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Pakistan threatens to cut US ties

The next North Korea, where only communication is done is through China!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dream on Bharati. Pakistan is enhancing relations with Iran, Russia, and China.

The world doesn't revolve around U.S., Israel, and India.
It will help Pakistan get out of this war OF terror that is destroying Pakistan and was not even Pakistan's war to begin with.

Pakistan was in the thick of this from the beggining. It was your crew (the taliban ) that sheltered the 9/11 planners.
Pakistan was in the thick of this from the beggining. It was your crew (the taliban ) that sheltered the 9/11 planners.

And what proof do you have that the Taliban is Pakistan's crew?
All military visits to US cancelled, US officers not welcome

ISLAMABAD: Some already scheduled official visits of high-level Pakistan military delegations to the US have been cancelled while Washington, too, has been told that its military officials are not welcome in Pakistan, at least for now.

Following the US-led Nato attack on a Pakistan Army post in Mohmand Agency, killing 24 Pakistani soldiers including a major and a captain, all scheduled visits to and from the US have been cancelled by the Pakistan Army. It is also expected that the forthcoming Bonn Conference will be boycotted by Pakistan in protest.

According to military sources, a high-level delegation of Joints Headquarters was expected to leave for the US on Monday on an official visit, which has been cancelled as a sign of protest against the latest aggression, considered by many here as an act of state terrorism by the US.

These sources said that there were a few more scheduled visits to the US but those too have been cancelled and Washington has been told that Pakistani defence officials could not tour the US when the US-led Nato forces were involved in brutal killing of Pakistan Army soldiers.

The US authorities have also been conveyed that the American military delegations, which were scheduled to visit Pakistan, are not welcome here. A visiting UK military delegation, which was scheduled to play a couple of cricket matches with the Pakistan Army cricket team here, has also been snubbed. They were told that friendly matches, too, stand cancelled after the latest unfriendly and ruthless Nato attack on Pakistani soil.

With the Nato supply line already cut, the Karachi Port authorities have also been informed not to let any ship carrying Nato goods to disembark on Pakistani ports. About the Shamsi Air Base, the military sources said that the American authorities have been told to pack up and leave within a fortnight. These sources claim that the Shamsi Air Base was not presently used for drone attacks.

When asked if there was any other facility like the Shamsi Air Base that was under the use of US forces, the military source said “none”. The Shamsi Air Base has been used for drone attacks in the past. It was only recently revealed before parliament that the said air base was primarily given to the UAE, which after 9/11 offered the base to Americans for attacks on Afghanistan.

All military visits to US cancelled, US officers not welcome

Good job Pakistan army.
Dream on Bharati. Pakistan is enhancing relations with Iran, Russia, and China.

The world doesn't revolve around U.S., Israel, and India.

I would really and really put a question mark on these relationship building that you are talking about, but who knows the future, I guess Mr. Omar is a true psychic afterall............

P.s. lets start with the Northern Alliance that is plaguing Afganistan.....
Pakistan was in the thick of this from the beggining. It was your crew (the taliban ) that sheltered the 9/11 planners.

Taliban was in Afghanistan and Taliban didnt plan 9/11. It was Al Qaeda that U.S. blames for 9/11 attacks. All the 9/11 hijackers were ARABS not Pakistani and not Afghan.

Dont make ignorant statements.

---------- Post added 11-29-2011 at 12:00 AM ---------- Previous post was 11-28-2011 at 11:58 PM ----------

I would really and really put a question mark on these relationship building that you are talking about, but who knows the future, I guess Mr. Omar is a true psychic afterall............

I did not predict anything. Its you bharati trolls who think that you are psychics. Go through this forum, you will see many articles saying that Pakistan is enhancing relations with Iran and Russia.
Cutting diplomatic ties does not mean an outright (military) confrontation between the two nations.

not immediatly but with Pakistan supporting the Haqqani network it wouldn't take much to escalate.
In the name of wiping out terror , USA creates more terror and havoc around the globe then any other nation singlehandedly ... Pakistan has been forced to get involved in WOT with the "You are either with us or against us" quote from uncle sam ..... pakistan chose the "with us" option ten years ago and seen the consequences , its better to go in for "against us" this time around !
Pakistan is enhancing relations with Russia, China, and Iran. All these countries are in our region and all want U.S./NATO to get out of Asia.

U.S., Isreal, and India are not the entire world.

I can understand sentiments of Pakistani citizen who have been let down by their own military time and again. USA is not going out of Asia, it consists of countries besides Pakistan, Iran and China. What your leadership has to do is start telling the truth to its citizen about the long term vision for Pakistan. USA will make sure that Afghanistan does not go back to pre 2001 attack. If in the past history British and Soviet Union could not tame the people of Afghanistan than how is it possible that Afghans will tolerate your nations diktats. Just get control of your emotions, which are running very high and think with a cool head.
not immediatly but with Pakistan supporting the Haqqani network it wouldn't take much to escalate.

When Obama is saying there is no clear evidence/intelligence linking the ISI to the Haqqani network, I don't think you'd know any better, no offense.

---------- Post added at 10:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:10 AM ----------

Pakistan was in the thick of this from the beggining. It was your crew (the taliban ) that sheltered the 9/11 planners.

Watch this:

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When Obama is saying there is no clear evidence/intelligence linking the ISI to the Haqqani network, I don't think you'd know any better, no offense.

Obama is a politician who will say anything to get more troops home before the elections. I tend to believe what the Military leaders are saying. which is that there is a connection.
I can understand sentiments of Pakistani citizen who have been let down by their own military time and again. USA is not going out of Asia, it consists of countries besides Pakistan, Iran and China. What your leadership has to do is start telling the truth to its citizen about the long term vision for Pakistan. USA will make sure that Afghanistan does not go back to pre 2001 attack. If in the past history British and Soviet Union could not tame the people of Afghanistan than how is it possible that Afghans will tolerate your nations diktats. Just get control of your emotions, which are running very high and think with a cool head.

As if U.S. will ever win control of Afghanistan :rofl:

The only country that U.S. has support from in the region is India and that country is surrounded by all SOuth Asian countries and China. It doesnt even share a border with Afghanistan.
When Obama is saying there is no clear evidence/intelligence linking the ISI to the Haqqani network, I don't think you'd know any better, no offense.

But is that what the CIA and the Pentagon are saying? Are'nt they calling the shots here? Do we know any better? No offence.
US-Pakistan ties troubled but repairable: US general

US-Pakistani relations are at one of their worst points in memory after the Nato strike that killed 24 Pakistani troops, but can recover, Washington's top military officer said on Monday.

General Martin Dempsey said Pakistani anger was justified given the loss of life. But he

declined to offer an apology, saying during a trip to London that he did not know enough yet about the weekend incident and that there was a US military investigation.

"They have reason to be furious that they have 24 soldiers that are dead, and that the ordinance that killed them was the ordinance of a partner," Dempsey, chairman of the US military's joint chiefs of staff, told Britain's ITV News.

"I would certainly like to enlist their patience in helping us figure out what happened."

Pakistan's military said the strike was unprovoked but a Western official and an Afghan security official who both requested anonymity have said Nato troops were responding to fire from the Pakistani side of the Afghan border.

The killings have upended U.S. attempts to ease a crisis in relations with Islamabad, which worsened after the secret U.S. raid into Pakistan to kill al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden in May. The incident also threatened to undermine US efforts to stabilise the region as Washington tries to wind down the war in Afghanistan.

Asked about US-Pakistani relations, Dempsey said: "It certainly does look like it's on about as rocky a road as it has been in my memory. And my memory with Pakistan goes back some 20 years or so."

Questioned whether the situation was irretrievable, he said: "No. I don't think so."

Dempsey branded the relationship with Pakistan "troubled" when he addressed a forum in London.


Pakistan shut Nato supply routes into Afghanistan in retaliation for the killings.

Dempsey said the United States could cope with the cut-off by channelling supplies through alternative routes. "But I'd like to believe that we could, over time, with Pakistan's approval, restore those lines of communication," he said.

Pakistan has also said it had ordered the United States to vacate a drone base in the country.

Dempsey, who declined to acknowledge the use of drones at the base, said the move would be a "serious act in terms of our relationship".

"They want us to close the base in Shamsi, the purpose of which I leave to your imagination. There are other options for stationing aircraft and other resources around the region," Dempsey said.

Asked whether it was a serious blow, he said: "It's a serious blow in the sense that the Pakistani government felt that they needed to deny us the use of a base that we've been using for many years." "And so it's serious in that regard. It's not debilitating militarily."

Dempsey said ties at senior levels between the two nations' militaries were still strong at the "person-to-person" level.

He said he had known Pakistan's army chief general Ashfaq Kayani since the two studied together at the US Army Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas in the late 1980s.

Dempsey refrained from repeating some of the accusations about Pakistani intelligence ties to anti-U.S. militants that were cited by his predecessor, Admiral Mike Mullen. Mullen, before stepping down in September, called the Haqqani network a "veritable arm" of Pakistan's ISI intelligence service.

"Whether they are acting at the behest or at the direction of the ISI -- I'm not prepared to say that," he said.

US-Pakistan ties troubled but repairable: US general - Hindustan Times

Taliban was in Afghanistan and Taliban didnt plan 9/11. It was Al Qaeda that U.S. blames for 9/11 attacks. All the 9/11 hijackers were ARABS not Pakistani and not Afghan.

Dont make ignorant statements.

---------- Post added 11-29-2011 at 12:00 AM ---------- Previous post was 11-28-2011 at 11:58 PM ----------

I did not predict anything. Its you bharati trolls who think that you are psychics. Go through this forum, you will see many articles saying that Pakistan is enhancing relations with Iran and Russia.

The fact is they were trained in Afghanistan. It is also a fact that after the 9/11 most of the terrorist attacks have been carried out by Pakistani nationals or who have Pakistani heritage around the world as was the case in Canada. Eighteen individual were nabbed before they could carry out their attack. All of them but one were with Pakistani heritage. It has not stopped either.
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