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Pakistan warns Turkey: Don’t make our mistakes


Sir I can't believe my eyes what I read, You are right. Thank you. I embrace you. How could you Change in 24 hours :cheers:


Even though my post sounded offensive to you and other turks on this board---what upset me the most and I was mad that turkey fell into the same trap that Pakistan fell into---the trap set up by the western media.

Let me give you an example----America says that they give 1 billion dollars in aid to Pakistan---did you guys know that it is not an aid---.

This is how it s titled---but this is the money that Pakistani military spent to deploy its troops on the afghan border to kill the al qaeda escaping from Afghanistan because the U S decided to go in AFG without any ground troops from day one.

Now we spend the money out of our poor pockets---basically lending it to the u s for one year---then their accountants look at it---knit pick it and then release the funds----.

It does not take into account the loss of business we have in Pakistan due to this support of the U S war in AFG---and it is above a 100 billion dollars by now---.

But what do we get from the media----" it is free money---we are paying the paks---they are on our payroll---they are beggars---whatever "---it happened just because our leader of that time did not correct the term being used and the western media uses every opportunity to lambast us.

Today---there are 3 muslim powers left---it would have been two only if Sisi would not have succeeded---Morsi would have become radical and U S would have smashed it as well.

After the supposed downfall of Syria---Pakistan was up next---its fangs to be taken out----U S was mad on one side---and china mad on the other side---but lucky for Pakistan isis came into being and the plans of the powers to be were stopped in their tracks.

This drama started with the capture and execution of Osama Bin Laden----and why would the U S need to smash the image of Pakistan---it was prepping up its nationals for the coming conflict with Pakistan---but isis threw a monkey wrench in the plans.

It is a tragedy that this organization has been a monster in Syria and Iraq---but if it was not for their existence---the value of Pakistan's power and influence in the region would have been neutralized.

But let us just assume that the U S did not have those intention---then what was the need to smash Pakistan on the Osama issue----what did the U S gain out of it all---other than bad blood between the two---nothing---zilch---nada.

The illusion of alliance with the U S has disappeared---it is just for the benefit of the U S that Pakistan is an ally---otherwise---china has finally realized that Pakistan is going to be its partner / satellite state like the U S has great britain.

He is psychologically weak.

Well---thank you---that is another way to look at it.
Pakistani ISI initially played this game for a few years after the invasion of Afghanistan by USA but later on the Americans understood the game, stepped up pressure and Pak Military succumbed to their pressure so much so that they allowed droning of their own land which led to thousands of Pakistani civilians' death, gradually the entire country of Pakistan has been weakened and destabilized.

They could be setting up a trap for Turkey, I'm not saying it will happen but just think of this - NATO country bombs a NATO backed Kurds that sees them far more threat than ISIS where they stood in their borders for two years with no tone, that speaks the volume here so it is obvious Turkey was pressured by the US to get involved in the war.

Then you have ISIS who threatened Turkey if they ever attacked them so dealing with Kurds inside the mainland and outside the mainland and ISIS at the same time is a very ugly combination.

The only wise solution in this confusing situation is not to attack IS and not allow US army/AF use Turkish military facilities at any cost. There is a glaring example of what this may lead to in Pakistan, for the life of me I don't want that to happen to Turkey. It will be immensely foolish for Turkey to allow the Americans in.

As of now, IS is not an enemy of Turkey. Rather IS and Turkey have common interest in finishing off the kurds.
Pakistani ISI initially played this game for a few years after the invasion of Afghanistan by USA but later on the Americans understood the game, stepped up pressure and Pak Military succumbed to their pressure so much so that they allowed droning of their own land which led to thousands of Pakistani civilians' death, gradually the entire country of Pakistan has been weakened and destabilized.

They could be setting up a trap for Turkey, I'm not saying it will happen but just think of this - NATO country bombs a NATO backed Kurds that sees them far more threat than ISIS where they stood in their borders for two years with no tone, that speaks the volume here so it is obvious Turkey was pressured by the US to get involved in the war.

Then you have ISIS who threatened Turkey if they ever attacked them so dealing with Kurds inside the mainland and outside the mainland and ISIS at the same time is a very ugly combination.

The only wise solution in this confusing situation is not to attack IS and not allow US army/AF use Turkish military facilities at any cost. There is a glaring example of what this may lead to in Pakistan, for the life of me I don't want that to happen to Turkey. It will be immensely foolish for Turkey to allow the Americans in.

As of now, IS is not an enemy of Turkey. Rather IS and Turkey have common interest in finishing off the kurds.


No---it was not ISI that did the drama---it was the U S military. Pakistan's problem was that it did not know how to play the media as the U S military did.

People who don't know the region are surprised that a military power like the U S had no troops CAPABLE to FIGHT at that ALTITUDE---I mean to say we are talking about 8000---10000---12000---15000 feet mountains.

When Pak military deployed its troops in that region and struck the al Qaeda and Taliban----they escaped back into afganistan----and the americans never secured the afghan border on their side---and the terrorists will escape and to this day they still do.

Al Qaeda was responsible for the death of 3000 americans on 9/11---but the way the americans fought this war----it was basically acting clueless and did not know where to start----and as they did not know where to start----the rest got fcked up royally.
Pakistan Forces are accomodated to Himalaya conditions. They are good fighters.
It is too late for that now. Iran had warned Turkey much before this. In 2012 to be exact (from the same website):

I wished Turkey had listened to advice of Iran and Pakistan. Instead of trying to make America happy.
I'm glad Turkey has a brother country like Pakistan who worries about Turkey although we are miles away.

Do you agree with the article? I know you are extremely anti kurdish and shia but I want to know if you do understand whats being advised in the article. I couldnt read the whole thing because I was kind of shocked by your response.

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