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Pakistan Tribes Turn Against Army

Meanwhile TTP Spokesperson conducting press conferences in South waziristan and Pakistan Army claims it has cleared SWA from TTP


How could they conduct press conference?
How could they conduct press conference?
They have contacts with journalists and they are dam good in making videos I don't know how but they have made some excellent videos
They have contacts with journalists and they are dam good in making videos I don't know how but they have made some excellent videos

Drama is going on. And Pakistani idiots couldn't stop them.
Whoever says, stop army operations which did not yield any results....should tell whats the next way out?

Handing over power to them? give next options and talk
This is where it gets confusing. So the tribals must seek revenge when PA or drones cause civilian causlaties due to collateral damage.

But Taliban have killed many more in targetted attacks against tribal civilians. What happens to the cultural compulsion of seeking revenge against Taliban???
That's because it's easier to target the Army. Making the Army the scape goat is a trend that's catching on especially by assorted human rights organizations. The terrorists are out of their ambit for reasons best known to them.
Drama is going on. And Pakistani idiots couldn't stop them.

comments without backup points is like suggesting the cursing and commenting on players in a cricket ground while siting outside . offstupm pe khelo na" straight shot khelo etc etc.

what do you suggest how should the "idiots" stop them? any method?
To be honest these tribal areas should be handed back to Afghanistan,thats where they came from.
They have been nothing but trouble and an immense pressure on country's resources..
Their inclusion into Pakistan was jinnah's biggest blunder which we are still suffering.
you are nothing with out them they are more patriotic than you and me and are part of defence strategy of pakistan why dont you give them a province of there own FATA is under that stupid idiot asif zardari who has done nothing for them

stupid conspiracy against pakistan when ttp has come to talking table and know this drama
you are nothing with out them they are more patriotic than you and me and are part of defence strategy of pakistan why dont you give them a province of there own FATA is under that stupid idiot asif zardari who has done nothing for them

stupid conspiracy against pakistan when ttp has come to talking table and know this drama

Hghlighted part translates to ''cannon fodder''???
I don't know how but they have made some excellent videos

What a way to praise them ! Excellent Videos ? :what: ... You sure you are sane , after publicly declaring videos of people being beheaded alive as something praise worthy or is it in your lot's so Islamic nature of enforcing so called interpretation of Islam ? :azn:
These tribals came to these lands a millennia before you got your *** from present India to Karachi. I think you going back is more in order.

To be honest these tribal areas should be handed back to Afghanistan,thats where they came from.
They have been nothing but trouble and an immense pressure on country's resources..
Their inclusion into Pakistan was jinnah's biggest blunder which we are still suffering.

Allowing your kind to migrate to Sindh was actually the biggest blunder, which tore apart the social fabric of an entire ethnic region.

You really are oblivious to the facts, aren't you little kid. Speak of things that your brain can process.
These tribals came to these lands a millennia before you got your *** from present India to Karachi. I think you going back is more in order.

I am not surprised that the area is still the same as when dinosaurs roamed the place and highly unlikely to improve for another few millennia...
Honestly i don't see anything to be proud of.
do you?

Tribal areas as Alexander the great may have seen .


Tribal areas in 2013...See the above picture again :lol:
@Safriz if inclusion of tribals was a mistake by jinnah then you are more then welcome to take your Punjab and sindh and f off, we don't need you guys its you guys need us.

Who the he'll was jinnah anyway.
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Dude, you are incorrigible. You have some deep rooted hatred against the Pashtuns that can not be removed. However, whatever the case maybe, stop acting like "thekedar" of Pakistan. The federation does not consist only of one city.

We are the masters of our own future, we don't need you to lecture us or pass judgements on our loyalty.

I am not surprised that the area is still the same as when dinosaurs roamed the place and highly unlikely to improve for another few millennia...
Honestly i don't see anything to be proud of.
do you?
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