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Pakistan was created on the basis of group nationalism and not religion

I really dont know how he made it to think tank it's really surprising for me!!!

As long as you are Secular and bash every muslim for being "Islamican" who dislikes Jinnah you can become a Thinktank. ;)
I don't dislike Jinnah he gave us a place to live I just don't like these liberals who wants to impose their western agenda here in Pakistan plus they target our religion Pakistan can only survive if we implement Islam as a system and follow the sunnah of holy prophet P.B.U.H
The Islamists fiercely opposed the idea of Pakistan, their main concern, a secular individual with a multi-sect party was going to become the leader of Pakistan.

They of course thought of themselves as the leaders and acted as if they were divinely guided. But alas the divine intervention never came whereby they were selected as the leaders so they went silent for a while and moved to Pakistan.

This is when they thought of highjacking the entire nation using religion, their business tool and unfortunately our country fell to their deception.

They have caused immense harm to Pakistan even when they have had power and they continue to talk about religion but their interest is one thing. To gain power and dominate the others through it.

These people are nothing but deceptive creatures that the Prophet (SAW) talked about in his life time.
I don't dislike Jinnah he gave us a place to live I just don't like these liberals who wants to impose their western agenda here in Pakistan plus they target our religion Pakistan can only survive if we implement Islam as a system and follow the sunnah of holy prophet P.B.U.H

And what if I oppose you implementing your Islam as a system in Pakistan.

What happens then?
And what if I oppose you implementing your Islam as a system in Pakistan.

What happens then?
Then I will resist you with e erything that I have in me it's not a choice t faz it's my deen Quran says to prophet P.B.U.H "qul inusalat wa nosakey wa Mahayayha wa mamati" so this is our duty don't try to rationalize the matter of hearts

---------- Post added at 02:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:05 AM ----------

Then I will resist you with e erything that I have in me it's not a choice t faz it's my deen Quran says to prophet P.B.U.H "qul inusalat wa nosakey wa Mahayayha wa mamati" so this is our duty don't try to rationalize the matter of hearts

---------- Post added at 02:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:05 AM ----------


Resist what exactly.

All I will do is advocate a democracy where tolerance, equality, peace and progress is our core concern.

Can I do that openly with asking for a nation where caste, creed or religion does not matter.

Similarly, can we have female leaders or leaders from minority sect/religion.
T-Faz, I personally don't mind seeing a secular Pakistan, but seeing that the 4 provinces have nothing in common but a strong bond of religion, I think being the "Islamic Republic of Pakistan" would be in the best interest of Pakistan's stability & its very existence. A lot of things changed after 1971. Pakistan had to make sure that no other part of Pakistan would follow Bangladesh's route. One of the reasons we don't see ethnic separatist movements like "secular" India does is because we have the religion that binds us together, something even greater & personal than ethnicity & culture. However, I endorse a moderate Islamic view that we have been seeing till before Zia's time, the kind in which women & minorities are respected, & given full rights & representation in every field of life. Talibanism is a disease that must be rooted out of Pakistan, & appreciate the struggles to eliminating this menace.
R u asking from a Shiria pov???? Well I can answer hazart bibi Ayesha sadeeqa did lead musilims once in a battle but let's not talk about that battle to be very exact in answering you no a female can't lead the believers and I will resist imposing western democracy and western rules in Pakistan but please not the way talibans are doing they are doing quite the opposite of what Islam teaches
Islam makes us a family t faz don't go outside the family because u got impressed by sum pseudo intellectual god promises Muslim in quran that one day I shall give rise to my religion dont be on the wrong side that day brother be among ur brothers
Things u mention t faz Islam gave us these thing 1400 years ago but we unfortunately we lost the way and got involved in other stuff
Mutee isn't your avatar basically haram because it shows a person playing the guitar which is haram?
And you also claim to have a gf yet you want a Caliphate where you will probably get lashes for your unislamic behaviour of having a girlfriend.
These people are nothing but deceptive creatures that the Prophet (SAW) talked about in his life time.

Did not bother much about your rest of your comment because you are speaking out of ignorance and denial.
And Yes Prophet Mohammed PBUH also said : “If anyone sees in his Ameer something that displeases him let him
remain patient, for behold! He who separates himself from the
Sultan (authority of Islam) by even so much as a hand span and
dies thereupon, he has died the death of Jahiliyyah.”
it is but again I am a sinner and a lesser man did I ask you to follow me ? Follow GOD and his rasool SAW I am just like you maybe even worse
Resist what exactly.

All I will do is advocate a democracy where tolerance, equality, peace and progress is our core concern.

And islam does not have that Quality right?
Similarly, can we have female leaders or leaders from minority sect/religion.
We had BB as a leader what good did she do?
And Prophet Mohammed PBUH said: “People who appoint (Wallaow) a women as their leader will never

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