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Pakistan UAVs News & Discussions

I didn't want to start up a new Topic just for this b.s. article, so I thought i'd post it here. When I say b.s. article, i'm obviously referring to the source and words chosen.

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Pakistan's ISI purchases four unmanned aerial vehicles from China for 'counter-insurgency' operations

Srinjoy Chowdhury| National Affairs Editor
Feb 05, 2021

This is clear evidence of Pakistan, particularly the ISI realizing that the situation could slip out of control in Baluchistan.

Clearly, under pressure in Baluchistan, the ISI, the intelligence wing of the Pakistani army, has purchased 4 Wing Loong I unmanned aerial vehicles or UAVS from China. This will be for what Pakistan says, is part of 'counter-insurgency' operations in the troubled province. Along with the UAVs, will come several earth stations and a Chinese technical team.

This is clear evidence of Pakistan, particularly the ISI realizing that the situation could slip out of control in Baluchistan. In fact, while the Wing Loongs, developed by the Aviation Industry Corporation of China, have 'long-endurance' - which means that they can be in the air for surveillance purposes for a long while, they can also carry weapons, particularly air-to-surface rockets.

Pakistan has never been slow to use sophisticated weaponry against its own civilians. This includes using the Pakistan Air Force, which was first used in Baluchistan in the Seventies.


Besides, China has gifted two more modern Wing Loong-2 UAVs along with ground stations and air-to-ground weapons to go with them. China will also provide other equipment and technical assistance.


I just wanna ask the obvious that is there a limit to depth how low these pathetic scumbags could possibly sink. But inadvertently I think we all know the answer to that.

Indian propaganda machine never stops. India had thousands of websites publishing lies and fake news against Pakistan. Ironically they lose land to China but don’t never write anything against China. There whole focus is Pakistan.
Yaar.. wish I’d make it happen but as things stand PAF runs the show. :P

So, have to sit and wait. :)

Don't know whats taking them this long. Just announce the damn deal!

Will take another 2-3 years for them to make them operational :P
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