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Pakistani and Iranian border guards exchange fire

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Last time Iran tried to mess with Pakistan their diplomats were slaughtered like dogs it seems they have forgotten because ever since that poll came out that Pakistanis like Iran they have responded with border firings lmao. I think Pakistan should respond with escalating degrees from now on it has looked away long enough.

from now on i am following u,,,,,,,,,,,gotta learn how to say all that n not get banned or -ve rated...

Tu taliya bajata reh saala. :lol:
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It failed. Only the surface has changed. There has been no severance between our past and our present, unlike what happened in China. Just a bend.

Dude it doesnt matter. You're a brake-away state from India, created solely because of religion, under the supervision of the British. How can you even try to deny this? They decided your borders, they decided your identity, they decided to press for your existence to serve their strategic interests. They didnt gave a damn what religion you were or anything else about you or what Muslims in India thought or wanted. You were subhuman to them and they divided you because they wanted to. You were pawns to them just like half these other invented countries made-up by the French and British in the 20th century are and you dont even know it. Sad really.

Im not saying that you shouldnt have your statehood by the way or that you cant be a functioning state, but dont still be a slave of colonial British orientalism and intrigue. They lied to you, they mislead you, they divided and ruled you, and they plundered you while doing it for over 100 years and probably could still laugh all the way to the bank with what they made by ruling you before they then left you behind to kill each other in the name of religion and fight over fake borders that never existed before.

When i think about it, its actually crazy that you people try so hard to disown each other just because of religious differences when everything else you share is in common.

Would you backup all the factual inaccuracies? No they didn't decided our borders. It was decided in 1940 Pakistan would be based on which states. British only agreed to divide Hindustan late 1946, early 47 based on areas we muslims needed. Every Indian regardless of religion were subhuman to them. Would you provide an example from history, whereby a man earn the freedom of his nation solely through peaceful means, without engaging in militant activities but only through street power.? That what Genius Mohammad Ali Jinnah achieved while fighting with multiple adversaries to earn freedom for Indian muslims at that time. Search Jinnah to remove your misconceptions.

And It was very offensive to assume we were pawn in game, when the Idea for muslim majority country was conceptualized in 1930. You need to revisit your history lessons. You know zilch about our history and continue to make highly flammable accusations devoid of fact logic or what transpired in Indian subcontinent
Arab and Iranian Sunni-Shia conflict has destroyed Muslim world. Its time countries like Pakistan come to senses and focus on ways to improve their social structure, perhaps by going back to their roots. We must do what ever it takes to revive Sufism. It thought our ancestors to be peace loving.
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i don't understand one thing why the hell Iran has to interfare in other countries in the name of protecting Shias. I used to think that arabs are at fault but these Iranians freaking interfaring in every muslim country from Pakistan to Syria from Iraq to Bahrain. i don't knw what hell do they think they are to throw bombs in our country when the people who got killed by terrorists were our own people. I say to Pakistan army go hard on them and respond them with excessive force, we do it once next time they would think 100 times before bombing inside our country.​
Another unhealthy discussion and piss contest ...
If IslamAbad and Tehran are truthful, they need to seriously cooperate with each other to remove drug trafficking, terrorism, ...
But, obviously, those two government don't give a damn about the situation in that region.
that's not true

What he said is very much true - Pakistanis the emotional people should wake up and realize that in today's world it's interests of nations that matter.
i don't understand one thing why the hell Iran has to interfare in other countries in the name of protecting Shias. I used to think that arabs are at fault but these Iranians freaking interfaring in every muslim country from Pakistan to Syria from Iraq to Bahrain. i don't knw what hell do they think they are to throw bombs in our country when the people who got killed by terrorists were our own people. I say to Pakistan army go hard on them and respond them with excessive force, we do it once next time they would think 100 times before bombing inside our country.​

I don't understand this either. Although I can't tell if it's the state or the people in general. It seems some of them only regard Shia as Muslims. Their state may or may not live by that.

It's getting annoying and it reminds of Israel. On Israeli websites they post news of a French Jew who was hit by lighting during a storm. Why? It's a way to advance their interests and adapt the world to their ideology.
Another unhealthy discussion and piss contest ...
If IslamAbad and Tehran are truthful, they need to seriously cooperate with each other to remove drug trafficking, terrorism, ...
But, obviously, those two government don't give a damn about the situation in that region.

That's very much true - Both govt. collectively have enough influence that they can stop the drugs at source (aka Afghanistan) but don't bother to do joint effort. Same is the case with terrorism.
RIP , it is the baloch terrorists who condone these horrible acts yet it is the indian pakistanis or the people from tebriz and azerbaijan who have to pay for this with their lives
What he said is very much true - Pakistanis the emotional people should wake up and realize that in today's world it's interests of nations that matter.

Sir, I always speak the truth. Though we may have our differences, but I always hate to see foreigner insulting any South Asian ethnic group/nation
Pakistan has rarely responded with force, though that might change soon.
Bro Iran is not interested to shoot into Pakistan border, but terrorists from Pakistan bother Iranians.
Even more terrorists come to Iran from Pakistan compared with Afghanistan.
Last time Iran tried to mess with Pakistan their diplomats were slaughtered like dogs it seems they

Your terrorists captured 4 Iranian soldiers.
i don't understand one thing why the hell Iran has to interfare in other countries in the name of protecting Shias. I used to think that arabs are at fault but these Iranians freaking interfaring in every muslim country from Pakistan to Syria from Iraq to Bahrain. i don't knw what hell do they think they are to throw bombs in our country when the people who got killed by terrorists were our own people. I say to Pakistan army go hard on them and respond them with excessive force, we do it once next time they would think 100 times before bombing inside our country.​

It is good to kill terrorists not just for Iran but for Pakistan.
Fighting against terrorists may save more Muslim lives.
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i don't understand one thing why the hell Iran has to interfare in other countries in the name of protecting Shias. I used to think that arabs are at fault but these Iranians freaking interfaring in every muslim country from Pakistan to Syria from Iraq to Bahrain. i don't knw what hell do they think they are to throw bombs in our country when the people who got killed by terrorists were our own people. I say to Pakistan army go hard on them and respond them with excessive force, we do it once next time they would think 100 times before bombing inside our country.
Iran have no Grim Trouble (except sanctions), their Border Guards enjoy Firing our borders often (in free time) and Iranin Gov wont have any problem with it

This is what I mean. There's is soooo much blind hostility I see from some Iranians, it is ridiculous.
My country has a million and one things wrong with it. But I have hope for it because we are actually fighting to change it.
My country was forced into fighting a war that was inevitable from our end, though I don't expect you or ANY other foreign fella to understand it.
But in Iran, it's the opposite, you aren't fighting your demons, some of you folks have this thought in your head that everything is peachy and perfect.... It is not.
There's this ultra-nationalism, with a sectarian colour, a hint of conspiracy, a hatred and mistrust for the outside world.
Your foreign policy, international relations are all very backward.
Mark my words, we will soon defeat our demons, if Iran doesn't change, you won't fight yours.
I agree, Pakistani identity is even in question for today.progressing beyond a discriminatory view of the world. We are the Muslims of Hindustan, the Muslims towards the west. We're a mixing pot. But the fact that we are now not holding anything sacred and now.
Even if we have no solid history to fall back on, we've proven resilient. I may have a million and one objections to Pakistanis. But the idea of Pakistan is now a tested fortress.
We have a real shot at fulfilling our potential as a nation.
Thats why you are called Jungibaaz. Perfect Answer .....
Iran always seems to be in self destruct mode when it comes to international relations.
They are living in Persian Empire of Past, they dont wont to accept new realities of the modern world........

u forgot that urdu has its roots in India,,,it is as much ours as it is urs
Who denied....
Bro Iran is not interested to shoot into Pakistan border, but terrorists from Pakistan bother Iranians.
Even more terrorists come to Iran from Pakistan compared with Afghanistan.

Your terrorists captured 4 Iranian soldiers.

It is good to kill terrorists not just for Iran but for Pakistan.
Fighting against terrorists may save more Muslim lives.

did those cross border bombing killed any terrorists?? No they did not and even if there were terrorists no,country allows any other country to bomb someone inside its own territory so a friendly suggestion to Iran would be to stop it or you'll make another enemy for yourself in the region where you are already surrounded but countries who not so friendly with you guys.

I don't understand this either. Although I can't tell if it's the state or the people in general. It seems some of them only regard Shia as Muslims. Their state may or may not live by that.

It's getting annoying and it reminds of Israel. On Israeli websites they post news of a French Jew who was hit by lighting during a storm. Why? It's a way to advance their interests and adapt the world to their ideology.
all they are doing is creating more problems for themselves by interfaring in other countries. They should stick to there own country.
did those cross border bombing killed any terrorists?? No they did not and even if there were terrorists no,country allows any other country to bomb someone inside its own territory so a friendly suggestion to Iran would be to stop it or you'll make another enemy for yourself in the region where you are already surrounded but countries who not so friendly with you guys.

all they are doing is creating more problems for themselves by interfaring in other countries. They should stick to there own country.
I think if any country was in Iran place up to now sent thousands troops in Pakistan.
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