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Pakistan-US hold consultations over strategic defence dialogue: ISPR

France offering 70% transfer of tech along local manufacturing of Rafale jet with panther Helicopters to India this shows india will induct more Rafale Jett down the road chances of inducting another western platform is very less beacuse IAF inducting LCA too to replace Mig21 fleet. So word stretegic military cooperation means could be offset offering platform to Pakistan if PAF can have F16 then blk3 with Blk70 enough for time being no need J10. Lets see but Zulus are coming Home may be engine approval for ATAK Heli as well @Tipu7
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One very bitter and unpopular question:
As of now Pakistani made bed sheets, underwear, mens, womens and kids clothing is being sold in Walmart, JC Penny's, Kmart etc.

How many Pakistani products are being sold in/to China?

This by no means is a lot of trade America is giving us. And yes America has hurt us a lot and has a very deep running Zionist agenda against Pakistan and other muslim nations.

But before you ban me or label me a US agent or Anti İron Brother agent

My main point is Pakistan/Pakistanis have to work really really hard to be independent from America, Habibis and China.

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Our exports to China is 7%, around 2.something Billion USD while export to US is 16% around 3.9 Billion USD. İf China is our İron Brother shouldn't he give us more market share?
Brother devil lies in details. What product u have to offer to china ? Its not like that china has put tariff or restriction to stop pakistani products. Ground reality is most of the products we manufacture for export china is also not only manufacturing but exporting. So u r demanding china that while they are selling towels to the world they should buy it from pakistan for themselves ... How logical is that. U want to export to china, study them and identify which products the import and only then u can gain chinese market.

On the contrary usa imposes restrictions on Pakistani product every now and then however the problem as off now is USA is net importer with huge trade deficit and we get a very very small share of usa imports.

In short u r comparing apples with oranges.
France offering 70% transfer of tech along local manufacturing of Rafale jet with panther Helicopters to India this shows india will induct more Rafale Jett down the road chances of inducting another western platform is very less beacuse IAF inducting LCA too to replace Mig21 fleet. So word stretegic military cooperation means could be offset offering platform to Pakistan if PAF can have F16 then blk3 with Blk70 enough for time being no need J10. Lets see but Zulus are coming Home may be engine approval for ATAK Heli as well @Tipu7
Hiw do u know about zulus
Many big tickets are on the table, but nothing is final as long as we do not come to their terms and conditionalities. Which is not an easy cost to bear in terms of our integrity and security? The work is on to find a way where we are not fallen to accept Indian as our big brother.
Many big tickets are on the table, but nothing is final as long as we do not come to their terms and conditionalities. Which is not an easy cost to bear in terms of our integrity and security? The work is on to find a way where we are not fallen to accept Indian as our big brother.
Big ticket items has nothing to do with India since India is not buying theior major stuff except P8 some Helis also buying Russian weapons including big ticket items as well. US has capicity and ability to deal Pak and India separately they sold us in past won't shy in future,,, stretegic word,, is important india not buying LM F21 nor Boeing CF18 Hornets still buying Mig29 for Navy and more Rafale with LCA Mk1-2 for airforce Pak is an attractive client for US and also Pak has to make sure with US that her military location won't be share to India under BECA agreement
Democracy led by a civilian on the left vs. Militariocracy led by Generals on the right
@PAR 5 what Ur take? Don't play riddle with Us plz
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What IP? IP is nonsense. The strong one write the rule, the weak one follows. There is no IP in human history until recently. It's just part of rule wrote by western countries to keep exploit developing countries. And by the way, China paid hundreds of billions every year for IPs, more than ten times more than India. The IPs stealing are just fabricated. Such a fool.

CCP get China developed, prosperous, nothing wrong. Indians want CCP to bring prosperity, just India leaders incapable to deliver, incompetent at least. The MPs of India are basically criminals, stealing money, corrupted, lack of accountabilities.

The whole India society is dysfunctional, disordered, chaotic.

India ruled by Muslim, British for thousand years, whom to blame? Indians or invaders? Not Chinese. India culture is the most confusing, and disordered.

India has no history recorded, excepted records from Chinese travelers. Who to blame?

Read some history, genuine one. Not fabricated ones on the media, to cover up India's own mistakes on foreign policy. Search "Forward Policy", who is more aggressive from 1959 - 1962. Who backstabbed China?

Your leaders made mistakes on foreign policies, they retired and enjoyed good life, your people suffered, hundreds of millions of them.

I don't expect India so called intellectuals self-exam. That's not Indianess.

your lack of thought process and resort to inapplicable 'might is right' is understandable. that's what you are being stabled for. Pity
Big ticket items has nothing to do with India since India is not buying theior major stuff except P8 some Helis also buying Russian weapons including big ticket items as well. US has capicity and ability to deal Pak and India separately they sold us in past won't shy in future,,, stretegic word,, is important india not buying LM F21 nor Boeing CF18 Hornets still buying Mig29 for Navy and more Rafale with LCA Mk1-2 for airforce Pak is an attractive client for US and also Pak has to make sure with US that her military location won't be share to India under BECA agreement
Pakistan has to play its cards well, US favours only when it suits her. In present scenario it is hard for Pakistan to win any big favours from US, as long as we do not alienate from China which is undoable for us.
We have been waiting for F-16 since long, with no obvious practical results. See what Pakistan offer to secure its F-16 wish.
your lack of thought process and resort to inapplicable 'might is right' is understandable. that's what you are being stabled for. Pity
Whatever, India is incapable of doing anything significant. A lame duck, pity.
We are living in very fascinating times, and a time of immense change in terms of the world's economy, technology and military power. As as we know Pak Armed forces, and especially the PAF, have sworn by US military technology. It gave our smaller forces an advantge over a larger India equipped with mainly Soviet and European weapons and it often came free or highly subsidised. This has been case for last 70 years.

Now US weapons and tech are still the the best in the world. F-35, Aegis ships etc

This is now changing and the world is changing rapidly. Something that I think Pak Mil realised about 10 years ago. We still have the option to buy P-8, more F-16s or pay our own money for AH-1Zs.

We chose not to for a very good reason and bought Chinese tech, which was not as advanced but came free of strings and could be bought in more numbers.

Now here is the crux of the matter. In 20 year or maybe even much sooner. US Weapons technology may no longer be the best in the world. Already US has admitted China is ahead in areas like missiles, EW etc

The generation after F-35, F-22, J-20 and FC-31 will be where China will surpass US and Europe. by a very very wide margin if current trends are anything to go by. China will be the world's largest economy by 2028 and probably the world's largest defence spender by than too.

Now as we know PAF has to plan now to defeat threats in 2040-2050. Chinese are designing tech with the aim to defeat US in a war. Now imagine Pakistan is China's number one ally and often the first country to be given access to new Chinese weapons.

That puts us in an incredibly strong position vis a vis India. This is the logic behind Project AZM and the reason why 10 years from now we may well see it flying in PAF colours and why it will probably be one step ahead of FC-31. At that time some forum members on here will still be telling us IAF are signing for 83 LCA MK1As very soon....

The future is increasingly multi-polar in my view with USA, UK, Russia and China pulling strings in whatever ways each can.

It is important to respect those countries which are good to Pakistan, but Pakistan should learn to chart its own course to prosperity by seeking constructive bilateral relationships with multiple countries around the world. This course will grant Pakistan options and flexibility to manage its affairs in the long-term. -----[1]

Irrespective of all the posturing for public consumption, why China chooses to trade with as many countries as possible? Ponder over this. True levels of strength and prosperity are tied to socioeconomics. Rest is noise.

China have come a long way in terms of developing technologies but I would caution in regards to Western advances. Their scientific bases of knowledge are well-developed and Chinese have learned a great deal from them. Whether China remains on good terms with much of the West in the future (or not) remains to be seen but Western scientific bases of knowledge will not loose traction unless the entire hemisphere becomes unproductive which is unlikely. People continue to strive for betterment everywhere.

American technological advances remain significant irrespective of the impression a few Think Tanks have given in their reports. China still does not have anything on par with Trident II D-5 class for instance. China have certainly developed an assortment of missiles in pursuit of its overarching A2AD strategy but it wasn't signatory to NTI to begin with. However, be mindful of misleading comparisons to influence foreign policy decisions. Should USA choose to EXIT from NTI, there is no telling what they can deploy at a rapid pace but they have quietly deployed an arsenal of low-yield nukes on short notice as a reminder. Western advances in the domain of Electronic Warfare are also significant but much in this regard remains classified. USA have tested a sixth generation prototype recently while other countries do not have anything at par with American 5th generation designs in service yet. There is much more to expand on and discuss in fact but I will leave it here.

Western hemisphere seems to be in bad shape due to fallout of COVID-19 in the present but this dynamic won't last. Vaccines are emerging at a rapid pace and this period of crisis will come to pass as well.

WE should not write off other powers because of what happened in the past. Things are not rosy for anybody in life and they won't be countries by and large as well. Therefore, [1] is the way forward. Pakistan's geopolitical acumen will be stress-tested in the coming years in view of Indo-USA dealings but Pakistan must grow a thicker skin and learn to extract from all quarters to its benefit. Cold War(s) ruin pawn nations and not help them attain prosperity. My 2 cents.
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Just a consultative relation no benefits
Unless India is fully sanctioned for their crimes in Kashmir

Even the None Nato Ally designation is fruitless , second grade material sold 20 year old tech

Helicopter deal , turned out useless

F16 Deal stalled

It has just been rotten to my memory's recollection

Obama was the rotten piece of trash never visited Pakistan Once

Recent sanctions against Turkey is example of Backstab they even tried to topple Turkish Government
Imagine both india and Pak has P8s

The nation of India will all have a heart attack and collectively die... ( maybe that should be Pakistan strategy ???? ).

Pakistan would be comfortable in operating the same equipment as India to face off India with that equipment. India, less so. Tells you alot about the mindset ..
It allows them to bypass to an extent although not completely the several chokepoints along their current route, namely Malacca, east Asia, Indian ocean etc. Allowing trade to function in case of a conflict, at least that is how they envision it in theory.

US Navy can shut down any trade from Gwadar. I am not sure what is being bypassed
@SQ8 I expect more Obama-style machinations with Biden, but with a focus on blunting AZM.

I don't think the US has an issue with the idea of a FGFA, but the risk of a heavyweight attacker (WS-10/WS-15-powered) is likely a concern.

It wouldn't surprise me if South Korea suddenly comes up one day and says, "we got US approval to sell you the KFX." This way, the PAF gets its NGFA (along Western lines no less), and the US still controls the weapons and upgrade supply-line, and all without letting go of its most sensitive technology in the F-35.

You think this should be acceptable to Pakistan!!

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