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Pakistan warns Turkey: Don’t make our mistakes

It still wasn't anywhere near as catastrophic as in Libya, Yemen or Egypt. There are terrorist cells there but no armed insurgencies.
tunisia today is better than before the revolution ? everyone knows the answer
Yes Turkey should only defend her borders and avoid any involvement in neighboring countries. It doesn't work and divides public opinion.
Wasn't the initial reason to change government in Syria just to facilitate a gas pipeline from GCC to Europe? GCC benefits from this by exporting gas to a new market while Europe benefit by decreasing reliance on Russian gas. The reason why Russia is committed to keeping Assad is because they are afraid of losing European markets for GCC. And it also explains why GCC countries are also committed to removing Assad. The reason is not some "baby killing" as that Yzd Khalifa guy and other Saudis on this forum keep telling on this forum. Turkey on the other was counting on US to remove Assad as US did with Libya and Iraq for their own reasons but Russian opposition stopped US from doing it. Now Turkey is in a dilemma. It can't stop what it started but at the same time, it has an unstable terrorist heaven right next to it. Unlike what some members say, Turkey is not immune to violence. Their decision to let terrorist roam free thinking that terrorist would spare them for that was their biggest mistake as South East Turkey is being dragged into the war every passing day .
Wasn't the initial reason to change government in Syria just to facilitate a gas pipeline from GCC to Europe? GCC benefits from this by exporting gas to a new market while Europe benefit by decreasing reliance on Russian gas. The reason why Russia is committed to keeping Assad is because they are afraid of losing European markets for GCC. And it also explains why GCC countries are also committed to removing Assad. The reason is not some "baby killing" as that Yzd Khalifa guy and other Saudis on this forum keep telling on this forum. Turkey on the other was counting on US to remove Assad as US did with Libya and Iraq for their own reasons but Russian opposition stopped US from doing it. Now Turkey is in a dilemma. It can't stop what it started but at the same time, it has an unstable terrorist heaven right next to it. Unlike what some members say, Turkey is not immune to violence. Their decision to let terrorist roam free thinking that terrorist would spare them for that was their biggest mistake as South East Turkey is being dragged into the war every passing day .

The nitty gritties of it all, is now unimportant since the situation has grown to become much larger than a pipeline or a few billion dollars. It has grown into a giant sink-hole sucking in those who created it to benefit themselves one way or the other. Turks thought it is going to be easy and a cake walk to overthrow a government and install a Turkish puppet instead. They are now finding out, the fire they set to the region can blow both ways.
The nitty gritties of it all, is now unimportant since the situation has grown to become much larger than a pipeline or a few billion dollars. It has grown into a giant sink-hole sucking in those who created it to benefit themselves one way or the other. Turks thought it is going to be easy and a cake walk to overthrow a government and install a Turkish puppet instead. They are now finding out, the fire they set to the region can blow both ways.
Why do you think they are still interested in taking out Assad? It seems US already has given up but GCC is still quite obsessed although I don't see the point anymore except countries like Saudi can decrease Iranian influence in their doorsteps by removing Assad. Just don't see the economic benefit of it. And you are wrong about oil pipeline. It's not a "nitty gritty" because both Europe and GCC can benefit from it in the long-term.
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Why do you think they are still interested in taking out Assad? It seems US already has given up but GCC is still quite obsessed although I don't see the point anymore except countries like Saudi can decrease Iranian influence in their doorsteps by removing Assad. Just don't see the economic benefit of it. And you are wrong about oil pipeline. It's not a "nitty gritty" because both Europe and GCC can benefit from it in the long-term.

For Saudis, it is to spite Iran. For Turks it was to "recreate" the Ottoman "glory".

The oil is already flowing through ships. The economic benefit to make a pipeline and replace ships is not that great to cause such a havoc. This sink-hole is another Afghanistan on the doorsteps of EU. Even gas can be transported quite economically via LNG tankers. The economic benefit you are talking about is not that huge to justify all of it.

This is an ideological battle of multi-dimensional facets. Iran vs. US, Russia vs. US, Iran vs. Saudis, Islamist Turks vs. Secular Turks, Turks vs. Kurds etc etc. Already some shifts have occurred in the past several months. US has shifted its position with regard to both Syria and Iran. Saudis have now a new battleground to manage in Yemen for a very very long time which will sap their strengths and their will to continue challenging Iran. Turks will increasingly start to introspect on their failed policies and leave the international scene to be managed by other powers. Russia and China will grow closer to counter new American designs. A new balance will reach before the end of this year, which will determine the future of all these actors. The losers in this new balance are now quite obvious as are its winners evident.
It was inevtiable that Turkey would get dragged into this conflict unfortunatly. Im surprised Turkey was able to stay out for so long.
Turkey is one of the country which did every thing in her power to follow and obey satan in destroying Syria and making Arab women prostitute and making children orphaned .
Allah says in the holy Quran they plan and Allah plan and Allah is best of planner May Allah destroy you and your generation and curse of Allah and his beloved messenger saw and his companion and his family be on your .
Were bombs exploding in Turkey a year ago? Were Turkish soldiers getting killed?

Yes, Turkey was supporting terror in Syria and that is where the bombs were exploding. Now chickens are coming home to roost.
If that terrorists want we can PRUNE them for their health, like Putin said !
The most of them are Zerdust and non PRUNED
Yes, Turkey was supporting terror in Syria and that is where the bombs were exploding. Now chickens are coming home to roost.

Turkey was supporting Terror in Syria? This is coming from Iran with their god knows how many proxy terrorist organisations and their support for a brutal dictator. Fvcking love he morons like these actually use the terms "Support" and "Terrorisme" so freely with knowing what it stands for.
Turkey is one of the country which did every thing in her power to follow and obey satan in destroying Syria and making Arab women prostitute and making children orphaned .
Allah says in the holy Quran they plan and Allah plan and Allah is best of planner May Allah destroy you and your generation and curse of Allah and his beloved messenger saw and his companion and his family be on your .

You deserve a negative rating and a thread ban imo.
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