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'Pakistan should be isolated for supporting terror'-says Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal

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Pakistan supported formation of Taliban along with USA to keep Soviet union at bay. Then after 9/11 attack, USA told its PROXY Pakistan "taliban turned terrorist now, sheltering al qaeda, bomb them". Nurturing jihadis who go on to bomb innocent civilians..this is not supporting terrorism then what is. And I'm not going into the allegations levelled by india at u since that would mean taking sides

So when US and Pakistan created Taliban were they not terrorists then according to u? Were they throwing roses at the Soviets/Afghans?
Why is it that u guys have selective amnesia? If u r gonna be the champion of all that's right and malign Pakistan for its policies then at the very least be consistent with ur approach.
How about issuing same statements against KSA? Or Iran?
Or USA? Or India(LTTE)? Or Russia/China(Viet Cong)?...the list is very long...
U think all the groups created/supported by these countries were doing charity work?

...oh right I know why...it's bcuz at the end of the day these awami goons are on India's payroll.
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So when US and Pakistan created Taliban were they not terrorists then according to u? Were they throwing roses at the Soviets/Afghans?
Why is it that u guys have selective amnesia? If u r gonna be the champion of all that's right and malign Pakistan for its policies then at the very least be consistent with ur approach.
How about issuing same statements against KSA?
Or USA? Or India(LTTE)? Or Russia/China(Viet Cong)?
U think all the groups created/supported by these countries(and many more) were doing charity work?

...oh right I know why...it's bcuz at the end of the day these awami goons are on India's payroll.
Awami League isn't pro-Pakistan. I can't change that. Operation Searchlight which had targeted Awami League can't be reversed. Its just how it is.
Awami League isn't pro-Pakistan. I can't change that. Operation Searchlight which had targeted Awami League can't be reversed. Its just how it is.
Yes I'm not asking u to change awami league.

I was responding to YOUR statement where u mentioned US/Pak created Taliban and when they turned terrorist, US told Pak to take action(I'm paraphrasing)

This seems to suggest that all was good and jolly before...it is just evil Pakistan that supports terrorism.
Yes I'm not asking u to change awami league.

I was responding to UR statement where u mentioned US/Pak created Taliban and when they turned terrorist, US told Pak to take action(I'm paraphrasing)

This seems to suggest that all was good and jolly before...it is just evil Pakistan that supports terrorism.
Communist Afghan government was much better than terrorist Taliban, it would have maintained stable Afghanistan. ISI and CIA started destabilizing Afghanistan to remove Soviet influence. They used JIHADIS for that purpose....Afghan mujahideen. They were portrayed as noble freedom fighters to the world....eventually Soviets were driven out.

Afghan mujahideen formed Taliban government. Pakistan and USA expected these jihadies to act like their puppet. Everyone knows what happened next. Al Qaeda infiltrating into Afghanistan, setting base and launching attacks on innocent civilians in West, sheltered by the Taliban. US and Pakistan should have known better than training murderous wahhabi jihadis for stupid proxy war against soviets. They have spread terrorist menace into the world giving bad name to Muslims
What was Osama Bin Laden doing in Pakistan? Who gave him shelter there? Uzbekistan?

Who funded Taliban in Afghanistan? Sweden?

There is reason behind everything

1) was there even any real proof he was found in Pakistan
2) a coalition of western powers, gulf states as well as pakistan
Communist Afghan government was much better than terrorist Taliban, it would have maintained stable Afghanistan. ISI and CIA started destabilizing Afghanistan to remove Soviet influence. They used JIHADIS for that purpose....Afghan mujahideen. They were portrayed as noble freedom fighters to the world....eventually Soviets were driven out.

Afghan mujahideen formed Taliban government. Pakistan and USA expected these jihadies to act like their puppet. Everyone knows what happened next. Al Qaeda infiltrating into Afghanistan, setting base and launching attacks on innocent civilians in West, sheltered by the Taliban. US and Pakistan should have known better than training murderous wahhabi jihadis for stupid proxy war against soviets. They have spread terrorist menace into the world giving bad name to Muslims
Yes I'm aware of all that. So u admit that both US and Pak created a "terrorist" organization(Taliban). This is contrary to ur previous statement "Taliban turned terrorist now" in post 46 where u conveniently left out US just after the creation part and made a timeline of when the Taliban turned "terrorist".

Oh well at least u r being fair across the board as I asked u to one contradiction at a time ;)
Yes I'm aware of all that. So u admit that both US and Pak created a "terrorist" organization(Taliban). This is contrary to ur previous statement "Taliban turned terrorist now" in post 46 where u conveniently left out US just after the creation part and made a timeline of when the Taliban turned "terrorist".

Oh well at least u r being fair across the board as I asked u to one contradiction at a time ;)
You are talking about this post of mine I think
Pakistan supported formation of Taliban along with USA to keep Soviet union at bay. Then after 9/11 attack, USA told its PROXY Pakistan "taliban turned terrorist now, sheltering al qaeda, bomb them".
Look closely I have marked it in quotation marks. Meaning that was what usa WANTED world to believe...that afghan mujahideen were "noble fighters", Taliban was legitimate government, later turned rogue against them. Which was NOT true. Both Pakistan and USA knew what Taliban really was - a ticking time bomb of murderous jihadis, and inspite of that, supported them with arms and money, just for the sake of containing soviet influence. They completely destroyed Afghanistan.

So yes your isi and cia supported terrorism for the sake of own benefit, which backfired upon them.
Communist Afghan government was much better than terrorist Taliban, it would have maintained stable Afghanistan. ISI and CIA started destabilizing Afghanistan to remove Soviet influence. They used JIHADIS for that purpose....Afghan mujahideen. They were portrayed as noble freedom fighters to the world....eventually Soviets were driven out.

Afghan mujahideen formed Taliban government. Pakistan and USA expected these jihadies to act like their puppet. Everyone knows what happened next. Al Qaeda infiltrating into Afghanistan, setting base and launching attacks on innocent civilians in West, sheltered by the Taliban. US and Pakistan should have known better than training murderous wahhabi jihadis for stupid proxy war against soviets. They have spread terrorist menace into the world giving bad name to Muslims

Communist Afghan government was much better than terrorist Taliban, The same government invaded by USSR not Pakistan or Taliban .You should read history...
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You are talking about this post of mine I think

Look closely I have marked it in quotation marks. Meaning that was what usa WANTED world to believe...that afghan mujahideen were "noble fighters", Taliban was legitimate government, later turned rogue against them. Which was NOT true. Both Pakistan and USA knew what Taliban really was - a ticking time bomb of murderous jihadis, and inspite of that, supported them with arms and money, just for the sake of containing soviet influence. They completely destroyed Afghanistan.

So yes your isi and cia supported terrorism for the sake of own benefit, which backfired upon them.

Yes ur statement is now bias free. In any case Soviet Union wasn't an angel either. They were trying to protect their own interests and US/Pak were protecting their own. At the end of the day whichever side wins we live with the consequences of that "winning". This is what geopolitics is.

I was just trying to point out that no need to single us out since almost every country has their hands dirty.
Communist Afghan government was much better than terrorist Taliban, The same government invaded by USSR not Pakistan .You should read history...
Yes Soviet Union replaced Hafizullah Amin with Brezhnev loyalist. USA didn't like it and isi and cia trained mujahideen fighters in rural Afghanistan to resist the new regime and destabilized the country. Rest is history
Yes Soviet Union replaced Hafizullah Amin with Brezhnev loyalist. USA didn't like it and isi and cia trained mujahideen fighters in rural Afghanistan to resist the new regime and destabilized the country. Rest is history
They were fighting even before this..You need to understand Taliban/Mujhaeedin or whatever afghans do not like interference by third party .Be it US or USSR...
Its better for the Bangladeshis to get rid of these Mukti Bahni left overs and deal with issues at home. To be in this "esteemed" group of India-Afghanistan-Bhutan, is not only self defeating but really lowering for a nation who deserve better. In changing geopolitics it may turn out to be suicidal, long term.
ISI had knowledge of Osama bin Laden hideout. The building in which he was housed was quite conspicuous in the neighbourhood and its hard to believe that no one suspected anything. There was even a military centre nearby if am not wrong. He was international terrorist who killed innocent civilians, yet ISI was sheltering him. CIA in fact kept ISI out of the loop lest they inform him. ISI is definitely involved in international terror nexus and clandestine operations along with cia, so if our minister condemned that then I SUPPORT IT.

What achievement did u guys get by toppling Communist Afghan government? Only terrorist Taliban wahhabi thugs exporting their poisonous ideology to other Muslim countries. Both isi and cia were involved in propping them to power. So yes your ISI SUPPORTS INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM AND KILLING OF INNOCENT MUSLIMS AND CIVILIANS AND WE ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT CONDEMNING THEM
What BD has to do with OBL anyway.
You are really unfit to post on an international forum about International relations if you perceive them as such binaries.

OT: looks like India has outsourced it's foreign office Pakistan branch to Bangladesh
They are officials of your government. Therefore, they speak for it. If they are making statements that don't support its views, they should be fired. Yet, Bangladesh has not done that.

This is quite simple, but it goes over the heads of some Bangladeshi members here.

Good point and I am with you on that. Reason is that's how politics pans out in the sub-continent. Pretty sure you have your bunch of Asaduzzaman Kamals as well, who doesn't entirely represent the Govt. and people sentiments but have free access to the media.

Do they get fired or are held accountable in your part of the world? You know the answer better.

Balancing India and China by blaming Pakistan? This isn't Foreign Policy, this is just kissing butt. :partay: :partay: :partay:

Very rich coming from someone whose government initiated the whole blame game during war crimes tribunal. Couldn't keep your nose off then eh?
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