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'Pakistan should be isolated for supporting terror'-says Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal

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What was Osama Bin Laden doing in Pakistan? Who gave him shelter there? Uzbekistan?

Who funded Taliban in Afghanistan? Sweden?

There is reason behind everything

Please keep your self updated with current events.
1) Russian envoy to Afghanistan "We and Afghan Taliban have shared interests." Zamir Kabulov


2) China hosted Afghan Taliban delegation


3) Taliban delegation in Iran


4) World powers seek convergence with Afghan Taliban to counter rising threat of IS.


Before telling us not to be in touch with Afghan Taliban, why doesn't your govt talk to Russians, Chinese and Iranians who are engaging Taliban diplomatically despite Afghan government protests. Why doesn't Bangladeshi govt cut relations with Qatar which hosts Taliban political office in the same city where forward headquarters of US CENTOM is located. Regional and great powers alike have reached the conlcusion that the burgeoning threat from IS can only be countered by Afghan Taliban who hold sway from Kunduz in North to Kandahar in South.
Bangladesh Nepal Bhutan Afghanistan...India has some serious allies!

Allies are built upon by mutual economic interest...At least for India under BJP Gov, they bring economics as a major criteria in our foreign policy...And overall, BD, Srilanka and Nepal and Bhutan are integrated closely with Inida and its economy.
What was Osama Bin Laden doing in Pakistan? Who gave him shelter there? Uzbekistan?

No one "sheltered" Bin Laden. It was known that Bin Laden was hiding in either Afghanistan or Pakistan given that the border is porous between both countries and that the presence of Pashtuns in both countries made it easier for his comrades to blend in.

Who funded Taliban in Afghanistan? Sweden?

A few different countries, including the US and Saudi Arabia. They did this primarily to combat the Soviet Union in the 1980s. Pakistan supported the Taliban government in the 1990s because it perceived it to be more pro-Pakistan. Today, however, they all recognize the government in Kabul as the official government of Afghanistan and maintain relation with it.

I have mentioned this quite clearly before but seems as people dont understand how it works.

Any comment regarding a foreign policy/country which comes from anyone other then Hasina is just for wannabe badassery. This has happened before. The half-educated ministers talk but that translates into no action. Its just politics where BAL has appointed such MPs who talk to media, working as a charm to please their best friends in Delhi. Hasina, on the other hand, is playing her own game to finely balance India and China. This is quite simple but looks like its goes way over the 'intellectuals' on PDF.

They are officials of your government. Therefore, they speak for it. If they are making statements that don't support its views, they should be fired. Yet, Bangladesh has not done that.

This is quite simple, but it goes over the heads of some Bangladeshi members here.
First Indians now bangalis...we are doomed :lol:
I have mentioned this quite clearly before but seems as people dont understand how it works.

Any comment regarding a foreign policy/country which comes from anyone other then Hasina is just for wannabe badassery. This has happened before. The half-educated ministers talk but that translates into no action. Its just politics where BAL has appointed such MPs who talk to media, working as a charm to please their best friends in Delhi. Hasina, on the other hand, is playing her own game to finely balance India and China. This is quite simple but looks like its goes way over the 'intellectuals' on PDF.

Balancing India and China by blaming Pakistan? This isn't Foreign Policy, this is just kissing butt. :partay: :partay: :partay:
Allies are built upon by mutual economic interest...At least for India under BJP Gov, they bring economics as a major criteria in our foreign policy...And overall, BD, Srilanka and Nepal and Bhutan are integrated closely with Inida and its economy.

The Chinese will wipe their behind with it..recently they replaced 2bn indian investment offer with 20bn chinese offer..
No one "sheltered" Bin Laden. It was known that Bin Laden was hiding in either Afghanistan or Pakistan given that the border is porous between both countries and that the presence of Pashtuns in both countries made it easier for his comrades to blend in.
ISI had knowledge of Osama bin Laden hideout. The building in which he was housed was quite conspicuous in the neighbourhood and its hard to believe that no one suspected anything. There was even a military centre nearby if am not wrong. He was international terrorist who killed innocent civilians, yet ISI was sheltering him. CIA in fact kept ISI out of the loop lest they inform him. ISI is definitely involved in international terror nexus and clandestine operations along with cia, so if our minister condemned that then I SUPPORT IT.
A few different countries, including the US and Saudi Arabia. They did this primarily to combat the Soviet Union in the 1980s. Pakistan supported the Taliban government in the 1990s because it perceived it to be more pro-Pakistan. Today, however, they all recognize the government in Kabul as the official government of Afghanistan and maintain relation with it.
What achievement did u guys get by toppling Communist Afghan government? Only terrorist Taliban wahhabi thugs exporting their poisonous ideology to other Muslim countries. Both isi and cia were involved in propping them to power. So yes your ISI SUPPORTS INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM AND KILLING OF INNOCENT MUSLIMS AND CIVILIANS AND WE ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT CONDEMNING THEM
What was Osama Bin Laden doing in Pakistan? Who gave him shelter there? Uzbekistan?

Who funded Taliban in Afghanistan? Sweden?

There is reason behind everything
Osama bin Ladin was found here but government didn't support him. He came here from afghan border that is 2500km difficult terrain area. Yes we supported taliban in past due to emotional attachment with religion Islam, and to break Soveit union. U.S.A also supported them. But Now, we are front line state on war against terrorism, we lost 50,000 civilians and thousands of soldiers in this war. It was CIA which created taliban. Bangladesh should mind its own business.
May be the idiot minister himself has no idea how much publicity he got for this statement, absolutely 90% by Indian media. Search with the headline and 100s link just for this. Our Dailystar's main focus was Teesta river and lastly this statement not so significantly. May be some Indian journalist asked this to make viral. Our ministers are made joke troll by this rendi media.
I hope both Haseena and Khaleda go. Bangladesh needs new leadership other than these 2 ladies and their agendas. As for this minister making these comments. Enough already. Please focus on Bangladesh. And take a real brotherly attitutde to other Muslim nations including of course Pakistan. And balance the big players, the US and China, and be friendly with both.
ISI had knowledge of Osama bin Laden hideout. The building in which he was housed was quite conspicuous in the neighbourhood and its hard to believe that no one suspected anything. There was even a military centre nearby if am not wrong. He was international terrorist who killed innocent civilians, yet ISI was sheltering him. CIA in fact kept ISI out of the loop lest they inform him. ISI is definitely involved in international terror nexus and clandestine operations along with cia, so if our minister condemned that then I SUPPORT IT.

What achievement did u guys get by toppling Communist Afghan government? Only terrorist Taliban wahhabi thugs exporting their poisonous ideology to other Muslim countries. Both isi and cia were involved in propping them to power. So yes your ISI SUPPORTS INTERNATIONAL TERRORISM AND KILLING OF INNOCENT MUSLIMS AND CIVILIANS AND WE ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT CONDEMNING THEM

Don't be a licker and stop following indian m@ st 3rs.

Intelligence sources tell NBC News that in the year before the U.S. raid that killed Osama bin Laden, a retired Pakistani military intelligence officer helped the CIA track him down.

While the Pakistani intelligence asset provided vital information in the hunt for bin Laden, he did not provide the location of the al Qaeda leader's Abottabad, Pakistan compound, sources said.

http://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/Pakistani Asset Helped in Hunt for Bin Laden, Sources Say357306
BD should really stop whining about Pakistan every month...Let us move on BD..it is almost 50 year..Time to move on and let us focus on the econmics...If terrorism is finding a place among BD people, there is something wrong in your society which needs to be looked into....this is same issue with India too...We always blame someone or the other but look our own internal shortcomings...

This Home minister guy has just too many random brainfarts.


...and the award for the racist post of the day goes to...

Ha ha ha - I think he deleted his own post.

By the way we really aren't that far removed from monkeys of some kind or other.....see the resemblance?

Who funded Taliban in Afghanistan? Sweden?
La Cia.

No one "sheltered" Bin Laden. It was known that Bin Laden was hiding in either Afghanistan or Pakistan given that the border is porous between both countries and that the presence of Pashtuns in both countries made it easier for his comrades to blend in.
We probably won't know for sure within our lifetimes, but in my humble opinion Seymour Hersh's version of events is much more realistic - that Pakistani agents found Bin Laden and were holding him in the compound, and made a deal with the Americans to hand him over and announce later that he had been killed in a drone strike, but since Obama really wanted to get re-elected he announced it prematurely and made it look like it was only the US who found him without Pakistan's help.

Hersh is quite credible, and his explanation makes sense, but it doesn't explain the crashed helicopter or the whole Shakil Afridi affair.

The truth is probably somewhere in between.
I searched all Bangladesh news sites. Found no such report of any minister releasing such statements. I think this is PAKISTAN MEDIA CONSPIRACY to IRRITATE and PROVOKE BANGLADESH. OP hitchiker is part of pak-india media nexus trying to irritate us. Don't troll
the opinions of the one on the knees and elbows don't count
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