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Pakistan-US hold consultations over strategic defence dialogue: ISPR

i doubt people at capital hill think that way

the new norm is humiliate Pakistan and force Pakistan to believe that any reaction is not in its interest

we saw the result, USA approval and acceptance of feb 2019 strikes
limitless bombing of Pakistan during 2008-2018

it is foolish to believe that USA wants to keep a balance of sort..

looking at history, USA released f16s and other weapons only when it had a big favor to ask, it had nothing to do with maintaining balance

had USA been interested in maintaining balance it would have released f16s in early 2000s, it didn't
Back in 2014 when İ first joined İ used to say Amreeki gora will not give any more arms to Pakistan because İ could sense that things will become more anti İslamic, pro Zionist/right wing.

At that time even members İ respect alit like BilalKhanQuwa used to say that US has supplied Pakistan arms when we needed it (or roughly something along those lines).

My position stands true. Every now and then they give some MRAPS, last in my knowledge were some sort of blue colored armor vehicles they gave to Balochistan Police.

Yes, this is a told you so post by me 😇😇😇
Joe Biden appoints Indian-American Sumona Guha as senior Director for South Asia

Sumona Guha has also worked at the USIBC and, prior to that, in the Secretary of State’s Policy Planning Staff with responsibility for South Asia.
The Biden-Harris transition team announced the appointment of Indian American Sumona Guha to the role of Senior Director for South Asia at the National Security Council.
Ms Guha co-chaired the South Asia foreign policy working group on the Biden-Harris campaign, and was a member of the transition team. She will succeed the Trump administration’s Lisa Curtis in the role.
Ms Guha, a former Foreign Service officer, has been a Senior Vice President since mid-2018 at the Albright Stonebridge Group, whose chair is former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.

She has also worked at the U.S. India Business Council and, prior to that, in the Secretary of State’s Policy Planning Staff with responsibility for South Asia.
She was also a Deputy Director for Afghanistan Affairs in the Office of the Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan and has been a special advisor for National Security Affairs in the Office of the Vice President (during Mr. Biden’s tenure).
The transition team also announced other NSC appointments and roles, as part of Mr Biden’s restructuring of the Council, which will be headed by Jake Sullivan, who had said that Mr Biden had asked him to “reimagine” national security.
The new positions include Coordinator for Democracy and Human Rights (Shanthi Kalathil), Senior Director for Technology and National Security (Tarun Chhabra), Senior Director for Global Health Security and Biodefense (Elizabeth Cameron).

The Hindu

There used to be a time when at the South Asian desk no Indian was given any top ranking post not to offend Pakistan feelings and Obama decided to forgoes that and also no visit to India was undertaken without visiting Pakistan too.
If US decided to change the goal posts and decided to court India and wanted to put Pakistan into 3rd tier then US have made their decisions and we need to learn to look after our own interests too. We want friendship with all the countries in the world and it does includes US, but clock can't be turned back when our sacrifices on WOT were tarnished and India was deliberately given role in Afghanistan to put us down. Thanks to Allah we stood steadfast and our nation almost won the evil war which was imposed on us by US/Indian nexus and we are rising up again at the world stage after paying the horrendous cost.
We don't need any military alliance and our establishment must stay out of all this crap as they took us into this WOT in the first place pressure or no pressure for some weapons like embargoed gun ships or few used F 16 planes again or some kick backs. They refused to sell us Apache while India was courted to buy from them and those times of double standards must be avoided and have some respect for ourselves. We are open to all avenues with US for cooperation other then joining any military or having any security alliance. Best security and independence we can provide to our country is ourselves. No one is going to fight our wars and we keep on fighting others wars as our establishment is being used like a hired gun.
CPEC is moving forward and our cites are lit again thanks to reduction in load shedding. Our trade/industry hopefully will pick up the pace soon under phase II of CPEC. We don't want to and don't need to throw away all this for few stuffed suit cases of dollars or used excess toys. We want good friendship with US but we have got a special friendship with China.
pakistan needs to work and get into china import market, we failed to diversify
chian imports alot of stuff, we need to try to leverage into that market
we also need to focus on africa, the new frontier and Latin merica

pakistan needs to work and get into china import market, we failed to diversify
chian imports alot of stuff, we need to try to leverage into that market
we also need to focus on africa, the new frontier and Latin merica
Yes my brother literally the whole world is there for us to seek business. As you rightly pointed out Latin America, Africa then theres is Eatern Europe, Central Asia, Borneo Sumatra/Asia Pacific(including South Korea, Japan, China) regions.

We have for far too long been obsessed with rich white goras.

İt was like the boy who chases after a girl that's out of her league. Even when he gets her she treats him like trash in an abusive relationship.

We never understood. They will not let us have good trade relations because of our muslim identity their anti İslamic position/bias. You might argue that foreign affairs/geo-politics don't have such religious bias. But they have been using our religion to defame us through there proxies inside and outside Pakistan.
hmmn, Pakistan will survive without the yanks. BUT can they survive without us? After every sanction they put on you. they have had to lift and do some thapki to get what they need.

so in hindsight we always succumb to pressure as China as alternative was not available which is not so the case as China has arrived on the global stage.

as moohdhi and its henchmen doogal thought they can isolate Pakistan. well try to walk away from Pakistan if you wish.
There is what the state department and other agencies recommended, then what the decision makers in the president and his advisers feel is correct - and what congressional subcommittees and their members feel is correct or are lobbies to see as; and then combined are the actions America takes based upon the decision makers agreement, disagreements and compromise that happens.

The Saudis are a good example of changing policies and decision makers, Pakistan will be affected by the same. Understand the system before condemning it(and its affects on yourself) to mere basic geopolitical sentiments.
not condemning it but pointing towards the collective delusion i see here in this forum

the senators, lobbying and govt will always make a decision to appease India, it is as simple as that because india lobbies for it at the highest level

so the delusion that USA tries to keep a hypothetical balance is completely wrong and untrue. USA will ensure that only those weapons are given to Pakistan which Pakistan will get from china anyway or which are allowed by india, the only time this is not true is when USA needs Pakistan
f16 is good case example

it was made available now simply because now Pakistan have alternatives,
previously we only got them when USA needed us
what pakistan needs to do is move away from USA military equipment and focus on economic relationships
keep neutral dont choose sides
Interesting that COAS was not in this meeting. My main concern is with this statement --- US reaffirms commitment to long-term, mutually beneficial security partnership with Pakistan.

This is just terrible since it means US doesn't want to change its policies and Pakistan is keen to become a good little slave again, and wants US pats on its back.
US reaffirms ‘long-term’ security partnership with Pakistan
US assistant defence secretary thanks Pakistan for supporting Afghan peace talks

Our CorrespondentJanuary 08, 2021

a us delegation led by mr david helvey assistant secretary of defence for indo pacific security affairs visited the general headquarters ghq on thursday to hold formal consultations on pakistan us strategic level defence dialogue

A US delegation, led by Mr David Helvey, Assistant Secretary of Defence for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs, visited the General Headquarters (GHQ) on Thursday to hold formal consultations on Pakistan-US Strategic Level Defence Dialogue
A senior US official has reaffirmed Washington’s commitment to a “long-term mutually-beneficial security partnership” with Pakistan after the two countries held strategic-level defence dialogue here the other day.
Pakistan-US strategic level defence dialogue was held on Thursday but the two sides issued separate handouts on Friday. The US delegation was led Assistant Secretary of Defence for Indo-Pacific Security Affairs David Helvey, while the Pakistani side was headed by Lt Gen Sahir Shamshad Mirza, the Chief of General Staff.
In a daylong session, issues ranging from regional security to the deepening of bilateral defence and security/military-to-military cooperation were discussed, said a statement issued by the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR).
The discussions were held in very cordial and constructive manner with exchange of views and ideas from both sides, it added.
The US Embassy in a separate statement Helvey thanked Lt Gen Mirza for Pakistan’s ongoing role in supporting Afghanistan peace negotiations and discussed the urgency of reducing violence and restarting meaningful negotiations between the Kabul government negotiators and the Taliban.
Helvey also reaffirmed the United States’ commitment to a long-term, mutually beneficial security partnership with Pakistan, and discussed opportunities for strengthening cooperation on counterterrorism.
The talks held just days before the inauguration of Joe Biden as the new president of the United States. Under Trump presidency, after initial hiccups relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan remained stable thanks to Islamabad’s role in brokering the February 29 deal between the US and Taliban as well as facilitating the intra-Afghan talks.
It appears that the new administration would stick to the Afghan policy and pursue peace process to seek an end to the 19 year old unrest in Afghanistan.
The Biden administration, however, may not push for a hasty withdrawal and seek additional concessions from the Taliban. Pakistan will continue to remain important for the US in terms of the Afghanistan endgame.

They very well understand history. In fact better then several people giving suggestions here. We are pretty much the only country which manages to gets weapons from USA and China and Russia at the same time. And still pursue polices on which we think benefits us.
Hazrat Vipers are coming along other goodies
American "Indo-Pacific" strategy is to contain China and for that they are pushing India, Pakistan mortal enemy.

Why we are getting involved in this non sense, and what our Chinese partners will think of this? Guy is China centric.

David F. Helvey > U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE > Biography

Suffice it to say, the American hostility against China in south china sea is coming through the office of this chap.

Do we really need to give audience to such individuals at the high offices in Pakistan, at such sensitive times??????
After Trump hostilities will be winding down as Biden said China is competitor while Russia is an enemy
Interesting that COAS was not in this meeting. My main concern is with this statement --- US reaffirms commitment to long-term, mutually beneficial security partnership with Pakistan.

This is just terrible since it means US doesn't want to change its policies and Pakistan is keen to become a good little slave again, and wants US pats on its back.
Until recently, our defence ties with China weren't a huge factor to the technological capability of our military.

In other words, the US didn't care about the F-7PGs we got, or even the fact that we got JF-17s and SD-10s.

However from now and in the next 10 years, the PAF can get things like a VLRAAM with cutting-edge seeker tech, a next-gen stealth fighter, long-range SAMs, and so on.

The issue is that whatever issues the US is facing with China, the Indians will face similar complexity (if not more) with us. This is a game-changer because it could make Pakistan an issue for both India and, potentially, even the US.

The goal is likely to contain proliferation, either by pressuring the Chinese or getting us to play ball (again). How the latter happens, I don't know... It could be carrots, or canes, or to the 'right people,' candy canes.
Until recently, our defence ties with China weren't a huge factor to the technological capability of our military.

In other words, the US didn't care about the F-7PGs we got, or even the fact that we got JF-17s and SD-10s.

However from now and in the next 10 years, the PAF can get things like a VLRAAM with cutting-edge seeker tech, a next-gen stealth fighter, long-range SAMs, and so on.

The issue is that whatever issues the US is facing with China, the Indians will face similar complexity (if not more) with us. This is a game-changer because it could make Pakistan an issue for both India and, potentially, even the US.

The goal is likely to contain proliferation, either by pressuring the Chinese or getting us to play ball (again). How the latter happens, I don't know... It could be carrots, or canes, or to the 'right people,' candy canes.

We have China who wants to make Pakistan into a Military Giant, and then we have these idiots, the so called corrupt Pakistan Establishment, the slave minded corrupts, who want to keep people of Pakistan hostage and uneducated. These people are just very pathetic, and only a revolution can get rid of these blood sucking, ugly leeches. US and its agencies have imposed a war from A-Stan border for 2-decades and killed thousands of Pakistan citizens and its military Jawans. And yet these corrupt military higher ups still want to talk to the US . What a shameless bunch.
we don't learn . No hope for pakistan. Establishment is just a bunch of old guys not understanding the geopolitics of 21st century.

So what should they done? Turned away the US delegation? This is just talk. You will see less and less engagement with US as our inrterests now lie with China. They had always been with China. Pakistan learnt hard lessons after Pressler Amendment. It will not go back to that point where US could arm twist and leave us in the lurch.
Until recently, our defence ties with China weren't a huge factor to the technological capability of our military.

In other words, the US didn't care about the F-7PGs we got, or even the fact that we got JF-17s and SD-10s.

However from now and in the next 10 years, the PAF can get things like a VLRAAM with cutting-edge seeker tech, a next-gen stealth fighter, long-range SAMs, and so on.

The issue is that whatever issues the US is facing with China, the Indians will face similar complexity (if not more) with us. This is a game-changer because it could make Pakistan an issue for both India and, potentially, even the US.

The goal is likely to contain proliferation, either by pressuring the Chinese or getting us to play ball (again). How the latter happens, I don't know... It could be carrots, or canes, or to the 'right people,' candy canes.

I did not understand which country you are referencing here? Is it China? Do they have this kind of technology?
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