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Pakistan warns Turkey: Don’t make our mistakes

@Czar786 Allah (CC) is only with the brave and true believing and not perverted !
GEZI movement will again HAPPEN, but now against this basely terrorists.
You never will know how Turkish People think and will react
The situation of Pakistan is very different to Turkey. In 80's, USSR invasion in Afghanistan was forced on Pakistan to survive, and exactly what Pakistan it could to make do with little untapped resource to defend against USSR. Little did we know the resource would be tapped and expanded in multitude, that it would crashing down on Pakistan eventually.

Pakistan is addressing terrorism which may take little while. Turkey, on the other hand, is asking for trouble instead of staying out of the trouble. Again, many would say it is better to finish the source of terrorism from within than to allow them to grow and and eventually defend the grown terrorism at border. Just hope it doesn't backfire on Turkey considering Turkey is amongst a few sanest Muslim nations left. Pakistan needs sanest Muslim nations, not promoter sectarian-war nations [Iran+Arabia] as they are doomed and inflicting their doomsday on the rest of Muslim world.
I have slightly different point of view. war is already at gates of turkey. how long can they isolate them selves? even if ISIS is defeated there are thousands of fundamentalists who will attack any one just to fulfil their lust for human blood.
by taking a leading role turkey can put their armed forces through paces.

one lesson from Pakistan which is being overlooked here is that Pakistani military is far deadlier force today than what it was before the beginning of the conflict.
new training schools have been set up. new technologies being adopted. intelligence is at its sharpest today. not to count hundreds of thousands of battle hardened soldiers who can give night mare to any one.

war is bad, avoid it ... but if it is un avoidable... make most of it...
and while every one is worried about ISIS, no body is taking on that thug al assad who now controls around 20 % of territory but have caused hundreds of thousands of deaths ....
Syria was fine four years ago. A harsh dictatorship yes but life mostly went on as normal. Turkey, the US, the GCC and Europe claim they were concerned about the Syrian people but how can fostering such chaos have helped them in any way?
Concerned about Syrian people by supporting Alqaeda!!! Looool who they think they make fun of.

Turkey is going to take part in the coming Mosul operation.
Where did you read that?.

I thought only Iraqis going to do it.

Turkey wants the US army on their side in Syria and Iraq because of Iran. If the US is with us on the ground. Iran won't make the mistake of doing something wrong.
Doing what in Iraq?.
This all mess seems to be a very bad idea. I think it will most likely to turn back at us.

Lets not forget that all those 'jihadists' daily jerk off to the idea of Turkey declaring a caliphate...

The all case is like full of delusions. What the **** are we even doing in Syria? Why the **** do we have connections with Hamas?

How come does doing all of these fit in our interests? How do they serve us exactly?

Are we gonna like, invade a part of Syria, down to the borders of Israel and Lebanon?

What are we actually gonna do with Syria?

We should also note that the US has gotten us into this mess. Why not do nothing and instead let the US do w/e they want? We have a huge \g trade deficit. Our unemployment rose to 10.7%...

And are we also gonna keep wasting tax-payers' money on useless smelly uneducated jihadists? For what exactly?

If US wants, it could easily remove Assad from his position. Just bomb the shit out of Damascus and the mission is over.

They dragged us to this point and now watching us from a distance with the rest of the world, looking us with degrading eyes.. We really should just sit on our borders and watch the scene played by whoever wanna play what there.

Agreed 100%. Plz do not get dragged into this mess or else it will turn back on you as the history always tell. Just safe guard you border with syria and watch from a distance if it is not practically hurting you. Hope our brothers in Turkey understand this as early as possible.
Agreed 100%. Plz do not get dragged into this mess or else it will turn back on you as the history always tell. Just safe guard you border with syria and watch from a distance if it is not practically hurting you. Hope our brothers in Turkey understand this as early as possible.


It was just a matter of time----they dragged themselves into the muck. They made terrible choices---and now it is crunch time.

In another thread---I bashed the turks hard---but when I saw the reaction from European media---I don't need to say anything more.
The reaction of European Media is cause they are scared about Terror attacks from PKK and IS in their countries. Nothing more.
Turkey is our friendly country and they call us Millet i Indi.

The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee has extended his greetings and felicitations to the Government and people of the Republic of Turkey on the eve of the National Day of theRepublic of Turkey (October 29, 2014).
In his message toH.E. Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the President of the Republic of Turkey,the President has said, "On behalf of the Government and the people of India and on my own behalf, I have the pleasure to extend my warm greetings and felicitations to you and to the Government and the people of Turkey on the occasion of your National Day.

It is a matter of satisfaction that the deep-rooted relations between our two countries continue to be marked by friendship, mutual understanding and cooperation. I am confident that our bilateral relations will further diversify and deepen with the passage of time to the mutual benefit of the people of our two countries.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration and my best wishes for your good health and well-being, as well as for the welfare and prosperity of the friendly people of the Republic of Turkey”.
mate thats a standard format... infact microsoft office has got a feature for president of India. its called mail merge. :coffee:
Assad won't stay. The US will loose Turkey as an ally if they do. Eventually, Turkey has to take military action with or without the US army. I think Turkey realized they have to do it themselves without help. One difference between Pakistan and Turkey is that we have a huge army with most advanced tech in the region. If we are cornered we can punch well beyond Syria if we have to. It won't come to that if the FSA is successful. The FSA army is getting trained as we speak.

Agreed, Conventionally Turkey is better equipped backed by a more developed military industry, more over the advantage to Turkey is that in Pakistan's case, Afghanistan was an extremely inhospitable terrain-known as graveyard of empires, where 28 countries of NATO and United States failed miserably- thus Pakistan would have been trapped if it would have sent its forces in hot pursuit into Afghanistan , while Syrian terrain is a bit different, and Turkey could easily enter it to engage IS or PKK or other terrorist organization and Syrian army doesn't stand a chance infront of Turkish army !!! Good luck with everything a head, hopefully Turkey will crush any attempt to spill the conflict over to its side !!!
The reaction of European Media is cause they are scared about Terror attacks from PKK and IS in their countries. Nothing more.


That is what the European media is not doing---. What they are doing is to smash the image of a muslim nation----they will not miss any opportunity to humiliate and degrade a muslim country out of contempt and venom they have against the turks or Pakistan or Egypt.
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