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:pakistan::toast_sign: We love you Pakistan mashallah you made us so proud our hearts are with you always! :yahoo::victory::chilli::pakistan:
Stand up, Stand up, for the champions, for the champions... stand up :D

Where is Sir Fatman? He's the biggest supporter of cricket in this thread...:)
congratulations to our team. Its been too long since a victory came our way. I can't believe it man. Seriously when nations refused to even play with Pakistan, we showed them that we are still alive as a nation and we achieved what many thought to be impossible specially for a team who started by 2 losses.
Congratulations to all my brothers and sisters, We've done it! And this time, the whole world was watching! The conditions didn't suit us, the turmoil came in our way, but our brave young men of Pakistan Cricket Team have given us a reason to lift our heads up high with pride and joy ONE more time!

Our team hasn't played for sometime whole year. AMAZING, we won our CHAMPION!

Most importantly games below:

Defeat New Zealand
Defeat Ireland
Defeat undefeated South Afrid

At last, defeat undefeated Sri Lanka.

Thanks to Allah for taught us to be patient. :pakistan:
We had to win each and every game after we lost to SL in the super eights. We did it!

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I believe the fast short balls by Amir in the first over were the undoing of the SL team. It took them 6 wickets to settle in after that.

Great fight from them though. A truly deserving and meaningful second place.

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