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Pakistani doctor jailed for Treason - helping a foreign intelligence agency

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When have prisons stopped the flight of great men?

"They may torture my body, break my bones, even kill me. Then they will have my dead body, but not my obedience." - Mahatma Gandhi.

please dont dishonor Gandhi by comparing this opportunist & deceiving guy. the only thing he was after was the ticket to USA and few million dollars. he didnt stage hunger strikes and roamed miles for the rights of the people of this country but actually condemned the future generations by casting a big doubt on future polio drives.

I am happy that CIA black funds wont go in his accounts.

hopefully people in the future will work with the agencies and help in apprehending people like Khalid Shaikh Mehmood, Mullah Bradar and Al Libbi etc. they are the real heros that helped in apprehending the active terrorists and actual plotters of 9/11
But isnt TTP funded by RAW/MOSSAD/CIA ???

Doesn't matter who funds it. TTP is a follower of AQ and it's ideology and that's why Bannu is something too dangerous for Dr Afridi.
More trolling? meant to demean Pakistan and Pakistan.
C'mon, you can google as well as any of us. It's sloppy reporting, that's all. Here's an example:

A tribal court here in northwestern Pakistan found the doctor, Shakil Afridi, guilty of acting against the state, said Mutahir Zeb Khan, the administrator for the Khyber tribal region. Along with the jail term, the court imposed a fine of $3,500. New York Times

And we're still waiting for your wisdom, O Mighty One.
C'mon, you can google as well as any of us. It's sloppy reporting, that's all. Here's an example:

A tribal court here in northwestern Pakistan found the doctor, Shakil Afridi, guilty of acting against the state, said Mutahir Zeb Khan, the administrator for the Khyber tribal region. Along with the jail term, the court imposed a fine of $3,500. New York Times

And we're still waiting for your wisdom, O Mighty One.

yea? and whats your point?

you advocate democracy but not the one that results in a popular vote for a leadership West has problems with
you advocate rule of law and justice but not the one where the verdict is not of your liking

whats next? problem with our belief system? believing in different God? way of life? customs? pigment of our skin .....?
the British Empire was fine with these courts why New York times is loosing sleep over this centuries old justice system?
please dont dishonor Gandhi by comparing this opportunist & deceiving guy. the only thing he was after was the ticket to USA and few million dollars. he didnt stage hunger strikes and roamed miles for the rights of the people of this country but actually condemned the future generations by casting a big doubt on future polio drives.

I am happy that CIA black funds wont go in his accounts.

hopefully people in the future will work with the agencies and help in apprehending people like Khalid Shaikh Mehmood, Mullah Bradar and Al Libbi etc. they are the real heros that helped in apprehending the active terrorists and actual plotters of 9/11

Pakistanis never protested or reacted angrily to the police commandos that were injured while nabbing the likes of KSM and Ramzi Bin al Shibh -- 2 individuals who had no right to be in Pakistan and 2 individuals whom the public is glad are off the street since they offer no benefit to Pakistan

so why do the bharti bozos and their buddy here keep trying to paint the picture as ''Pakistanis are punishing him for finding bin laden'' (which it's not even confirmed in this case; the Pentagon claims it went into A-bad not even knowing for certain that bin laden was there)

Either you do not have an idea of thing you are talking about or you are desperately trying to prove your point !

First make your mind , how are they " unreleased " if the UN has put it on its site ? :azn:

Second , and most important they speak nothing about the things that you were harping about that Pakistan does ...
I see a chapter written in western books on this dude now.. Wont be surprised if he attains the level of the likes of Mendala or Suu Kyi...
The issue, from a national security perspective, is not how he is treated in Western history, but that actions such as his (unauthorized collaboration with a foreign intelligence agency that could have been involved in anti-Pakistan activities) WILL be punished in Pakistan, in order to deter any future collaborators with foreign intelligence agencies.
Your own judiciary leave much to be desired. Idle speculation to damn Pakistan as usual from an Indian

I wonder if we should start a thread about the prisoner of Conscience and a real American hero who has been imprisoned for his selfless and heroic act of exposing the American wrong doings over the decade of war on Iraq and Afghanistan?

we need to start a tribute thread for Bradley Manning, I hope that the people of the biggest democracy in our neighborhood will join us in praising this guy who told the world the truth without any greed for money or lavish life. am I expecting too much? ;)
Pakistan pardoned AQ Khan who sold national secrets for money that could have and still may lead to millions of deaths and catastrophes!

The same yardstick could have been applied. Hurt ego is nothing compared to millions dead. Atleast in most of civilised world.
AQ Khan may have enriched himself at the cost of the nation, but he did not betray the country to another State or intelligence agency.

Completely different cases - one involved fraud, the other espionage on behalf of a foreign nation.
bad press doesnt matter....it's going on unabated for past 4-5 years now, no problem at all

those in positions of power would understand Pakistan's position, even if they don't 'appreciate' or 'like' it

Have you seen the direction of economic and security condition of Pakistan in those 4-5 years??? And then you say No problem at all .. Sheer Genius :)
yea? and whats your point?
You're right - I should have stayed focused on getting Aryan_B's argument out, rather than pay attention to his un-constructive demeaning distraction; this isn't personal.

whats next? problem with our belief system?
How do you know your expectations for the justice process haven't been distorted by your lifelong experience of Pakistani misgovernance coupled with the different perspective of Islamic legal theory?
Doesn't matter who funds it. TTP is a follower of AQ and it's ideology and that's why Bannu is something too dangerous for Dr Afridi.

If TTP and AT are both Followers of AQ, then how come one is good and one is bad ?? You are contradicting your own past stands..
we need to start a tribute thread for Bradley Manning, I hope that the people of the biggest democracy in our neighborhood will join us in praising this guy who told the world the truth without any greed for money or lavish life. am I expecting too much? ;)

Actually its " Freedom of preferred speeches " ...

Press TV was banned in Europe a few weeks ago ... Where's the damned promise of freedom of speech !

Go ahead and open a thread , It will much appreciated ... I will love to see the hypocrisy of same people there ...
The issue, from a national security perspective, is not how he is treated in Western history, but that actions such as his (unauthorized collaboration with a foreign intelligence agency that could have been involved in anti-Pakistan activities) WILL be punished in Pakistan, in order to deter any future collaborators with foreign intelligence agencies.

And I can understand this.. The only thing remaining to be seen is how strong is Pakistan's resolve to carry this thru vs how strong is the resolve of the West to make a hero out of him...
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