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hahaha a simple catch dropped by yuvruj....that could mean the one he took earlier was a fluke
Unbelievable.....yuvraj drops a sitter now.....what is this? Compensation for the last one
Well lets wait and watch. You may just be in for a suprise.


We'll see. I guess the obsession for the Ashes has cost the Brits the match against the Dutch. I hope Pakistan take out all their anger of the last two losses against England. I hope for another humiliation.
No,he is gone....stumped....great one.....i didn't notice it first....what now?
You may have some bitter ash in your mouth if you underestimate us.


Don't you worry Brit. Your arrogance will cost you dearly just like against The Netherlands. We don't underestimate anyone. We don't focus on one particular series or team unlike England. I just hope we can settle the score tomorrow. Perhaps teach you a lesson not to be arrogant. Arrogance is the mother of all evil. I'm glad the Dutch have brought you back to earth.
Don't you worry Brit. Your arrogance will cost you dearly just like against The Netherlands.

We wait and see my friend from Asia (cant call you the equivalent of Brit). You may just get your backside kicked out from the World Cup.


Till then appreciate the Indian effort and also remember how wrong you were about the Indian bowling line up today.
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