you failing to understand?
Showing sympathy with someone is not the same as asking why they are suffering.

Try and understand the discussion before commenting, you're starting to get on my nerves, because your comments have nothing to do with what I said.
Please do not turn this into a silly argument.
Why are we doing this? Why wasting our resources on thankless indians? Will india ever do this for Pakistanis? Why cant we get off this chamchageeri mentality?

WE are the best of people and have to display the best of character.
This is what our prophet trained us to do.
this is what we will do.
It would be better if Pakistan, after helping its own citizens, prioritizes its resources and personnel to help people from African countries and other people (from countries Pakistan is trying to build a deeper relationship with) over the Indians. Although, if Indians ask for help, Pakistan should provide it, but not prioritize it over other nations.

This is not the time to be emotional but logical. The Indian students, individually and as a group, may be grateful, and we don’t wish them I’ll, but this is a major opportunity for Pakistan to leverage its good will with Ukraine to help Africans and people from the Middle East out of Ukraine.

Also, despite the potential backlash from Russia, Pakistan should condemn the invasion at the UN, and ask for an immediate ceasefire. Pakistan needs to distinguish itself from the abstaining Indians in the minds of its trading partners, and through it, try to get out of FATF, and try to spearhead an initiative to protect the developing world from the ramifications of this crisis, which could be global famine with the inevitable shortage of fertilizer, wheat and oil/gas. If this seems too extreme and one sided, we should see how even China is backing off from supporting Russia. Russia still needs to sell its products, so the blowback from Russia on Pakistan will be mild in comparison to what a collective of the majority of Pakistan’s trading partners can do.

Also, for Pakistan, the next time India will try to attack Pakistan, the vote against the Russian invasion can be held up as proof that Pakistan prioritized principles, while India believes in might makes right. Which can be used to strengthen the cause of the Kashmiri people.

Further, any deal for Russian oil or gas via pipeline may take years to come to fruition, trade corridors through Russia will be futile for the time being, and Pakistan has lived 75 years with less then optimal relations with the Russians, a few more years until this crisis is resolved won’t make that much difference. Pakistan can try to leverage its principled position to try to get some kind of prioritized access (along with other developing countries as a collective) to markets and resources, to strengthen the effort to make it financially viable for developing countries to stand on the principles as much as the developed countries.

Pakistan should ONLY help Pakistani, Chinese and Turkish students. To HELL with everyone else. Bar the Chinese and Turks, I have NO GOOD will for ANY foreigners. I feel NOTHING for them. Pakistan has ALWAYS been over helpful to foreigners and all we have had in return is racism, hatred and indifference. To hell with then all.
What's with the anger?
Do you want to clam down, relax.

Which part are you failing to understand?
Showing sympathy with someone is not the same as asking why they are suffering.

Try and understand the discussion before commenting, you're starting to get on my nerves, because your comments have nothing to do with what I said.
Please do not turn this into a silly argument.
Anger is because you are raising very stupid points and arguing unnecessarily.
Your sympathy whether intentional or unintentional is indirectly a criticism of Putin's actions and support of US ,NATO.
Pakistan should ONLY help Pakistani, Chinese and Turkish students. To HELL with everyone else. Bar the Chinese and Turks, I have NO GOOD will for ANY foreigners. I feel NOTHING for them. Pakistan has ALWAYS been over helpful to foreigners and all we have had in return is racism, hatred and indifference. To hell with then all.

The media is racist towards Pakistanis. Our goodwill is never reported.

Even in a BBC article about the death threat the OZ player got, no mention it was an Indian who sent it.

Our goodwill is never mentioned, if one of us does something bad, then headlines are "Pakistan has done this and that"
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