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'Pakistan should be isolated for supporting terror'-says Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal

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Even the US president didn't accuse us of this. Egg on your face.

"But it’s important to note that our counterterrorism cooperation with Pakistan helped lead us to bin Laden and the compound where he was hiding....And going forward, it is essential that Pakistan continue to join us in the fight against al Qaeda and its affiliates."
Who is SHAKIL AFRIDI then? Why was he ARRESTED and TORTURED by isi if he helped cia nab Osama bin Laden? isi was trying to hide its involvemment in sheltering Osama bin Laden.
Actually, it was Italy:
Pakistan supported formation of Taliban along with USA to keep Soviet union at bay. Then after 9/11 attack, USA told its PROXY Pakistan "taliban turned terrorist now, sheltering al qaeda, bomb them". Nurturing jihadis who go on to bomb innocent civilians..this is not supporting terrorism then what is. And I'm not going into the allegations levelled by india at u since that would mean taking sides
Who is SHAKIL AFRIDI then? Why was he ARRESTED and TORTURED by isi if he helped cia nab Osama bin Laden? isi was trying to hide its involvemment in sheltering Osama bin Laden.
We arrested shakeel Afridi because he didn't inform about Osama bin Ladin to our police & security agencies. He was working for other intelligence agency.
What will we achieve from hiding terrorist Osama bin Ladin? Answer is nothing. May be individual terrorist groups were supporting him. There are 75+ banned terrorist organizations in Pakistan, few of them working with new names , ISI has nothing to do in this.
"More loyal than king" BD should not poke it's nose where it doesn't concern them it wasn't Pakistan who sent those 19 yo terrorists stop blaming Pakistan for everything and for once stop behaving like a puppet.

He is a traitor because first he collaborated with foreign agency's against Pakistan and he drove a fake polio vaccination campaign he should've been hanged but InshAllah he will get for what he has done.
I have mentioned this quite clearly before but seems as people dont understand how it works.

Any comment regarding a foreign policy/country which comes from anyone other then Hasina is just for wannabe badassery. This has happened before. The half-educated ministers talk but that translates into no action. Its just politics where BAL has appointed such MPs who talk to media, working as a charm to please their best friends in Delhi. Hasina, on the other hand, is playing her own game to finely balance India and China. This is quite simple but looks like its goes way over the 'intellectuals' on PDF.
That's cause PDF doesn't have any intellectuals.

@BD_patriot bhai bad deo. era sonkhay beshi. ar amra jemne nijeder dosh mani, era jiboneo manbe na. mod dekhle khali khali tomare banana khawabe. let them live in their bubble.
That's cause PDF doesn't have any intellectuals.
This is not about Intellectuals. It is about National honor..Otherwise every tom, dick and harry will start to rant against you. Bangladesh might have some domestic compulsions but then why Pakistan is there punching box? Does it imply that Bangladesh in generals buy hate mongering against Pakistan or a simple appeasement. Like Hasena did even before SAARC.
I don't hate Bangladesh but statements like this will not add something positive..
I don't know why Pakistanis are crying here. I searched all BD news sites. There was no report of any such statement by home minister.

This is not about Intellectuals. It is about National honor..Otherwise every tom, dick and harry will start to rant against you. Bangladesh might have some domestic compulsions but then why Pakistan is there punching box? Does it imply that Bangladesh in generals buy hate mongering against Pakistan or a simple appeasement. Like Hasena did even before SAARC.
I don't hate Bangladesh but statements like this will not add something positive..
If anyone can correct me, I don't particularly remember this much public pakistan-bashing from our ‘elected’ officials in their first term. And that was when they were more secure of their legitimacy than their second term. If my untrained eye is to be trusted this all started after the diplomatic fallout following our war criminal tribunal. So my asessment is pakistan chose to open the Pandora's box herself. And yes, if India had falling out with us, it'd be the same case.
Bangladesh is as important in the world as that socially awkward kid in high school that nobody wants to go out with . What they say is irrelevant
The Daily star ? correct me if i am wrong.. Is it Bangladesh newspaper ?
He replied to a query. He harbors anti Pakistani view, leave him be. That doesn't make any official policy.

I don't know why Pakistanis are crying here. I searched all BD news sites. There was no report of any such statement by home minister.

Cut it out, bro. No point with this useless argument.
Assuring Bangladesh's support to India on the issue of tackling terror, its Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal says Pakistan needs to be isolated for "harbouring terrorists and supporting terror acts".

He was also of the opinion that the delay in the Teesta water sharing treaty with India is giving scope to Opposition parties and fundamentalist organisations like Jamat in flaring up anti-India passions in Bangladesh.

"Pakistan has always harboured and supported terrorists.

We feel those who support terrorism should be discouraged and isolated. We should do everything to discourage and condemn such attacks. Such kind of terror attacks should not be carried out against any country," Kamal said in an interview.

While sharing the agony and pain of India being one of the most affected countries of cross-border terrorism, he says Bangladesh stands by India in its fight against terrorism.

On terror attacks both in India and Bangladesh having roots in Pakistan, he says, "Both India and Bangladesh have the same stand on the issue of terrorism. We have noticed in recent past, how Pakistan's involvement in various terror attacks has come out in open. This has to stop."

Amid heightened tension with Pakistan over Uri terror attack in which 18 jawans were killed, India had announced its decision of pulling out of the SARRC Summit citing increased "cross-border" attacks.

Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Bhutan also pulled out of the SAARC Summit in Islamabad in November, indirectly blaming Pakistan for creating an environment which was not right for successful holding of the meet, resulting in its collapse.

On the deadlock over Teesta water sharing treaty, Kamal says he is hopeful that the pact will be a reality in future but maintained relations between both countries don't depend on this single treaty.

"Any treaty is done on the basis of mutual interests of both the countries. A treaty cannot be signed by neglecting the interests of a country which is party to it. We feel that Teesta treaty will happen in future. The way the bilateral relations are moving forward, we are hopeful that Teesta treaty will happen sooner or later," he says.

Although Kamal notes that the future of the Indo-Bangla relations doesn't depend on Teesta treaty, he says Opposition and fundamentalist forces are using it to flare up anti-India sentiments in Bangladesh.

"The bilateral relationship won't depend on this treaty.

It is true that Bangladesh is facing some problems. Water is essential for both the countries," he says.

They also need "Chitroll".
Please keep your self updated with current events.
1) Russian envoy to Afghanistan "We and Afghan Taliban have shared interests." Zamir Kabulov


2) China hosted Afghan Taliban delegation


3) Taliban delegation in Iran


4) World powers seek convergence with Afghan Taliban to counter rising threat of IS.


Before telling us not to be in touch with Afghan Taliban, why doesn't your govt talk to Russians, Chinese and Iranians who are engaging Taliban diplomatically despite Afghan government protests. Why doesn't Bangladeshi govt cut relations with Qatar which hosts Taliban political office in the same city where forward headquarters of US CENTOM is located. Regional and great powers alike have reached the conlcusion that the burgeoning threat from IS can only be countered by Afghan Taliban who hold sway from Kunduz in North to Kandahar in South.
A camcha GOVT of IND, by Indians and for Indians wouldn't spare a moment to talk trash against PAK. Guys, this type of comment from a RAWAMY Dalal shouldn't be read as the mindsets of majority of Bangladeshis since this Dalal's party has never come to power with the true mandate of BDians. And with all cook and bull stories of this nature, his type tries to get pats in back by the Indian master but don't care for further alienating BD's masses. So,don't take it seriously.
We don't owe ANYONE ANY EXPLANATION. Home minister is entitled to his own views. Now stop crying

what is chitroll? is it some kind of abuse?
Its a treatment given to the people not admitting their sins. :) Its a cultural thing.
Home Minister is anti-Pakistan because he is Awami League member and many of his acquaintances were killed in 71. Got ur explanation?

Then why not issue an statement about that...rather than talking about supporting terrorists which many other countries are also responsible for? Why beat around the bush?
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