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Pakistan threatens to cut US ties

Its makes all the more sense now to support Haqqani. What more escalation would there be, you killed 24 of our men, thats an act of war and logic dictates that we should reply in kind irrespective of what happens after that.

one cant just retaliate , especially with the US . if you wanted to do so something would have been done after abbotabad . or after the thousands killed in the past few years in drone strikes.
the reality of the situation is that you can nether afford or win any sort of a confrontation with the US . weren't you the guys who invited them in the first place? settle it diplomatically and leave the chest thumping and warmongering for the idiots on the street . war never helped any one .
one cant just retaliate , especially with the US . if you wanted to do so something would have been done after abbotabad . or after the thousands killed in the past few years in drone strikes.
the reality of the situation is that you can nether afford or win any sort of a confrontation with the US . weren't you the guys who invited them in the first place? settle it diplomatically and leave the chest thumping and warmongering for the idiots on the street . war never helped any one .

Not the diplomatically. Nope. Yeah Americans would have to be given a good response through Taliban. A big suicide attack in Afghanistan with around 10 Americans soldiers dead(officially) would be a good reply.
Of course I realize that, but cutting diplomatic ties is often a desperate act that causes more problems than it resolves.

Actually direct military confrontation should happen. Missiles should have flown during this firefight, Bagram should have come under Pakistani fire. It would have been fun to see those A-10s looking for some place to land after attacking Salalah Checkpost.

Ok maybe not that, but we can definitely raid Shamsi Air base on Pakistani soil and throw those American CIA agents out, rather than give them time to vacate. We wanted UCAVs, grab em!

It would be fun to see US CIA agents walk 200 km to Quetta, lets see how many make it.
I was expecting a bit more than a BBC documentary to be honest. This video mutilates facts to the extent where its difficult to differentiate between the truth and the lies. It was the US that funded these fighters, & made them what they are. Even Hillary Clinton has admitted that:

The Afghan people interviewed in this documentary are not any people of authority, & were most probably paid to make this documentary. Capt.Popeye, no offense, but you need more than a fake BBC documentary to implicate the ISI, it does not constitute as substantiative evidence that could be used to implicate anyone in a courtroom.

I think Pakistan also asked evidence for Pak army involvement in Kargil and they keep on denying until Musharraf himself admitted that in 2007 in his book. BBC is not fake, you are in denial mode.
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Its makes all the more sense now to support Haqqani. What more escalation would there be, you killed 24 of our men, thats an act of war and logic dictates that we should reply in kind irrespective of what happens after that.

Well to be quiet honest logic says that i should reply in kind but after ensuring that i should be able to save many more men from the retaliation.....Yes Pak should reply in kind but the key is - in what manner... A direct conflict with US is not an option for Pak ...period... i know that you also know that....Though one question....I know in our world people have lot of emotions for our armed forces...however scores and scores of civilians were being killed by these drones and yet for some reason it as biz as usual...how is lives of 24 combatants more important then all those non-combatants??? Anyhow as said before it is high time Pak should follow an independent foreign policy....
one cant just retaliate , especially with the US . if you wanted to do so something would have been done after abbotabad . or after the thousands killed in the past few years in drone strikes.
the reality of the situation is that you can nether afford or win any sort of a confrontation with the US . weren't you the guys who invited them in the first place? settle it diplomatically and leave the chest thumping and warmongering for the idiots on the street . war never helped any one .

Did you read my post or were you in a hurry to press the reply button. I am not arguing over the reality of the situation here. If i start over why we did not reply to the abbotabad raid and drone strikes, it would be off topic. Read Thomas post and my reply to it again.
He said with us supporting Haqqani, it wouldnt take much to escalate, from our perspective, this act wasnt short of any escalation, an act of war and i used the word logic here. Logic dictates us that we should reply. What happens after that is another story.
It would have been fun to see those A-10s looking for some place to land after attacking Salalah Checkpost.

Well the question again, even though the chain of command is long for getting any timely orders, wasn't it possible to force those attacking helis to land inside Pakistan (few weeks earlier we did the same with the heli from the eastern side) and the pilot+crew taken into custody and put on trial and at the same time US Ambassador declared Persona non-Grata and asked to leave the country in 15 days and the embassy be closed within that period as well.
Perhaps you have lost sight of the original question: How does breaking off diplomatic ties with the US help Pakistan?

if one can not figure out how breaking off relation could be effective should he be engaging in such discussion?

Any case....

To begin wth with breaking off relation will remove hundreds of US agents from Pakistan soil.

Second breaking off relation will eliminate US abiltiy to cultivate division in establishment and dr ect US interfererence.

Although downgrading relation would bring desired result along with not giving interview to western media.
Well to be quiet honest logic says that i should reply in kind but after ensuring that i should be able to save many more men from the retaliation.....Yes Pak should reply in kind but the key is - in what manner... A direct conflict with US is not an option for Pak ...period... i know that you also know that....Though one question....I know in our world people have lot of emotions for our armed forces...however scores and scores of civilians were being killed by these drones and yet for some reason it as biz as usual...how is lives of 24 combatants more important then all those non-combatants??? Anyhow as said before it is high time Pak should follow an independent foreign policy....
Actually Raj after replying we could be assure of one out of two things. The US and NATO will become more careful in their approach and will not take Pakistani lives for granted and two we will head towards a direct confrontation. To be honest if you ask me, i would say the chances of the latter are more likely to happen since you cant expect to hit a world power and would be naive enough to believe they wont reply back. But tell me how exactly are we better? one way or the other we are being hit, our lives are being lost, at least this way we make sure that if ours are killed, theirs get killed too. You know there is this saying in our part of the world " Khud to dhooba hain sanam tum ko be la dhooben ga". You are absolutely right for the drone part, and what we are facing today is because we did not stop them then, and now here we are and you are here for a long time mark my words, this isn't going to stop here as well if we didn't do anything. Today they have killed 24, tomorrow who knows maybe 124 then what and the number will keep increasing.
Actually Raj after replying we could be assure of one out of two things. The US and NATO will become more careful in their approach and will not take Pakistani lives for granted and two we will head towards a direct confrontation. To be honest if you ask me, i would say the chances of the latter are more likely to happen since you cant expect to hit a world power and would be naive enough to believe they wont reply back. But tell me how exactly are we better? one way or the other we are being hit, our lives are being lost, at least this way we make sure that if ours are killed, theirs get killed too. You know there is this saying in our part of the world " Khud to dhooba hain sanam tum ko be la dhooben ga". You are absolutely right for the drone part, and what we are facing today is because we did not stop them then, and now here we are and you are here for a long time mark my words, this isn't going to stop here as well if we didn't do anything. Today they have killed 24, tomorrow who knows maybe 124 then what and the number will keep increasing.

Buddy trust me i can feel what you are feeling...and yes you are right...such attacks will keep coming back if not retaliated....however pardon my words but beggars are not chosers...Pakistan need an independent foreign policy and a robust economy....This is not going to happen overnight and until and unless you have both confrontation with US of anykind is going to back fire....I sincerely hope China intervene here with more aggressive posture then what she is doing right now....Pakistan need her all weather friend more than ever...I sincerely wish if India can also play positive role in this scenario....the relations are comparatively good b/w us too and moreover our relations with US has also improved considerably.....

Remember Ruskies played their part in 71 war by siding with us....You did not attack them for that, right??? But you did get a chance to even the scores in late 80's....Wait for the right time as far as USA is concerned....

Being on this forum for so long i have developed positive vibes for Pak and i sincerely feel for her...i wish you guys all the best...
So exactly what "baggage" will be shed at this stage? If anything, Pakistan's international isolation will only get worse to its detriment.

1. The baggage of WoT
2. the baggage of american influence destroying and pulling Pakistan apart.
3. The baggage of the Pakistani people being bribed by a non existent aid package to fight this American war.
4. The baggage of america forcing Pakistan to accept Indian hegemony.

Is that enough?
Actually direct military confrontation should happen. Missiles should have flown during this firefight, Bagram should have come under Pakistani fire. It would have been fun to see those A-10s looking for some place to land after attacking Salalah Check post.

Ok maybe not that, but we can definitely raid Shamsi Air base on Pakistani soil and throw those American CIA agents out, rather than give them time to vacate. We wanted UCAVs, grab em!

It would be fun to see US CIA agents walk 200 km to Quetta, lets see how many make it.

Are you sure that you want to attack Shamsi Air Base? Your location is Dubai, Are you willing to be moved out of your location?
I think instead of getting emotional, you guys have to band together and bring a government run by politicians and not the puppets of China. Since last sixty four years your Government policies have brought you the result which is in front of your eyes.
As you say Hakumat Hatao Mulk BACHAO.
About time UAE should be given a boot..they have a history of sheltering all Pakistani criminals and dacoits!
1. The baggage of WoT
2. the baggage of american influence destroying and pulling Pakistan apart.
3. The baggage of the Pakistani people being bribed by a non existent aid package to fight this American war.
4. The baggage of america forcing Pakistan to accept Indian hegemony.

Is that enough?

All of that is not going away anytime soon unfortunately.
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