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Pakistan Test Fires “Nasr” Missile in Salvos (VIDEO)

If you look closely it was not dirt that was hit by missile but it was Vedic missile absorption system (VMAS) which absorbed the missile. Hence two points for Gryffindor i mean for VMAS and 0 points for Slytherin missile
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Whenever i saw a successful test of NASR... It reminds me this pic... :enjoy:
Ok this may be a stupid question :what: but were these missiles carrying warheads? Because the end impact didn't result in much of an explosion :what:

And at what range were they tested? Because the accuracy was impressive :wub:
Ok this may be a stupid question :what: but were these missiles carrying warheads? Because the end impact didn't result in much of an explosion :what:

And at what range were they tested? Because the accuracy was impressive :wub:

You are looking at a Mach 2.6 (approx.) projectile. For reference, check out Brahmos hitting target around 2:38

Thats very accurate....whats the range and are they laser guided. Clearly there was no warhead
The range is said to be up to 70 km.
Not laser guided but i believe they operate on INS.
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"Vengeance IX" vs."Cold Start + barak 8" let the games begin!

anticipation is killing me and I don't have much time left

so hurry the hell up!
Why do you want this war? To destroy all of South Asia, and most likely all terrestrial life on earth?
Why don’t you have much time left?
don't want it just sick of hearing about threats of it here on daily basis, so I say get it over with, already!

I should not have said that, it is too revealing
Veere that’s just the nature nature of this forum. Thand paa. I hope god gives us both peace and prosperity.

don't want it just sick of hearing about threats of it here on daily basis, so I say get it over with, already!

I should not have said that, it is too revealing (and personal)
I wish you the best of luck! Rab di mehr aap par rahe!
Do you think if India fires a nuke on Pakistan, then we will listen to anyone. Lol'
And by many conservative estimates, Pakistan has more stockpiles than India.
More stockpile than India but is it enough to obliterate 1.3 billion people living in 3.287 million sq km radius?

The best estimates that I have seen is 150 nukes. Since you guys have a tactical nuke policy lets say you have 30 tactical nukes. This leaves 120 nukes

Because of our satellite capabilities we have a fairly good Idea of your nuclear bases. Obviously when we strike we will try to ensure that we eliminate as many nuclear bases as possible. Still I give you benefit of doubt and say that we are only able to destroy 20 strategic nukes in our first round of strikes. This leaves you with 100 nukes.

Cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Bangalore all have BMD To destroy the city like Delhi or Mumbai you require atleast 3 nukes each. But because of BMDs you will have to fire 5 nukes each on both these cities that is 10 nukes just to destroy two most important cities.

As per 2011 census there are 46 cities with more than 1 million population. Obviously this figure would have grown by now. Even at just 1 nuke per city you will require 50 additional nukes to destroy all cities with over 1 million population. Just do the maths. you do not have enough nukes to destroy us completely. Yes India will be crippled but will rise again,

The problem with Pakistan is that you population is concentrated in a narrow belt along the Indus. So it will be easier to target you. Even we also dont have enough nukes to obliterate the whole of Pakistan but we can strike harder and knock you out.
More stockpile than India but is it enough to obliterate 1.3 billion people living in 3.287 million sq km radius?

The best estimates that I have seen is 150 nukes. Since you guys have a tactical nuke policy lets say you have 30 tactical nukes. This leaves 120 nukes

Because of our satellite capabilities we have a fairly good Idea of your nuclear bases. Obviously when we strike we will try to ensure that we eliminate as many nuclear bases as possible. Still I give you benefit of doubt and say that we are only able to destroy 20 strategic nukes in our first round of strikes. This leaves you with 100 nukes.

Cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Bangalore all have BMD To destroy the city like Delhi or Mumbai you require atleast 3 nukes each. But because of BMDs you will have to fire 5 nukes each on both these cities that is 10 nukes just to destroy two most important cities.

As per 2011 census there are 46 cities with more than 1 million population. Obviously this figure would have grown by now. Even at just 1 nuke per city you will require 50 additional nukes to destroy all cities with over 1 million population. Just do the maths. you do not have enough nukes to destroy us completely. Yes India will be crippled but will rise again,

The problem with Pakistan is that you population is concentrated in a narrow belt along the Indus. So it will be easier to target you. Even we also dont have enough nukes to obliterate the whole of Pakistan but we can strike harder and knock you out.
Not all missiles fired will contain nukes some will use other chemical warheads and will be fired to provide cover for nuclear warheads so it will be difficult to intercept nuclear warheads with accuracy
More stockpile than India but is it enough to obliterate 1.3 billion people living in 3.287 million sq km radius?

The best estimates that I have seen is 150 nukes. Since you guys have a tactical nuke policy lets say you have 30 tactical nukes. This leaves 120 nukes

Because of our satellite capabilities we have a fairly good Idea of your nuclear bases. Obviously when we strike we will try to ensure that we eliminate as many nuclear bases as possible. Still I give you benefit of doubt and say that we are only able to destroy 20 strategic nukes in our first round of strikes. This leaves you with 100 nukes.

Cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Bangalore all have BMD To destroy the city like Delhi or Mumbai you require atleast 3 nukes each. But because of BMDs you will have to fire 5 nukes each on both these cities that is 10 nukes just to destroy two most important cities.

As per 2011 census there are 46 cities with more than 1 million population. Obviously this figure would have grown by now. Even at just 1 nuke per city you will require 50 additional nukes to destroy all cities with over 1 million population. Just do the maths. you do not have enough nukes to destroy us completely. Yes India will be crippled but will rise again,

The problem with Pakistan is that you population is concentrated in a narrow belt along the Indus. So it will be easier to target you. Even we also dont have enough nukes to obliterate the whole of Pakistan but we can strike harder and knock you out.

One warhead around where Ganga river enter India.

The radioactivity will make land useless for decades,

Like someone else said, a war in this region will lead to end of human race.
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