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Pakistan to induct S400 and Pantsir-S1 SAM and Igla-S ManPAD Systems for Air Defence

The good thing about HQ-9 is that it also has an anti-radiation variant, but can it be used as an alternate to airborne SEAD platforms is a question that remains to be answered.
The S-400 on the other hand does win on it's range.
As far as the Pantsyr is concerned if the deal doesn't go through than the alternate could be the Chinese Sky Dragon 12, but latest news on it are not available and the Russian system beats the Chinese on range again.
But if it is increasingly necessary to induct a standalone AD system and if Russians do budge to Indian pressure than we can have a look at the Sky Dragon 12 in case of absolute necessity.

What is there to lol,we will protest for every where ever we feel our interests are.
We always plan for the long run,you would have lol if we had said few years ago that China along with India name the terrorist org will be named in a joint declaration,mind you the same groups which China was blocking few months ago.

And if you study how India worked from from 90s when India was talking about declaring Pakistan a terrorist start to USA .when we realised it won't work .we want back studied USA Pakistan relationship bit by but and we worked on and broke one string at a time, bit by bit and we are here after 20 years.do study that it is interesting.

It will take time by we will do that between China and Pakistan too,give it another 10-15 years.
Hahaha dear Lord, what does our eastern neighbor smoke these days for staying so high all the time.

You see, ever since 71 we and US were never really allies. Its Afghanistan, that has kept us together. And actually the Afghan conflicts, no matter how devastating they have been for our society and economy, were a blessing for security requirements of Pakistan. You along with Israelis could have easily wiped out our nascent nuclear program in early 80's, and done that with US backing if not active support. But with the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, we got a whole decade to further our nuclear program under US umbrella. As soon as Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan, US slapped Presler amendment right on our face, even not delivering the F-16's that we have already paid for.

India had'nt done s*** to achieve that. If it was not for the 9/11 and Afghanistan, we would have been declared a terrorist state soon enough. By the end of 90's we were one of the most sanctioned state in the word. It had nothing to do with you, it always was about American interests.

After 9/11 they needed us, so our relationship went on for a while. In early 2000, while we had developed and tested the bomb, our nuclear and missile program was far from being mature. But 17 years later, we are on verge of completing our nuclear triad and hence reducing any chances of Indian misadventure against us.

Now the US needs you to keep China in check, you are obliging them hence your relationship with the US is on an all time high. So don't think for a second that it is because of some Indian diplomatic gimmickry.

As for China, they see you as an American stooge in the region, propped up by the US to keep China in check. You further strengthened that view in the Dokalam case. And that is the reason for the increase in Chinese influence over and support of the Pakistani state in the past few years. They want us to keep India in check. Now if you are of the view that through some Chankaya move you are going to distance China from Pakistan, its only ally in the region, then you are gravely mistaken. Keep in mind, China is no outsider sitting across the Atlantic ocean, they share a disputed border with you and see you as a regional rival.

The world is changing, and so are the alliances and enemies. Countries have no permanent friends or enemies, its all about national interest. But we two of course, will exist in a perpetual animosity.
S-400 costs around $400 million per unit, pakistan would need 2 units. Round it of to a billion dollars. Can pakistan afford that money now.
even bette, we will get a clone from china, russains wont complain...

but nope, Russia would want that cash her self, the same way she wanted rd 93 instead of ws 13a, and other systems
To Every one :
IN AD field Pakistan was way behind , It was Pervez Musharef who fast tracked this field, We are having many things now and that is really good. As I always said "Realization" of Importance of AD is great for Pakistan.
P - S1/2: Is reality , Our Armourer columns need that protection and they are not expensive like S400 or LY-80. Even our defensive corps can use them.

S-300/S-400 : Not impossible , If available we can have them , Money is not an issue here , Both systems are great and best , one of there kind .

Indian members: You guys going to have 300+ latest fighters in 5 to 10 years , PAF cant match them in numbers best way , and cheap way (S-300 or S-400 or expensive but if one system cost 500 million $$ that's the price of 2 Rafal) is to have LRSams and S-300 or S-400 or best contenders.
If we buy 8 systems and each system cost us 500million that's total 4 Billion $$ and if we give 4 years to that its 1 Billion$$ per year(this is just pure speculation to make you understand the things) and How many Rafal in 4 Billion$ please do the math yourself.
Note: What is the actual price of one system of S-400 and how many things (sub systems ) in contains ??
The size of battery for S400 differs it would depend on us what battery we want to have
Sapne hi dekhne hai to bade dekho.
Hahaha dear Lord, what does our eastern neighbor smoke these days for staying so high all the time.

You see, ever since 71 we and US were never really allies. Its Afghanistan, that has kept us together. And actually the Afghan conflicts, no matter how devastating they have been for our society and economy, were a blessing for security requirements of Pakistan. You along with Israelis could have easily wiped out our nascent nuclear program in early 80's, and done that with US backing if not active support. But with the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, we got a whole decade to further our nuclear program under US umbrella. As soon as Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan, US slapped Presler amendment right on our face, even not delivering the F-16's that we have already paid for.

India had'nt done s*** to achieve that. If it was not for the 9/11 and Afghanistan, we would have been declared a terrorist state soon enough. By the end of 90's we were one of the most sanctioned state in the word. It had nothing to do with you, it always was about American interests.

After 9/11 they needed us, so our relationship went on for a while. In early 2000, while we had developed and tested the bomb, our nuclear and missile program was far from being mature. But 17 years later, we are on verge of completing our nuclear triad and hence reducing any chances of Indian misadventure against us.

Now the US needs you to keep China in check, you are obliging them hence your relationship with the US is on an all time high. So don't think for a second that it is because of some Indian diplomatic gimmickry.

As for China, they see you as an American stooge in the region, propped up by the US to keep China in check. You further strengthened that view in the Dokalam case. And that is the reason for the increase in Chinese influence over and support of the Pakistani state in the past few years. They want us to keep India in check. Now if you are of the view that through some Chankaya move you are going to distance China from Pakistan, its only ally in the region, then you are gravely mistaken. Keep in mind, China is no outsider sitting across the Atlantic ocean, they share a disputed border with you and see you as a regional rival.

The world is changing, and so are the alliances and enemies. Countries have no permanent friends or enemies, its all about national interest. But we two of course, will exist in a perpetual animosity.

Unfortunate for the Pentagon boys, with the advent of OBOR they might need you again!!! But, this time roles may be reversed!!!!!!

Mevla gorelim neyler
Neylerse guzel eyler

Let's see what Mevla has in store for us all
Whatever it is, HE renders it beautiful
You guys are beyond a laughing stock now, how many times will you be duped by this clown @Zarvan ? He is either entirely delusional or having a big old laugh at all of your expenses'.

I guess the S-400 will be in addition to those Su-35s, Eurofighter Typhoons and T-45 Destroyers that @Zarvan has been promising for Pakistan over the past year?

Salivating over a strategic arms deal that you know you would NEVER be offered in a million years, how desperate you losers are.....

The few sensible members here must be hanging their heads in shame at the level of critical thinking being demonstrated on this supposedly reason based forum.
What's the news?

No need to create any hype, there is no news here! it's just a pictorial depiction (which itself is stupid and unprofessional to show something prior to any firm agreement / acquisition) without any official word on it. We have witnessed in the recent past many people actually talk about things and they didn't happened like 71 F-16 despite advance payment (for whatever reason), so drink a bit of cool aid. btw why do our media has to go ape crazy like indian media?


PANTSIR S1 along with IGLA S MANPAD and S-400 future components of Air Defence of Army. Guys this is major news where are you people

This shows How stupid our media is if it would have been Indian media they would have gone ballistic on this news but our joker media didn't even bothered to focus
What's the news?

No need to create any hype, there is no news here! it's just a pictorial depiction (which itself is stupid and unprofessional to show something prior to any firm agreement / acquisition) without any official word on it. We have witnessed in the recent past many people actually talk about things and they didn't happened like 71 F-16 despite advance payment (for whatever reason), so drink a bit of cool aid. btw why do our media has to go ape crazy like indian media?
Army won't show it without getting the deal almost finalized. It's their way of announcing it. Also their is big difference between Russia and USA. It's USA who does this kind of thing which you mention

You guys are beyond a laughing stock now, how many times will you be duped by this clown @Zarvan ? He is either entirely delusional or having a big old laugh at all of your expenses'.

I guess the S-400 will be in addition to those Su-35s, Eurofighter Typhoons and T-45 Destroyers that @Zarvan has been promising for Pakistan over the past year?

Salivating over a strategic arms deal that you know you would NEVER be offered in a million years, how desperate you losers are.....

The few sensible members here must be hanging their heads in shame at the level of critical thinking being demonstrated on this supposedly reason based forum.
Many of Indians were in denial about MI-35 and they are proven wrong on that and they will be proven wrong here also. This is not my source this is Army exhibition. Where they were showing their Air Defence systems and also displayed three of these posters and which said these are future induction for our Air Defence one poster mentioned PANTSIR S1 second mentioned IGLA S MANPAD and third mentioned S400.
I won't be surprised if a deal has already been reached between the two countries through a through a third country (not the one you guys normally think) acting as a guarantor / financier.

And why will Russia give S400 to Pakistan? :P
Do you even know what S-400 is?
Seriously, 1st su35 and now s400.... And again no reliable sources.

:hitwall: .... It's hoping dreams to come true.
Complete Hogwash....

When has Russia been selling offensive/strategic platforms to Pakistan?

Pakistan cant even secure an independent deal for RD93 for its JF17s while they are already using 70 of them and about 100 more expected. Have the Pakistanis even been able to get a MRO facility with Klimov. The so called RD93 supply to China was never Pakistan specific, it was meant for a Chinese export fighter called CAC FC-1 and the Chinese can sell them to anyone they want (Burma, Brazil, Nigeria..) nothing to do with Pakistan. Pakistan is merely an end-user.

About Mil Mi-35, they are meant for anti-terror ops, for the same reason the Russians held an exercise with the Pakistanis. Its not some strategic partnership that the Russians are doing with Pakistan. They are only meant to keep things in Afghanistan under control at least wrt ISIS, if not Talibans.

Not alone that, the Pakistanis have been using Mil Mi-17 and Il-78s too, both Russian but it doesn't mean that Russians are changing their strategy towards South Asia.
Why not Turkish Korkut gun system?
That is different system for different use and I am pretty sure that would come also but that is basically in category of Anti Air Craft Machine Guns PANTSIR is Missile system backed by two Machine Guns

I won't be surprised if a deal has already been reached between the two countries through a through a third country (not the one you guys normally think) acting as a guarantor / financier.

Do you even know what S-400 is?
Most likely you are right on this other wise we would have not declared it. If it would have been one poster I would have thought it to be a mistake but there were three posters mentioning three different Air Defence systems and also the fact that I was told a year and a half ago that PANTSIR S arrived in Pakistan for testing

Complete Hogwash....

When has Russia been selling offensive/strategic platforms to Pakistan?

Pakistan cant even secure an independent deal for RD93 for its JF17s while they are already using 70 of them and about 100 more expected. Have the Pakistanis even been able to get a MRO facility with Klimov. The so called RD93 supply to China was never Pakistan specific, it was meant for a Chinese export fighter called CAC FC-1 and the Chinese can sell them to anyone they want (Burma, Brazil, Nigeria..) nothing to do with Pakistan. Pakistan is merely an end-user.

About Mil Mi-35, they are meant for anti-terror ops, for the same reason the Russians held an exercise with the Pakistanis. Its not some strategic partnership that the Russians are doing with Pakistan. They are only meant to keep things in Afghanistan under control at least wrt ISIS, if not Talibans.

Not alone that, the Pakistanis have been using Mil Mi-17 and Il-78s too, both Russian but it doesn't mean that Russians are changing their strategy towards South Asia.

So you think if war happens we won't use MI-35 on your soldiers or you are imagining they would be destroyed by than ???????????
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