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Pakistan Test Fires “Nasr” Missile in Salvos (VIDEO)

What baffles me that why we haven't used them against TTP/ISIS inside Afghan territory. Use over them as guinea pigs, hone the system in real environment and when time comes, use with deadly efficiency on the rats in east.
Dude these missiles are meant to target armour columns and troop concentrations.
Something like Babur would be ideal for those cave dwellers.
Hmm i hope there is no need to use these before may 2019... India seems to be itching tonget nuked.
this missile is useless if it fail to penetrate indian air defence systems .
This is an achievement for us. Having been to the compounds of the airforce and talking to 'engineers' there, trust me this really is an achievement.
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Nasar Misile hitting Target.jpg
Nasar Misile hitting Target-0.jpg
Nasar Misile hitting Target-1.jpg
Nasar Misile hitting Target-2.jpg

and here is a gift for Indian 'Experts' from my side

Nasar Misile hitting Target-3.jpg

Now on behalf of them I can preemptively state their EXPERT opinions

- Alllllllllll .......... these tests and this video is "FAKE"
- How could a missile appear fade in video ... ???
- Its nothing but CG effects
- Video shows Missile is hitting the target with in 10-15 seconds ..... ???
- How could missile travel at the speed of light or above ....???
- Alllllllllll .......... these tests and this video is "FAKE"
- How could a missile appear fade in video ... ???
- Its nothing but CG effects
- Video shows Missile is hitting the target with in 10-15 seconds ..... ???
- How could missile travel at the speed of light or above ....???
Also no smoke coming out of the exhausts, meaning it had run out of fuel .
Masha Allah. Alhamdulillah.

My computation of approximate terminal velocity is 2.6 Mach. Missiles fired at approx. 45 degrees angle, initial two seem to take a normal ballistic trajectory, final two seem to take depressed trajectory. The terminal shots cannot be assumed to be in order. Terminal angles range from perpendicular to ground to 60 degrees from ground (approx.) Direction of shadows seems to suggest an east to west firing in the 11 am - 12 pm time frame. Interestingly, in a west to east firing, the terminal velocity will be naturally increased due to relative motion of earth. I wouldn't be surprised if the missile can achieve beyond Mach 4 in such a scenario.
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