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Pakistan threatens to cut US ties

That is new to me. I thought only Pakistan sheltered thugs like Dawood. So there is wisdom in old saying "What goes around comes around" translation in hindi JAISA KAROGAY VAISA BHAROGAY. There is something to think about for Pakistani Generals.

Pretty BS statement you gave. No one holds anyone hands to do any thing. So when you don't know the situation is better to shut your mouth.
but to be reality Pakistan cannot cut all the ties nor USA can do that

iran north korea living since decades without dirty face of USA . I THINK BOTH COUNTRIES LIFE STANDERS AND PUBLIC LIFE is better then pakistan and both have peace more then pakistan
All these chest thumping and bravado statements from Pakistanis. But I have to ask can you really take on a country that spends more than 4 times your entire GDP on defense each year? Not to mention both US and EU together constitute close to 60% of your export market. Pakistan would go bankrupt in next minute if it decide to confront US. Not even Arabs be able to help you.

You try to say here Mr.Desh Pande, that USA & NATO can do what ever they want against what they give to us?
Sorry, Mr.Desh Pande, then you are wrong.
but to be reality Pakistan cannot cut all the ties nor USA can do that
Yes! Ure right cuz our ruling elite got all their wealth stashed in Swiss accounts can't afford to loose their lifetime savingz.....but eventually they gotta loose them cuz the same thing happened to Egypts Hosni -Mubarak , the Tunisian President, the Libyan Moammar Qaddfi....etc etc.Cuz the US/NATO gonna take it by force anywayz.....:smokin:
Pretty BS statement you gave. No one holds anyone hands to do any thing. So when you don't know the situation is better to shut your mouth.

Thanks for telling us all about you and how you behave with others who disagree with you. Individuals like you should go back to school where they teach how to behave on forums. May be you can explain the situation in detail so that I can become more knowledgeable. I hope you will not use the same derogatory words in your next response. We who come from South Asian countries are taught to respect others regardless of their age or sex.

Whether your institutions hold their hand or not became transparent with the trial of Headley. Once you come out of the denial mindset and accept the wrongs being done by Government institutions regardless of which rank and file is involved.

My origional response to a post by a forum member who stated to cut all ties with UAE since they shelter the dacoits from Pakistan. This was a news to me since I have never lived either in Pakistan or UAE. May be you can take some time and read both the posts and than reply to others. Try to keep your emotions under check and cool down. I hope we can have some constructive and educational exchange of views rather than abusive exchange. Think before sending your reply.

Wishing you all the best and best regards.
U know the problem with Mr VCheng is that he gotta stay within US and he gotta prove himself loyal to that country nomatter what cuz he an immigrant not by birth there otherwise Uncle Sam can take him in on Patriotic Act Amendment/violation....so we don't blame whatever he feels or says cuz we already know his situation there.....If he was sitting here then the situation would have been different. I guess......:smokin:

Mr VCheng sorry in advance if I disclose any of ure secrets....;)

Besides you there are few others who think rationally and put their thoughts without getting carried away with emotions.

I disagree with your assessment of VCheng's situation. If you read my last line above, I have stated besides him others living in
USA, Pakistan and elsewhere are able to look at the situation from realistic point of view and suggest the solution accordingly. If you keep ignoring the situation as it exists today on the ground than I am afraid this will be a drag on the Pakistan society in general for a long term which you should be avoided under all circumstances to keep the country in under one piece.
Pakistan should revise policy towards US: analyst

Islamabad: The recent attack on Pakistani check post by NATO Forces demands that Pakistan should review its policy towards United States otherwise there are chances of more such attacks in all the provinces.

This was stated by Dr. Maria Sultan, Director General, South Asian Strategic Stability Institute, while delivering a lecture in a seminar titled as “Nuclear Non-proliferation: emerging trends and implications for Pakistan” at National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad on Wednesday.

Department of International Relations organized the event , which was by was largely attended by the students, faculty members, Heads of Departments, Deans and high officials of the University including Maj Gen (R) Masood Hassan, Rector and Brigadier Azam Jamal Director General NUML.

Dr Maria said that the NATO attack was deliberate and it was aimed at judging the response of Pakistan with a view to pursue its future plans. The attack continued despite proper identification of Pakistan security posts was made, she remarked.

On nuclear non-proliferation, Dr Maria Sultan said that Obama administration has made nuclear disarmament, the cornerstone of its non-proliferation policy which has resulted in global zero campaign. She said the US administration has the ambition of nuclear free world which is facing a number of restraints.

On Pakistan’s nuclear programme, she said it has strong safety and security system in places for its nuclear facilities.

She also highlighted the concept of ‘haves and have-nots’, bilateral treaties and conventions, US National Security Strategy 2010 as well as Kerry-Lugar bill and its complications for Pakistan. Quoting figures, she said that Pakistan has spent more on Coalition-support programme than it has received from the United States.

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Pakistan will be making a grave mistake if it severs ties with USA.

Both China and Saudi Arabia are becoming pro-Indian or adopting a neutral stance towards India and Pakistan.

That means if it loses America, Pakistan will have no natural allies in the world and it does not have any natural resource like Oil to keep it going like Iran.

But that is up to Pakistan. I don't think Pakistan will. Pakistani-Americans send back a lot of money which keep the Pakistani economy functioning.
Pakistan will be making a grave mistake if it severs ties with USA.

Both China and Saudi Arabia are becoming pro-Indian or adopting a neutral stance towards India and Pakistan.

That means if it loses America, Pakistan will have no natural allies in the world and it does not have any natural resource like Oil to keep it going like Iran.

But that is up to Pakistan. I don't think Pakistan will. Pakistani-Americans send back a lot of money which keep the Pakistani economy functioning.

Pakistan might 'cut' ties with the US, but will not 'break' them.
Pakistan will be making a grave mistake if it severs ties with USA.

Both China and Saudi Arabia are becoming pro-Indian or adopting a neutral stance towards India and Pakistan.

That means if it loses America, Pakistan will have no natural allies in the world and it does not have any natural resource like Oil to keep it going like Iran.

But that is up to Pakistan. I don't think Pakistan will. Pakistani-Americans send back a lot of money which keep the Pakistani economy functioning.

Pakistan is enhancing ties with China, Russia, and Iran. China is not pro-india, and even so Pakistan is also improving relations with India.

The world doesnt revolve around U.S. and Israel.
Pakistan is enhancing ties with China, Russia, and Iran. China is not pro-india, and even so Pakistan is also improving relations with India.

The world doesnt revolve around U.S. and Israel.

China only cares about its Economy.

If it economy benefits by a strong relations with India, China will tilt towards India.

Iran is too messed to care about Pakistan. And besides, Iran is Shia while Pakistan is allied with Sunni Saudi Arabia, so thats a no go there.

As for Russia, it will remain wholly allied with India. It is developing the T-50 Fighter, selling Aircraft Carriers and Tanks. There is zero chance of Russia becoming pro-Pakistan.

Pakistan only has Saudi Arabia and China as allies but that won't last long once it becomes economically better for both of those countries to have better relations with India than Pakistan.

Not sure what Israel has to do with anything.
China only cares about its Economy.

If it economy benefits by a strong relations with India, China will tilt towards India.

Iran is too messed to care about Pakistan. And besides, Iran is Shia while Pakistan is allied with Sunni Saudi Arabia, so thats a no go there.

As for Russia, it will remain wholly allied with India. It is developing the T-50 Fighter, selling Aircraft Carriers and Tanks. There is zero chance of Russia becoming pro-Pakistan.

Pakistan only has Saudi Arabia and China as allies but that won't last long once it becomes economically better for both of those countries to have better relations with India than Pakistan.

Not sure what Israel has to do with anything.

There are no allies in the international arena, only mutual interests. So your post is meaningless.
China only cares about its Economy.

If it economy benefits by a strong relations with India, China will tilt towards India.

Iran is too messed to care about Pakistan. And besides, Iran is Shia while Pakistan is allied with Sunni Saudi Arabia, so thats a no go there.

As for Russia, it will remain wholly allied with India. It is developing the T-50 Fighter, selling Aircraft Carriers and Tanks. There is zero chance of Russia becoming pro-Pakistan.

Pakistan only has Saudi Arabia and China as allies but that won't last long once it becomes economically better for both of those countries to have better relations with India than Pakistan.

Not sure what Israel has to do with anything.

Wake up. Its 2011 not 1981.

Pakistan-Iranian relations has improved drastically since 2008. Pakistan-Russia relations has also improved.

And Saudi Arabia didnt even speak in support of Pakistan after the NATO strikes. Everyone knows Saudi rulers are slaves of U.S. Pakistan also has the 2nd largest Shia population in the world, Zardari himself is Shia so the rulers of Pakistan dont care about Sunni-Shia conflict created by the west.

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