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Pakistan-US hold consultations over strategic defence dialogue: ISPR

Asking Hazrat
I don't know about that but I have been saying this for long time. There is no way we are delivering Afghan deal with out getting anything in return. So expecting two or three squadrons of F-16 are a natural thing.
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Well, I am hoping, way is coming out for Pakistan to get better relationship with other powerful countries and get the issues resolved which are still pending specially in case of USA.
Afghan peace is crucial for regional peace and it will end up India's proxy war elements against Pakistan.
There is a little hope of some new and pending agreement with USA might become mature.
Yes proliferation of arms may be one of the reasons behind US policy against China but geography too as well as other types of proliferation plays a key role in this case as well. This is compounded in CPEC which is a way for China to escape the suffocating ring of defenses which the US has built in the Pacific via the island nations.
Through CPEC they will have an alternative route of security of their trade and ability to project but it still isn't the best option for them. This is what the US sees and knows is going to happen via Pakistan or other routes such as the Artic and others. Now whats going to be key here is what actions the US is going to take in regards to Pakistan and especially at this key moment of time when CPEC is slowing down.

I never understand how CPEC will protect Chinese trade. US Navy can shut down any trade from Gwadar
There used to be a time when at the South Asian desk no Indian was given any top ranking post not to offend Pakistan feelings and Obama decided to forgoes that and also no visit to India was undertaken without visiting Pakistan too.
If US decided to change the goal posts and decided to court India and wanted to put Pakistan into 3rd tier then US have made their decisions and we need to learn to look after our own interests too. We want friendship with all the countries in the world and it does includes US, but clock can't be turned back when our sacrifices on WOT were tarnished and India was deliberately given role in Afghanistan to put us down. Thanks to Allah we stood steadfast and our nation almost won the evil war which was imposed on us by US/Indian nexus and we are rising up again at the world stage after paying the horrendous cost.
We don't need any military alliance and our establishment must stay out of all this crap as they took us into this WOT in the first place pressure or no pressure for some weapons like embargoed gun ships or few used F 16 planes again or some kick backs. They refused to sell us Apache while India was courted to buy from them and those times of double standards must be avoided and have some respect for ourselves. We are open to all avenues with US for cooperation other then joining any military or having any security alliance. Best security and independence we can provide to our country is ourselves. No one is going to fight our wars and we keep on fighting others wars as our establishment is being used like a hired gun.
CPEC is moving forward and our cites are lit again thanks to reduction in load shedding. Our trade/industry hopefully will pick up the pace soon under phase II of CPEC. We don't want to and don't need to throw away all this for few stuffed suit cases of dollars or used excess toys. We want good friendship with US but we have got a special friendship with China.

Excellent post.
One very bitter and unpopular question:
As of now Pakistani made bed sheets, underwear, mens, womens and kids clothing is being sold in Walmart, JC Penny's, Kmart etc.

How many Pakistani products are being sold in/to China?

This by no means is a lot of trade America is giving us. And yes America has hurt us a lot and has a very deep running Zionist agenda against Pakistan and other muslim nations.

But before you ban me or label me a US agent or Anti İron Brother agent

My main point is Pakistan/Pakistanis have to work really really hard to be independent from America, Habibis and China.

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Our exports to China is 7%, around 2.something Billion USD while export to US is 16% around 3.9 Billion USD. İf China is our İron Brother shouldn't he give us more market share?
That's because Chinese consumers find made in China stuff cheaper than othe made in stuff of other countries. Where as made in US or made in Europe stuff is expensive in US as compared to made in South Asia stuff hence Pakistan exports in US and EU will be higher unless China directly exports certain things from Pakistan by other our potential competitors including their own
Forgive me but the Rtd Air Marshal Shahid Latif says differently that the yanks were not pleased with JF17 project. They did everything to create hurdles.
Shahid is a personal friend. I know foe a fact he was threatened by the American ambassador to Islamabad. Zardari did everything's his power ti stop jf17 because the yanks told him to. It was the military that stood up and we are on block 3. Alhumdulillah.
Ps...shahid is one of the mostbpatriitic people you will ever meet. His weakness is he sees only good in people
Where's the billionaire Pakistani Defence Minister? What's his job? I can't even remember his name.
As correctly pointed out by Quwa and Oscar that this strategic partnership is more about keeping Pakistan in her "Position" than anything else. We supposedly got better weapons but mostly with strings attached, the aid was used at the areas where it was not going to resolve the issue from the core.

US will give peanuts to Pakistan at the expense of Pakistan's sovereignty and it is up to generals to decide that what is more important to them.

Pakistan should ask US for joint manufacturing of industrial equipment, business investment and related areas and should completely leave the american weapons now. The 10-20 F16s aren't going to be enough to deal with what lies ahead of us.
I never understand how CPEC will protect Chinese trade. US Navy can shut down any trade from Gwadar
It allows them to bypass to an extent although not completely the several chokepoints along their current route, namely Malacca, east Asia, Indian ocean etc. Allowing trade to function in case of a conflict, at least that is how they envision it in theory.
I thought the Indians were parading and selling themselves short but here is the funny thing the US never viewed them as a non-NATO big ally in fact the US never had much hope of India and for good reasons. It will be sacrificed eventually for Pakistan and as in Pakistan's sacrificial lamb. What can these landlocked Indian peasants really offer
That's because Chinese consumers find made in China stuff cheaper than othe made in stuff of other countries. Where as made in US or made in Europe stuff is expensive in US as compared to made in South Asia stuff hence Pakistan exports in US and EU will be higher unless China directly exports certain things from Pakistan by other our potential competitors including their own
Not if there are chinese destroyer at gawadar srilanka and spartelyislands

If they do it will be open war

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