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Pakistan warns Turkey: Don’t make our mistakes

Assad won't stay. The US will loose Turkey as an ally if they do. Eventually, Turkey has to take military action with or without the US army. I think Turkey realized they have to do it themselves without help. One difference between Pakistan and Turkey is that we have a huge army with most advanced tech in the region. If we are cornered we can punch well beyond Syria if we have to. It won't come to that if the FSA is successful. The FSA army is getting trained as we speak.

You can, we will support you behind your back. We never forget when you are there for us during our difficult times, so you are not alone.

Turkey should just create buffer zones in the north and let the rebels spam Damascus with everything they have. If FSA is successful then great. If not then all that has to be done is to keep feeding the rebel manpower so that there is a permenantly frozen conflict that the Syrian regime will be forced to fight. Let them vomit blood until they decide it's enough or let them bleed out.
Turkey wants the US army on their side in Syria and Iraq because of Iran. If the US is with us on the ground. Iran won't make the mistake of doing something wrong.

Turkey should not actively take part in the Mosul op. We should do as we are doing now: training and supplying the Sunni forces that are going to fight there. Only after the conflict should Turkey consider sending a task force there to ensure that Sunnis are treated properly and show other countries that Turkey won't be isolated from important events

Turkey should not actively take part in the Mosul op. We should do as we are doing now: training and supplying the Sunni forces that are going to fight there. Only after the conflict should Turkey consider sending a task force there to ensure that Sunnis are treated properly and show other countries that Turkey won't be isolated from important events
I think that too. I was talking about a scenario if we take part in that op. We should take supportive role and train local Syrians and Iraqi people.
I'm more intrigued as to what Turkey will do with the refugee influx that will happen towards her borders...


I hope our leaders aren't stupid enough to send in the Turkish Army to fight in Mosul...imagine what would happen after. More likely than not our armed forces would be subject to attacks by Shia militias funded by ,Ir-oops, other nations.
Turkey's stability is paramount for our shared long term Central Asian goals. At this stage all Turkey has to do is to sit on its bum and feed refugees. Don't engage in combat unless its for your own interests like rescue of those OKK operatives.

Considering the level of coop between ISI and MiT, im sure they have tactical advice handy from our end.
I'm glad Turkey has a brother country like Pakistan who worries about Turkey although we are miles away.
Unfortunately they can't avoid it they have to face and be part of it
To be fair the Arab Spring did turn out okay in Tunisia.
middle east! not north africa.

Assad won't stay. The US will loose Turkey as an ally if they do. Eventually, Turkey has to take military action with or without the US army. I think Turkey realized they have to do it themselves without help. One difference between Pakistan and Turkey is that we have a huge army with most advanced tech in the region. If we are cornered we can punch well beyond Syria if we have to. It won't come to that if the FSA is successful. The FSA army is getting trained as we speak.
yes it can be but again yr ignoring the history of what happened exactly 100 years ago. U will be able to invade them but sustaining the invasion will be difficult. What happened 100 years ago will happen again more unnecessary bloodshed.

Turkey should just create buffer zones in the north and let the rebels spam Damascus with everything they have. If FSA is successful then great. If not then all that has to be done is to keep feeding the rebel manpower so that there is a permenantly frozen conflict that the Syrian regime will be forced to fight. Let them vomit blood until they decide it's enough or let them bleed out.
but, what will happen after that? Learn from our experiences.
we need a leader in foreign affairs like inonu who burned qurans in internal affairs. America and his friends hell fire citizens' dogs are about to operate musul. They will give petrol areas to kurds if we enter or not. We must hide our rights.
Turkey has been successful when it comes to the Kurds.
Pakistan was successful with the Afghan Taliban. If 9/11never happened, of OBL successfully linked up with Ahmed Shah Masood, the Afghan Taliban would probably be in full control of Afghanistan.

This is not about success, it is about consequence. If the Afghan Taliban succeeded, they would have turned on Pakustan anyway. We saw the signs in the late 90s when the Taliban refused to recognize the Pakistan Afghan border and threatened to use force in order to keep I open.
We can't make Pakistan's mistakes as the whole situation and Turkey's approach to the situation is entirely different.

So no worries Pakistani bros. :cheers:
Assad won't stay. The US will loose Turkey as an ally if they do. Eventually, Turkey has to take military action with or without the US army. I think Turkey realized they have to do it themselves without help. One difference between Pakistan and Turkey is that we have a huge army with most advanced tech in the region. If we are cornered we can punch well beyond Syria if we have to. It won't come to that if the FSA is successful. The FSA army is getting trained as we speak.
This all mess seems to be a very bad idea. I think it will most likely to turn back at us.

Lets not forget that all those 'jihadists' daily jerk off to the idea of Turkey declaring a caliphate...

The all case is like full of delusions. What the **** are we even doing in Syria? Why the **** do we have connections with Hamas?

How come does doing all of these fit in our interests? How do they serve us exactly?

Are we gonna like, invade a part of Syria, down to the borders of Israel and Lebanon?

What are we actually gonna do with Syria?

We should also note that the US has gotten us into this mess. Why not do nothing and instead let the US do w/e they want? We have a huge \g trade deficit. Our unemployment rose to 10.7%...

And are we also gonna keep wasting tax-payers' money on useless smelly uneducated jihadists? For what exactly?

If US wants, it could easily remove Assad from his position. Just bomb the shit out of Damascus and the mission is over.

They dragged us to this point and now watching us from a distance with the rest of the world, looking us with degrading eyes.. We really should just sit on our borders and watch the scene played by whoever wanna play what there.
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