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Pakistan to Apologise for 1971 Killings

I think this statement is inaccurate, although i do believe that in hindsight the creation of two seperate states would not have resulted in the atrocities of '71. I say this because i know people residing in Bangladesh who shifted from their ancestral homes in India to East Pakistan due to their belief in the Pakistan ideology. The reason they lost hope and revolted is because they were pushed over the edge. Maybe some wanted this as you say, but I am yet to see any evidence for this. Remember nations arent born out of thin air, Bangladesh couldn't have been created if it wasn't for the support of the masses and to say that the majority of the populace wanted a seperate homeland for Bengalis since the beginning of Pakistan is incorrect in my view.

i dont understand one thing that after mujeeb ur rehman achieved what he willed, that is divided pakistan, a separate homeland for bangladesh, why he was killed after and his family, just except hasina wajid..

secondly it is pretty clear why bangladesh became a separate country so easily, pakistan was miles away from it, and india just geographically sorrounded east pakistan, bangladesh was meant to be created even away 100 years, but it was eminent, now you must wonder why the five wings of west west pakistan never broke???

if there was the masses revolting for a separate country so i dont see the reason why mujeeb had to seek help from hindus across the border in the first place and why indians were so hungry to cross the border with weapons???, the freedom could have easily achieved if massed had revolted to create a separate country..

if awami league had any other ideology, if mujeeb was moved by himself to see the future of bangladesh, awami leage would never ever had sought help for indians, even today they just act stooges to them which proves even in its creation, though bengali lives at stake, india had a big hand on it..

what i think is, just going 30 years together, and the delimma of bangladesh a separate country taking place so soon means, some thing was really wrong at the beginning, otherwise out of a newly created country, bengalis would have taken some times before thinking for separation
Pakistan would not have been broken had the power been handed to Mujib after the General Elections of 1970. Mujib would have been the Prime Minister of Pakistan then and the war or break up in 1971 could have been avoided. We do not know later what would have happened....but 1971 could have been had surely avoided if the West Pakistanis possessed something called "Brain" in their head.

If someone were to blame for breaking Pakistan, its the West Pakistanis themselves and not anyone else. The West Pakistanis initiated all the chaos of 1971 and later they had to pay themselves by cutting their arm with their own axe. The West Pakistanis themselves created the ground for breaking Pakistan.

Naturally, when you create a ground for breaking yourself, your enemies sitting beside do not stare and eat lollypop and are not as dumb as you are. They"ll definitely look for opportunities to tear you apart. And that's what happened in 1971.

Sorry...u can't blame others for your own STUPIDITY and FOOLISHNESS.

yeah good riddence, we dont have not to control that stupid area any more, we are more peaceful country without bangladesh, now handle you 40 times bigger enemy, which sorrounds you 99%, your only neighbour..india is also eating away your land, go and read daily news..
well whatever happened has happened; we've moved on since 29th Muharram, 1391

the average Pakistani couldnt care less because they have no regret or harsh feelings.....what we have now is enough and we say Alhamdolillah.

u should be spending time talking about how our respective nations can benefit from eachother
O really....check out the Birth Rates of PK and BD.

We are far better than u in Population Control.

good for you; we could do with the same through better reforms and better governance

luckily, even though our populations are almost the same size, our country is MUCH bigger than yours -- Punjab Province alone is substantially larger than the entire country Bangladesh.

dont be foolish and show your ignorance and arrogance here; chest-thumpers don't last too long on this forum. Grow up, and have a cool glass of milk or something.
luckily, even though our populations are almost the same size, our country is MUCH bigger than yours -- Punjab Province alone is substantially larger than the entire country Bangladesh.

Your population growth rate though is alarmingly high though!


That's almost 4 kids per female ! Better use those condoms :D
pity that some people get so entangled in their emotional feelings and insecurities...


Your population growth rate though is alarmingly high though!

it used to be higher, as you can see on this illustration of yours (in the future, please also list the source)

it's good that at least it is going down....

That's almost 4 kids per female ! Better use those condoms :D

as long as they aren't the ''small size'' ones being sold next door!

there's a scheme in Pakistan whereby female police officers help distribute free condoms; problem is, contraceptives/birth control are still frowned upon in some circles of Pakistani society. Those who have large number of children (future breadwinners) - usually in rural areas -do so to offset the risk of infant mortality (stupid, but that's just what happens --similar to in country such as yours)....at least infant mortality rates are decreasing in Pakistan

still, i fail to see the relevance to the topic of the thread
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Your population growth rate though is alarmingly high though!


That's almost 4 kids per female ! Better use those condoms :D

I am going to married next year & seriously i have plans for atleast 6 kids .. No less than that ...
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