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Pakistan: The demon the West created

Tarik Fateh type characters spit on their own people in order to gain accolade from the white people who live with a complex that their race is superior to all other races. It is indeed very difficult, well neigh impossible to find anything good that he says about Pakistan and Muslims in general. These guys, because of things they say get a lot of press coverage in the western media, whereas they almost always are hated figures in the places they were born in.

I don't know how can mothers give birth to such scums of the earth.

After taking a look of this picture em preety sure u can see who is the demon
isnt that very strange when pakistan and india take a step towards peace they take 3 4 towards hatred 2 and very strngly its alwys indian media who plays the role of james bond and show the innocent world wht a big bad wolf pakistan is lol if pakistan is that bad why dont u mind with ur F----- Business persnly i dont want to hate any human being but their is a limit of every thing wht if i say gay hind instead of jay hind who u will react and coming back to the topic who is calling demon west they might worlds most advance states US arnt they are the 1 who invade differnt countries for no freakin reason and then they say sorry we just wanted to thelp these guys are bombing the **** out of these countries i dont have to give u proof u can go to Google and see for ur self

or its the india welll above picture shows how brave indain army is i have more picture of indian army 2 but they are 18+ soo
the might army who took occupied Kashmirs terrority where these brave soldiers rape small muslims girls and kill young 1 for no reason again u can search it for ur self on google now i dont get it why west call pakistan demon i think because pakistan is fighting a war for U.S and it had lost more then 30000 people almost 100k got injuried and pakistan army is loosing every day a soldier and it has sufferd with more then 30 billion loss i thnk these are the reason why pakistan is a big bad wolf
How dare you insult a Turkish poster here on PDF and in Pakistani territory.

The Kurds are terrorists who have killed numerous Turkish men, women and children, just like Taliban here in Pakistan. The Turks do the right thing by responding well against the marauders who kill innocents. They can stay in eyeraq and gain their independence if they want to, but killing innocent people in other countries, particularly in Turkey equates them with butchers.

You can keep your desert fox cap and become a Nazi for all anybody can care about, but don't insult a Turk here. PERIOD.

:lol: Wow, what is he, you're boyfriend or something that you defended him with such energy and passion? I would be surprised if you guys had something more going on between you two :cheesy:.

Anyways, i wonder if a Kurd said : "Soon it will drown in the whirlpool it created. Demographic change worldwide will erase Turkish Anatolian hegemony or maybe even Turkic people's."

And where is the racism? I wish Kurds a better life standard in USA.

This is second time I hear negative views against Turks. If You wish to bash Turkey, do it. I would respond and beat you in a polite way.

Ok, check this out:

Soon it will drown in the whirlpool it created. Demographic change worldwide will erase Turkish Anatolian hegemony or maybe even Turkic people's.

PS: I don't hate Turks or Turkey, i'm just giving you a taste of your own medicine. Like they say "give respect, earn respect", and the same can be reversed to "give disrespect, earn disrespect".
@Ticker: So, the Kurds are terrorists you say? You are filled with ignorance to label an entire people terrorists. There's no use talking to his likes, Desert.

On topic, I truly despise the article author.
:lol: Wow, what is he, you're boyfriend or something that you defended him with such energy and passion? I would be surprised if you guys had something more going on between you two :cheesy:.

Anyways, i wonder if a Kurd said : "Soon it will drown in the whirlpool it created. Demographic change worldwide will erase Turkish Anatolian hegemony or maybe even Turkic people's."

WOW ........ no A$$ HOLE, I don't wear a Nazi uniform and fly an American flag to underline my modernistic two-time duplicity.

Turks have been Pakistan's friends since forever. And the Kurds have not supported Pakistan. Those who don't support my country and terrorise our allies and friends are our enemies. Plain and simple!

If you wanna go and support terrorists who are attacking and killing innocents in Turkey or anywhere else while wearing the Nazi uniform, go join the Taliban. In any case your kind of punks who can not differentiate what the Nazis stood for and what the American flag and freedom stands for, you are a modernist liberal taliban and nothing more.

I hope you are not flying the Pakistani Flag with American flag to hide your shame for being a Pakistani.
:lol: Wow, what is he, you're boyfriend or something that you defended him with such energy and passion? I would be surprised if you guys had something more going on between you two :cheesy:.

Anyways, i wonder if a Kurd said : "Soon it will drown in the whirlpool it created. Demographic change worldwide will erase Turkish Anatolian hegemony or maybe even Turkic people's."

Ok, check this out:

Soon it will drown in the whirlpool it created. Demographic change worldwide will erase Turkish Anatolian hegemony or maybe even Turkic people's.

PS: I don't hate Turks or Turkey, i'm just giving you a taste of your own medicine. Like they say "give respect, earn respect", and the same can be reversed to "give disrespect, earn disrespect".

I can prove statistics and forecasts that shows non-white majority would dominate white minority in a near future. Whatever reasons are not the discussion of this topic.

You and the other American brought Kurdish issue. I was talking about the west and his demons. Alexander the Great has once asked: "What should I do to control the native populations?" Elder replied: "You cannot kill, their descendant will remember; you cannot forgive, they would rebel. You should create division and make them kill eachother, so that you pull the strings."

West did this, created Pakistan and India. West still trying to do this by playing Kurdish card. I dont give a damn about what you say. You say: Racism!!!!! Ignorance!!!! Give me a break. Where is your pollyanna book? Real world is what I describe. Once-Racist white European Americans now cry about Muslim racism, Black racism, Mexicon racism, Asian racism. They created this mess, I dont give a damn. I am actually fine, I dont have multibillion money to lose. :D

WOW ........ no A$$ HOLE, I don't wear a Nazi uniform and fly an American flag to underline my modernistic two-time duplicity.

Turks have been Pakistan's friends since forever. And the Kurds have not supported Pakistan. Those who don't support my country and terrorise our allies and friends are our enemies. Plain and simple!

If you wanna go and support terrorists who are attacking and killing innocents in Turkey or anywhere else while wearing the Nazi uniform, go join the Taliban. In any case your kind of punks who can not differentiate what the Nazis stood for and what the American flag and freedom stands for, you are a modernist liberal taliban and nothing more.

I hope you are not flying the Pakistani Flag with American flag to hide your shame for being a Pakistani.

Thank you for your care towards Turkey, we also love Pakistanis. Although we dont show much love, but hatred generally towards all kind of people, know that our hearts are with Pakistanis. Individuals are individuals.
@Ticker: So, the Kurds are terrorists you say? You are filled with ignorance to label an entire people terrorists. There's no use talking to his likes, Desert.

On topic, I truly despise the article author.

Who are you and who do you represent, Pakistan or Canada.

You can't represent two countries at the same time.

And that is the problem with pseudo-liberal tin horns like you who have difficulty knowing their origin and its history, and attempt to harmonize with the new cultural realities of a new country. In the end they lose their identity.

Either you are a Pakistani, or you are a Pakistani origin person from a different country. You can't be both.

And when you try and forget thinking like a Pakistani, you tend to forget that Pakistanis as a nation have Turks as their friends far far more than the Kurds who have never been Pakistani friends.

Jab tumhein pata hi nahin ke tum ho kon, tumhein kya pata hoga ke Pakistani kon hein, aur Truks Pakistanion ke liye kya matlab ralkhtay hein.

Please wrap yourself in canadian Flag and kiss my posterior.
divide et impera.
(Philip II of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great)
Divide and conquer.

I think that is enough to understand the situation. Desert Fox is provacateur.
divide et impera.
(Philip II of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great)
Divide and conquer.

I think that is enough to understand the situation. Desert Fox is provacateur.

Sir, let me highlight a plain and simple fact. It was not the west that divided India and Pakistan to create a divide and rule environment.

We fought and created Pakistan. Over 3 million of us died while liberating our homeland. Almost similar to what Ataturk did to liberate Turkey.

India for us is like Greece for you. You may have moved on, we haven't yet. Be careful here.
Sir, let me highlight a plain and simple fact. It was not the west that divided India and Pakistan to create a divide and rule environment.

We fought and created Pakistan. Over 3 million of us died while liberating our homeland. Almost similar to what Ataturk did to liberate Turkey.

India for us is like Greece for you. You may have moved on, we haven't yet. Be careful here.


British didnt bring a peaceful solution to create an environment suitable for both people while leaving South Asia. Actually they planned two hostile nations to keep South Asia busy.

Same here. They Made Arabs, Kurds, Greeks and Armenians fight against Turks. They gave money weapons etc.. to dissolve Ottoman Empire. Turkey still resists.

If your both enemies kill eachother, would you mind? No, these are the western mentality. Demon is the west itself. And at the same time it is human behaviour.
WOW ........ no A$$ HOLE, I don't wear a Nazi uniform and fly an American flag to underline my modernistic two-time duplicity.
Now getting too defensive about your boyfriend now are you? :lol: Don't worry, i won't steal him from you, i'm straight.

And yeah, so what? I have a Nazi as my avatar and American flag as my location, whats your point?

I'm not the one going around making hate comments like "Soon it will drown in the whirlpool it created. Demographic change worldwide will erase White European/American hegemony or maybe even White people's."

It was your boyfriend who made that comment.

Turks have been Pakistan's friends since forever. And the Kurds have not supported Pakistan. Those who don't support my country and terrorise our allies and friends are our enemies. Plain and simple!
Then you should probably kill yourself since Pakistan has been strengthening relations with india (trade, bollywood, MFN status, ease of visas to allow Pakistani celebrities to visit india), not to mention Pakistan is a ally of America and allows American drones to bomb Pakistani civilians and American agents to kill its people and get away with it.

BTW, looks like your boyfriends country is too concerned about its relations with india that it apologized for bringing up Kashmir issue in the UN (which would have been very beneficial to Pakistan) :

Turkey Apologises for Raising Kashmir Issue in UN | news.outlookindia.com

Turkey "apologises" for raising Kashmir issue in UN - Economic Times

If you wanna go and support terrorists who are attacking and killing innocents in Turkey or anywhere else while wearing the Nazi uniform, go join the Taliban. In any case your kind of punks who can not differentiate what the Nazis stood for and what the American flag and freedom stands for, you are a modernist liberal taliban and nothing more.
Listen, i can understand that he's your boyfriend therefore you have this extreme urge to jump to silly conclusions and post such nonsensical rants in his defense, but please do tone down the rant machine known as your brain, because it is making you look like a illogical retard. I give you this advice for your benefit.

I hope you are not flying the Pakistani Flag with American flag to hide your shame for being a Pakistani.
Now now ticker, keep ticking till you blow yourself up.

I can prove statistics and forecasts that shows non-white majority would dominate white minority in a near future. Whatever reasons are not the discussion of this topic.

You and the other American brought Kurdish issue. I was talking about the west and his demons. Alexander the Great has once asked: "What should I do to control the native populations?" Elder replied: "You cannot kill, their descendant will remember; you cannot forgive, they would rebel. You should create division and make them kill eachother, so that you pull the strings."

West did this, created Pakistan and India. West still trying to do this by playing Kurdish card. I dont give a damn about what you say. You say: Racism!!!!! Ignorance!!!! Give me a break. Where is your pollyanna book? Real world is what I describe. Once-Racist white European Americans now cry about Muslim racism, Black racism, Mexicon racism, Asian racism. They created this mess, I dont give a damn. I am actually fine, I dont have multibillion money to lose. :D

Wait!!! Hold your horses, you're jumping to conclusions too soon. There is something called "survival instincts", and "Racial consciousness". The more White people get pushed and squeezed into tight corners, the more they will realize they are becoming minorities and victims of hate at the hands of others in their own land, this will unite them, and when a people becoming aware of the dangers surrounding them they will do anything to maintain their survival.

History is witness to this fact, Europe's population has witnessed invasions by foreigners many times in the past as well as decline and increase of the native White population, its just a cycle, and like in the past the foreigners will eventually be pushed out as was the case during the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, and many other similar events.
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