M. Sarmad

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Correction: Dictator Iskander Mirza. He abrogated the constitution under which he was considered President. The chump got paid in kind when Ayub dismissed him.
It is unfortunate that you quote that discredited fool. Why should anyone take him seriously, especially since he abrogated 1956 constitution? I laugh at anyone who thinks that quoting Iskander Mirza lends weight to their argument. I mean he did anything and everything to pull down the constitution under which he was considered president - including uttering slander that you quoted here. The fool cut his roots and was kicked out as a result. You wish people to take him (and you) seriously???
You want to find fault? Find it with people who supported Objectives Resolution.
You want to find fault? Find it with the Mullah who called Jinnah "Quaid-e-Azam"
You want to find fault? Find it with the poet Who minted "Pakistan ka Matlab Kya? La ilaha Illallah."
You want to find fault? Find it with people like my Grand Father, who worked for Pakistan movement, thinking that he was ensuring protection of his progeny's future in an Islamic country.
You need to learn to respect the views, aspirations, and wishes of those who mattered at the right time.
1. Qadianis were rabidly anti-Hindu. They had tried their best to influence some ruler out there (including Emir of Afghanistan via Da'watul Ameer) who would convert to Qadianism and provide them with a platform to exert and expand their influence. Qadianis had a fetish of sorts for Kashmir. So on and so forth.... One could understand their support for a piece of land where they might get a chance to dominate. It was their choice and if they could not foresee the result of their folly then it is nobody's fault.
Questions: How many Qadianis were members of All India Muslim League? Was there a single member in Executive council? Did a single Qadiani attend Quaid's funeral?
2. The Communist Party of India were fools to support a basically communal demand when they were "most secular and non communal institution". What explains this anamoly?
Could it be that since USSR had been knocking on Afghanistan's door it was matter of time that they would walk into Afghanistan; and Communists just wanted to be in the right place to welcome their comrades to South Asia?
3. Religious scholars were divided about Pakistan. Deobandi off-shoot Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind was in opposition, while some people from Deoband (Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi and his associates) were in support. Sufi-dominated Ulema were in favor of Pakistan.
You are willfully obfuscating the issue of Ulema and Pakistan, because it supports your particular views. If you were honest about truth, you would draw important distinctions. But then when you are driven by a particular ideology, truth is necessarily a casualty.
It is mind boggling that people like you peddle your wares starting with three steps of falsehood:
A - Mullahs were against Pakistan - ignoring the fact that Mullahs were in fact divided.
B - Mullahs should have nothing to do with Pakistan - ignoring that Pakistan was a Muslim project & Muslim scholars would eventually have some relevance.
C - Therefore Pakistan should be secular - This final twist of logic is necessary for peddling ideology which can not be explained in context of a Muslim political project.
If you can not see the absurdity of this twisted logic, let me point to Israel Shahak's observation about the absurdity of atheists / agnostics of Jewish background claiming that God gave Palestinian land to Jews for eternity!
As opposed to: The mention of word "Islam" turns off some people's brains that they choose to start making incoherent noise...
You are making a trio of unwarranted assumptions here:
1. That the person you are engaging is restricted to 'sarkari version'
2. That the 'sarkari version' is necessarily distorted, and not so any other 'non-sarkari version'.
3. That saying so would implicitly lend weight to your argument / ideology.
All three are wrong.
Moving on: Truth in independent of ideology. One might need a perspective to explain things, but an effort to impose a particular ideology must necessarily dispense with truth. You can not square your ideology with Pakistan's reality and that is why you choose to make a lot of noise.
I often see you passing off other people's opinions as facts, and that is why I consciously avoid arguing with you...
Your unwarranted attack on a trash thread could have been ignored, but... There is always a first time.
As I expected !! your answer is mere rhetoric ... Qadiyanis committed folly , Communists were fools , Iskander Mirza is a discredited fool not taken seriously and "you" laugh at him , And Mullahs were not against Pakistan !!!
And then you accuse me of passing opinions as facts !!

I can reply back to you in your style (rhetoric) better than you but that would be a waste of time .
By trying to assert "Sarkari version of history is not distorted" you have already proven my point !!
I would really like if you (or some one else for that matter) could actually try to discuss these things in a academic way .
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