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Pakistan to gift old submarines to Bangladesh Navy

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Real? If there is not SAM system installed then why would they bother to install to dummies? To scare off would be attackers? The enemy knows better than Janes what the vessel is equipped it! I think it is absurd that there would be dummies installed, unless the weapon in question is a prototype.
I was thinking more along the lines of a Photoshopped image rather than a dummy launcher ;-)

You have mentioned a destroyer class; but BNS Osman is a Jianghu-III standard guided missile frigate. PLAN has not installed extensive upgrades on any of its older vessels as it has much more advanced and capable designs with which it intends to replce its older vessels. Hence they have no requirement to heavily upgrade their older vessels so they have not tried it, but BN will not be retiring these vessels so they opted for extensive upgrades.
Luda class destroyers are roughly of the same generation (1970-1991) as the Jianghu class frigates (1960-1995). PLAN has in fact extensively modernized several of these old destroyers, notwithstanding the fact that it started to build newer ships (051C, 052B/C, 054/A). PLAN has also nodernized its newer Jianghus, but not with any SAM system (unlike the Luda modernazation)
Type 053H1G (Jianghu-V Class) Missile Frigate - SinoDefence.com
Type 051 (Luda Class) Missile Destroyer - SinoDefence.com
Image - SinoDefence.com

Its tonnage is less than the latest frigate designs all of which range between 3000-3500 tonnes, but its armaments does not suggest that it is light frigate
Frigates these days range up to 6000 tons, most frigates fall in the 3500-4500 ton range, so anything under 2500 tons qualifies as light. What is the problem with that?
What exactly is the source?

If it is BMF; BMF profile of Ulsan (mod.) Class does mention the vessel is armed with SAMs.

It says:

Missiles: 4 Otomat Mk.II Block IV AShMs, 8 FM-90N SAMs

Yep, saw that. Meanwhile I've found confirmation via other sources as well (including 'unreliable' Janes). So, forget about it, I already said I stood corrected on those missiles being on KDW.
so has these submarines already been gifted to Bangladesh Navy or is it in process of it or this source was fake???

whats the latest news about these submarines
well i thought the second post on this thread declares that THREE IS NO SUCH GIFT BEING GIVEN TO THE BANGLADESH!!

so whats all these rest 110 post about,???
Ok enough of this rubish perhaps we didn't gift or did we who knows & who cares ! just as Arsalanalsam123 said wat are these crazy posts about ? lets move on plzz ..
Ok enough of this rubish perhaps we didn't gift or did we who knows & who cares ! just as Arsalanalsam123 said wat are these crazy posts about ? lets move on plzz ..

Agreed! If we got it than it's good for us, if not that OK too. We are building ship and upgrading our TANK with Pak so who knows may be will build sub or may be even jet together. Future is bright and I am optimistic but for now lets move on...............:cheers:
Wll said Al-zakir with u on that bro!!
yes i would like to see some joint ventures with bangladesh specially in navy missile boats and army tanks or artillery!!
this is good for relation between the 2 countries..but haveing said that bangladeshi people hate pakistani army not army but the people of pakistan m not trying to go out of line by saying this.but this is wat the truth is n we have to face it
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