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Pakistan: The demon the West created

Pakistan: The demon the West created

August is a month that brings both joy and grief to the 1.3 billion people of the Indian subcontinent. Joy, as we celebrate the end of nearly 200 years of British colonial rule in 1947, and sorrow as we remember the one million who were slaughtered unnecessarily in a genocidal frenzy of religious hatred.

Punjab, my ancestral homeland, was sliced in two by the departing British to create the new state of Pakistan. In a few short months, the entire population of Punjab’s indigenous Sikhs and Hindus in Pakistan was either slaughtered or driven out by raging mobs of Muslim fanatics. On the other side of the border, there was more bloodshed.

The question often asked is, who penned the partition of India? Who was responsible for carving out Pakistan, a country that seems to have an insatiable appetite for bloodshed, and that has been responsible for, or associated with, more acts of ****** terrorism then any other country on earth?

From Khalid Sheikh Mohammad’s 9/11 plans to the recent recruitment of jihadis in Burma; from the Toronto 18 to the London 7/7 bombings, fingerprints of Pakistan-based ****** groups and ideologies are ubiquitous.

Conventional wisdom and traditional scholarship dictates, Pakistan came about as a result of Muslim grievances and fear of a Hindu-majority rule in post British India. Mohammad Ali Jinnah and the All India Muslim League are given credit for tapping into this sense of victimhood that still drives much of Islamist anger around the world.

However, there is more to it than meets the eye. On May 5, 1945, the very day Germany surrendered, Prime Minister Churchill ordered an appraisal of “the long-term policy required to safeguard the strategic interests of the British Empire in India and the Indian Ocean.” Two weeks later Churchill received the top-secret report that, among other proposals, mentioned the necessity of British presence in Northwest India (today’s Pakistan) “from which British air power could threaten Soviet military installations.” When this was brought to the attention of Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s Prime Minister and the Congress, they made it clear they would not accept British bases on Indian soil. On the other hand, Muslim League leader Jinnah was amenable to such an idea.

Two months later, Churchill was shockingly defeated by the Labour Party in the election, leaving the task of creating Pakistan for the sake of Western military strategic needs to the socialists.

By June 1947, the decision to amputate India was announced in London. It was left to British foreign secretary Ernst Bevin to explain to his party activists why London would seek to destroy what it had built over 100 years as the “Jewel of the British Crown.” Defending the decision that would devastate the lives of millions for decades, Bevin told delegates at a Labour Party Conference that the division of India was necessary because it “would help to consolidate Britain in the Middle East.” It’s no coincidence that within a few years, the U.S. would establish an air base in Pakistan to launch its high altitude U2 spy aircraft until one day in 1960 when a U2 was shot down over Russia and Gary Powers was captured.

Thus came the great divide on August 14-15, 1947. After partition, the UK handed over the baton to the US ,who invested heavily into Pakistan becoming a frontline anti-communist military state. Today, the USSR is dead, but Pakistan is alive and has become America’s demon; one that successive U.S. administrations cannot put back into the bottle.

My next book, “Pakistan: The Demon America Created” dwells in detail the tragic division of India and the monster of Islamism that morphed out of the Cold War and now haunts and hunts its own maker.

What utter nonsense ? Pakistan was not created by the British or america.

Pakistan was created by Mohandas Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Patel.

Jinnah never wanted Pakistan. Jinnah signed on to the Cabinet Mission Plan. All Jinnah asked for was to have 40% just quota for Muslims in line with their percentage of the total Population in Federal Jobs and Military.

Nehru wanted to get rid of Muslims by creating Pakistan so that in a democratic setup he won't have to beg for Muslim votes, so he pulled the rug from Jinnah's feet by reneging on Cabinet Mission Plan. This solved " Nehru's Muslim Problem".

That is how Pakistan was made by Nehru and Sardar Patel.
No need to get angry at Tarek Fatah.

He is a product of Indians and Pakistanis ignorant of their own history thanks to the 3rd grade sarkari school history books.

OK OK. That's not an excuse. All of us grow up and God has given us faculties to find the truth or at least get closer to the truth.

I cannot cover the whole Indian-Pakistani history in one post. But here are some myths.

1. Pakistani Myth: Allama Iqbal gave the concept of Pakistan during Allahbad speech of 1930.

WRONG. Allama Iqbal took great pains to dispel this fallacy during his lifetime. But the Myth prevails thanks to 3rd grade Sarkari school books in Pakistan.

So if Iqal didn't get this idea. Then who did.

Well it was Congressi Hindu leader from Punjab - Lala Lajpat Rai who in his 1922 letter to Bengali leader C R Das suggested two nation theory, that he has read Quran, and Hindus and Muslims cannot live together so India should kick out half Punjab, Sindh and Frontier. Rai had control of all the Hindu moneymen from Lahore, so he controlled huge finances going to Congress, and thus exerted tremendous control over Nehru, Gandhi and other top leaders. Thus it was Congress all along who wanted to kick out these troublesome provinces out in order to put Congressi stranglehold on the rest of India. Talk about demo-Krazy a la Congress of India style.

2. Indian Myth: Direction Action by Jinnah lead to partition's bloodshed
WRONG: Direct Action day was in August 1946. And the bloodshed was limited to Hindu majority Kolkatta and thus Muslims were on the receiving end of this riot. If Jinnah wanted riots, there were many Muslim majority areas where direction action day would have done lot more damage. But he never wanted to and he did not initiate riots in Muslim majority areas where he had strength.

So if Direction action day didn't lead to partition bloodshed then what happened ONE FULL year after diection action day when India and Pakistan became independent?

Partition impacted mostly one state in the whole of British India. And that state was Punjab.

Before partition
-- East Punjab (Indian side) had 55-65% Muslim Punjabis. (depending on city/village)
-- West Punjab (Pak side) had 35-45% non-Muslim Punjabis (depending on city/village)

After partition
--- Indian Punjab had 0% Muslim punjabis (totally annihilated by Indian mobs)
-- Pak Punjab had 0% non-Muslim punjabis (totally annihilated by Pak mobs)
--- few exceptions were tiny Muslim population in Malir kotla, and tiny sikh population around holy shrines such as: Nankana sahib and Punja sahib

nowhere else in India or Pak, the ethnic cleansing was so absolute so comprehensive.

Now Tarek Fatah talks about non-Muslims uprooted from W, Punjab cities. We should all mourn for them and their loss,

But Tarek Fatah is ignoromous when he forgets why Punjabi Muslims were wiped out of Indian Punjab totally and completely? or perhaps that was the fault of Muslims too.

Bottom line:
I pity Indian posters who copy and paste such article without really understanding our shared history.

I pity Pakistani posters who do not study our history and thus fail to respond to the poison spread by the Indians and arrogant writers like Fatah.


What utter nonsense ? Pakistan was not created by the British or america.

Pakistan was created by Mohandas Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Patel.

Jinnah never wanted Pakistan. Jinnah signed on to the Cabinet Mission Plan. All Jinnah asked for was to have 40% just quota for Muslims in line with their percentage of the total Population in Federal Jobs and Military.

Nehru wanted to get rid of Muslims by creating Pakistan so that in a democratic setup he won't have to beg for Muslim votes, so he pulled the rug from Jinnah's feet by reneging on Cabinet Mission Plan. This solved " Nehru's Muslim Problem".

That is how Pakistan was made by Nehru and Sardar Patel.

Good and correct.

Few points to note though.

1. Jinnah didn't ask for 40% quota. He just said an appropriate number based on mutual understanding.

2. Your description covers time of 1946. However Congress was planning to kick out Muslim majority provinces way back in 1920s

History is utterly mutilated with no time-line the way it is written in the 3rd grade sarkari schools of India and Pakistan .

Thank you

Tarek Fateh talks like so many Pakistani Americans who are naturalized in USA or Pakistani canadians.

1. These PAs and PCs want to live in USA or Canada, bread there, and raise their future generations there,.

But heavens would fall if Pakistani government supports USA or Canada.

2. Tarek Fatah forgets that Indians are buying weapons from USA, holding military exercises with America

But heavens would fall if Pakistani government supports USA or Canada.

3. Tarek Fatah forgets that Indians supported Soviet commies all along while USA was fighting commies all over the world.

But heavens would fall if Pakistani government supported USA during those cold war years.

To this I say

------------- Shame on you illiterate and ignorant Fateh. Shame on you for your hypocrisy and your two-tongued behavior,
Wait!!! Hold your horses, you're jumping to conclusions too soon. There is something called "survival instincts", and "Racial consciousness". The more White people get pushed and squeezed into tight corners, the more they will realize they are becoming minorities and victims of hate at the hands of others in their own land, this will unite them, and when a people becoming aware of the dangers surrounding them they will do anything to maintain their survival.

History is witness to this fact, Europe's population has witnessed invasions by foreigners many times in the past as well as decline and increase of the native White population, its just a cycle, and like in the past the foreigners will eventually be pushed out as was the case during the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, and many other similar events.

I am not convinced to your imaginations. Jews pull the strings, whites are to be slaughtered in the hands of the others.

Most important of my post was that the west being the demon. West has been Creating hostilities and financing terror groups. Care to comment about this issue?
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