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Pakistan: The demon the West created

Another article made by some traitor expat, does this fool even know the meaning of demon before he refers to Pakistan as one.

By June 1947, the decision to amputate India was announced in London. It was left to British foreign secretary Ernst Bevin to explain to his party activists why London would seek to destroy what it had built over 100 years as the “Jewel of the British Crown.” Defending the decision that would devastate the lives of millions for decades, Bevin told delegates at a Labour Party Conference that the division of India was necessary because it “would help to consolidate Britain in the Middle East.” It’s no coincidence that within a few years, the U.S. would establish an air base in Pakistan to launch its high altitude U2 spy aircraft until one day in 1960 when a U2 was shot down over Russia and Gary Powers was captured.

Thus came the great divide on August 14-15, 1947. After partition, the UK handed over the baton to the US ,who invested heavily into Pakistan becoming a frontline anti-communist military state. Today, the USSR is dead, but Pakistan is alive and has become America’s demon; one that successive U.S. administrations cannot put back into the bottle.

You can potentially argue Afghanistan is the demon, but arguing Pakistan is rubbish. The Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan is what catalyzed all of this concentration of Islamic militants into Afghanistan and the region, with backing of KSA, UAE, US, Pakistan and other states.

This idea that British agreed to partition Pakistan because M.A Jinnah agreed to allow British bases in Pakistan appears to be unsubstantiated, where is the evidence M.A Jinnah was even remotely open to the idea, it was he trying to oust the British out of the subcontinent. If Pakistan is America's demon you could also argue America is Pakistan's demon, fact is both states have their own interests. but the use of the word 'demon' shows the author's poor choice of words. What a fool.
Ahhh...Tarek Fatah, says it all ! Anyone ever listen to his interview/talk with that bald Canadian guy where he said that the Pakistan Army carves out 'Pakistan Zindabad' on the bodies of Baloch and then tosses them from helicopters - all of that happening whilst the Baloch is alive of course ! Cheetah hai yeh...cheetah ! :D
Pakistan was created by ALLAH, Everything happens by the will of Allah

No it doesn't, I'm sorry to inform you. Many things occur by the natural process independently of a celestial or divine intervention.

So this avalanche that happened, happened by Allah? These earthquakes in prior years, happened by Allah? Diseases and plague all germinated by the will of Allah? I think not. Educate yourself in the sciences, Pakistan will be thankful.
Ahhh...Tarek Fatah, says it all ! Anyone ever listen to his interview/talk with that bald Canadian guy where he said that the Pakistan Army carves out 'Pakistan Zindabad' on the bodies of Baloch and then tosses them from helicopters - all of that happening whilst the Baloch is alive of course ! Cheetah hai yeh...cheetah ! :D

Check out his twitter.

It's really amusing
Some education for the retarded
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We got a black president and you saw what his policies are. Perhaps you should wipe blacks out too.

Does he have any policy?

On topic - this man Tarek Fatah is a self-styled Pakistan hater. He tries to sell his hate for islam and Pakistan all the time. But he is cheap at that . Cant match Salman Rushdie in that art, but he still tries. Good for him.

As for Pakistan created by the Americans? Well you be the better judge yourself. For a very long period of Pakistan history, western powers focussed very little on the region. If Tarek Fatah thinks west is some god that it knew this region will become strategic all of a sudden, then he has some psychological problem.
Does he have any policy?

On topic - this man Tarek Fatah is a self-styled Pakistan hater. He tries to sell his hate for islam and Pakistan all the time. But he is cheap at that . Cant match Salman Rushdie in that art, but he still tries. Good for him.

As for Pakistan created by the Americans? Well you be the better judge yourself. For a very long period of Pakistan history, western powers focussed very little on the region. If Tarek Fatah thinks west is some god that it knew this region will become strategic all of a sudden, then he has some psychological problem.

Is the toronto sun even a respectable newspaper?
Looking at the comments, I never knew they had rednecks in canada o_O

I mean the comments on le website
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