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Pakistan Test Fires “Nasr” Missile in Salvos (VIDEO)

Can one of you gentlemen educate me on what makes this a Ballistic missile ? To me - it resembles like Smerch Rocket launching system. Does it take Exo atmospheric path ? Endo atmospheric ? Or over the horizon , in a flat trajectory.
What type of conventional ammunition can this type of missile carry? Can it carry Cluster Bomb units against tank columns?
Lolz bro ... u r comparing a nuclear capable missike with rocket ... nasar was without explosives ... nasar is supposed to have neutron bombardment that will destroy the elctronics and flesh in armoured vehicles ... thats battle field trump card of Pakistan against cold start doctrine
I was expecting a larger explosion on impact. Like here from 42s onwards:

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Warhead 400 kg
Too high estimate

it is supposed to carry thermonuclear warhead for neutron bombardment that will destroy the elctronics and flesh of armoured vehicles ... thats battle field trump card of Pakistan against cold start doctrine
Grossly incorrect information, with a bit too much confidence.
I was expecting a larger explosion on impact. Like here from 42s onwards:

Those are not big/impressive explosions. You are getting impressed by the smoke.

Also, you need to update your mental picture of the relative damage caused by various phenomenon to earth. Google for craters caused by asteroids. Check out what size and speed is needed for given size of crater. Remember many asteroids have metallic cores of heavy metals. Nasr probably has an aluminum body, which disintegrates upon impact. The video isn't meant to impress you with Nasr's ability to serve as a blunt projectile.
What are your estimates? Educate us.
For reference, Smerch rockets have ~250kg payload for a conventional warhead. A probable nuclear physics package which fits inside ~300mm shouldn't weigh more than a 100kg. Highly unlikely that multiple versions with varying payloads (for both nuclear & conventional) have been developed for Nasr so far.
prove him wrong instead of issuing Indian troll-like one liners

go troll this Indian website
Center for Strategic and International Studies
@ https://missilethreat.csis.org/missile/hatf-9/

Payload: Single warhead, 400 kg


Wouldn't a 200 kg nuke be an extremely efficient design and speaks towards mastery of designers??
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