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Pakistan Sets Up Tactical Nuclear Missiles Base?

Well, genius or not, by bringing tac nukes to the battlefield, Pak has only endangered its existence while allowing India to have far more freedom on degrees of agression. Had you guys stuck to keeping strategic weapons, it would have been another equation and our hands were no the trigger. If anything knowing that Pak can deploy tac nukes, while we may be following a no first use policy but our fingers are firmly on the trigger.

This is a proven strategy, we did nothing new. Deploying of tac nukes by US halted Soviet invasion/aggression against Europe decades ago. Similarly, here is the same case.

You are already being informed that Pakistan will use tac nukes if India ever decides to call bluff on our strategy and start aggression. So, don't say afterwards, that you were not being informed about how and when tac nukes will be used.
Let's not read into what is essentially google maps images of a site posted by a noob on social media. India on any given day has far better satellite tech with more being launched every few months, SAR sensors and other tech to monitor Pakistani key sites. Offcourse there is always a good amount of deception while trying to locate such sites but when Pak with population of under 200 million takes defending itself from an existential threat quite seriously how seriously would India which faces 2 nuke armed neighbors takes its security?

Let's not kid ourselves, the S-400 acquition, the potential massive Rafale deal and other purchases including large amphibious assult ships, many more frigates and destroyers, subs, more carriers only adds to Pakistan's woes. Moreso, with legions of Akash batteries, over 5000 Pinaka rockets per year, Spyder-SAMs and others, Pakistan can never match the scale of the Indian defense establishment.

So much so that the only card that Pak now holds onto is tac-nukes, however even that doesn't detter India when push comes to shove as the doctrine is clear, Pakistan will face complete extinction if nukes are used.
Tactical nukes were invested into because all of our resources, focus and strength is being used upon the ongoing war on the Western Front. In our current condition, no way can we we thwart an Indian invasion. With suspicious Indian movements on the border and increasing border skirmishes - Pakistan decided to temporarily invest into Tactical nukes.

Once Pakistan forces are back on the right side of the border; Pakistan military will be more than enough to thwart an Indian invasion. Although India has a numerical advantage; the Eastern border is heavily dug in and Pakistan's qualitative edge easily balances with India's quantitative edge.
This is a proven strategy, we did nothing new. Deploying of tac nukes by US halted Soviet invasion/aggression against Europe decades ago. Similarly, here is the same case.

You are already being informed that Pakistan will use tac nukes if India ever decides to call bluff on our strategy and start aggression. So, don't say afterwards, that you were not being informed about how and when tac nukes will be used.

The fact that Pak wants to use Tac nukes on the battefield for a conventional indian agression basically proves your military establishment is scared shitless of India's conventional forces. For people in Pak to believe if provoked India will just sit quiet is also an illusion, already for nearly a decade we are ready for a war under a dire nuke threat.

The last time it happened in Kargil, your shameless Ganja PM had to be shown his place.
Tactical nukes were invested into because all of our resources, focus and strength is being used upon the ongoing war on the Western Front. In our current condition, no way can we we thwart an Indian invasion. With suspicious Indian movements on the border and increasing border skirmishes - Pakistan decided to temporarily invest into Tactical nukes.

Once Pakistan forces are back on the right side of the border; Pakistan military will be more than enough to thwart an Indian invasion. Although India has a numerical advantage; the Eastern border is heavily dug in and Pakistan's qualitative edge easily balances with India's quantitative edge.

What qualitative edge?
Tactical nukes were invested into because all of our resources, focus and strength is being used upon the ongoing war on the Western Front. In our current condition, no way can we we thwart an Indian invasion. With suspicious Indian movements on the border and increasing border skirmishes - Pakistan decided to temporarily invest into Tactical nukes.

Once Pakistan forces are back on the right side of the border; Pakistan military will be more than enough to thwart an Indian invasion. Although India has a numerical advantage; the Eastern border is heavily dug in and Pakistan's qualitative edge easily balances with India's quantitative edge.

Really sherlock. You're making me laugh on a Friday afternoon, thanks for that funny one 'tac nukes being a temporary thing'. When in the history of India and Pak did Pak really have a qualitative edge? It's clear from the 4 losses for Pak that the Quantity and quality has always been a Indian trait on the battlefield.

Regardless of how dug in Pak is, modern weapons and tactics can't possibly stop a massive conventional strike if it comes to it. Armed with the likes of Brahmos, hordes of Pinaka, Smerch etc. The PAF, PN and PA's command and control establishments can be dealt with in a matter of minutes conventionally.

As for the Pakistani forces coming back to the right side of the border, won't happen, ya'll have made enough enemies on the other side to keep you busy for years to come.

As for suspicious movements, there are none, India has enough on its hands dealing with the aspirations of the world's fastest growing population, to believe India has expansionist ideas is silly. If Pak stops the silly obsession for kashmir, I believe we are happy where everyone is.
I am not going to search things for you, sorry. I am not going to spoon feed you. Thats your job.

No you can't ... & quite ashamed to accept it .....

And at last, for morons

hahaha ...good going .... I would assume it as a sign of short of argument rather than short of temperament ....

like you who unable to read things that is written on the wall but still unable to read,

plz show me that wall first .... where INDIAN NUCLEAR DOCTRINE is written with GOVERNMENT SEAL & available in public domain

I always show that attitude.

that good Sir even stranded dogs have their rights & I all in favour of Animal rights until unless they don't undermine my rights ...


Well, genius or not, by bringing tac nukes to the battlefield, Pak has only endangered its existence while allowing India to have far more freedom on degrees of agression. Had you guys stuck to keeping strategic weapons, it would have been another equation and our hands were no the trigger. If anything knowing that Pak can deploy tac nukes, while we may be following a no first use policy but our fingers are firmly on the trigger.

Indians may be first specie to come to conclusion that they can invade a nuclear nation which happens to be neighbour as well, and yet only that nation will be destroyed and not them. Do yourself a favour. Read some serious stuff on the matter. Learn what is nuclear parity, MAD etc and how these doctrines are developed. Please do not brag on subject you do not comprehend.
Southern Pak mountains (Sulemian range I guess) is puny in comparison to Himalayas, and neither is you village in Laddakh which probable has cleanest air on planet, wven bereft of water vapour as that whole sector is a cold desert.
The mountain ranges of Pakistan are amazing, I just started reading about them. Karakoram, Hindukuss, Himalaya, and now you added Suleiman. I had the impression Pakistan was largely a plain terrain but to my surprise 63% of it actually is mountainous.

No you can't ... & quite ashamed to accept it .....

hahaha ...good going .... I would assume it as a sign of short of argument rather than short of temperament ....

plz show me that wall first .... where INDIAN NUCLEAR DOCTRINE is written with GOVERNMENT SEAL & available in public domain

that good Sir even stranded dogs have their rights & I all in favour of Animal rights until unless they don't undermine my rights ...


Why it is so I always see a Pakistani using a civilised language while an Indian is always trolling with his mindless babbling and using foul language.
Again thats why moron like you always remain morons. And please for your own sake and enlightenment stop asking information about things that are written on wall. And start to read & learn things instead of living in your own ignorance chamber.


Sir some Intellectual bastards will always remain the same ..... and alway act as baboons ... & you are one fine example of this attitude

read the very first paragraph of this PRESS RELEASE

The Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) met today to review the progress in operationaizing of India’s nuclear doctrine. The Committee decided that the following information, regarding the nuclear doctrine and operational arrangements governing India’s nuclear assets, should be shared with the public.


is It a complete doctrine or just some information about some of the Principle & Features of Indian Nuclear Doctrine .... ???

remember when I asked you about the employment & deployment of indian nuclear assets ... which you conveniently ignored


does this press release address this specific question .... ???

BTW can you differentiate b/w a PRESS RELEASE & a COMPLETE DOCTRINE ..... ???

start jumping like baboon again .... but first give few minutes to the specific question I asked .....

The question I raised was because of Solomon2 who raised the same question in his post (and in last two lines of his another post) regarding Pakistan's Nuclear Assets & my reply was addressing this specific question about the DEPLOYMENT & EMPLOYMENT of nuclear assets of Israel & India .... but without even understanding the depth of discussion you jumped into the discussion acted as all known idiot

now can you post the detail of Indian doctrine specifically related to this question .... from Official Source ??

You can't because no such information is made public .....
Indians may be first specie to come to conclusion that they can invade a nuclear nation which happens to be neighbour as well, and yet only that nation will be destroyed and not them. Do yourself a favour. Read some serious stuff on the matter. Learn what is nuclear parity, MAD etc and how these doctrines are developed. Please do not brag on subject you do not comprehend.

Pakistanis are the only species to come to conclusion that having tactical nuclear warheads is enough deterrance to stop a full blown conventional assault from a massively superior force both far better conventional and NBC capabilities when provoked.

Pakistan doesn't have nuclear or conventional parity with India. India commands a far bigger arsenal and a far more robust mechanism in both areas. You're last 4 conventional losses in battle only prove that. Also, India's defences against Pakistani delivery mechanisms are far more capable.

When India comes punching and you deploy your tac nukes, you better fire everything you got since firing off a couple of tac nukes to stop a strike corp will only result in wide spread destuction of Pak and you will be turned to rubble. The problems with nukes is you better fire everything or nothing.

Give me a break and stop preaching, we know enough to know that Pak's current nuke doctrine is garbage and only assures it will be turned to rubble when push comes to shove. Its ridiculous to believe tac nukes are a detterent to war or escalation.
Pakistanis are the only species to come to conclusion that having tactical nuclear warheads is enough deterrance to stop a full blown conventional assault from a massively superior force both far better conventional and NBC capabilities when provoked.

Pakistan doesn't have nuclear or conventional parity with India. India commands a far bigger arsenal and a far more robust mechanism in both areas. You're last 4 conventional losses in battle only prove that. Also, India's defences against Pakistani delivery mechanisms are far more capable.

When India comes punching and you deploy your tac nukes, you better fire everything you got since firing off a couple of tac nukes to stop a strike corp will only result in wide spread destuction of Pak and you will be turned to rubble. The problems with nukes is you better fire everything or nothing.

Give me a break and stop preaching, we know enough to know that Pak's current nuke doctrine is garbage and only assures it will be turned to rubble when push comes to shove. Its ridiculous to believe tac nukes are a detterent to war or escalation.
that was a discouraging post although an ugly truth, that is why I support arming of conventional weapons.
Pakistanis are the only species to come to conclusion that having tactical nuclear warheads is enough deterrance to stop a full blown conventional assault from a massively superior force both far better conventional and NBC capabilities when provoked.

Pakistan doesn't have nuclear or conventional parity with India. India commands a far bigger arsenal and a far more robust mechanism in both areas. You're last 4 conventional losses in battle only prove that. Also, India's defences against Pakistani delivery mechanisms are far more capable.

When India comes punching and you deploy your tac nukes, you better fire everything you got since firing off a couple of tac nukes to stop a strike corp will only result in wide spread destuction of Pak and you will be turned to rubble. The problems with nukes is you better fire everything or nothing.

Give me a break and stop preaching, we know enough to know that Pak's current nuke doctrine is garbage and only assures it will be turned to rubble when push comes to shove. Its ridiculous to believe tac nukes are a detterent to war or escalation.

Flawed logic. On the contrary, Pakistan's conventional forces are far more powerful and numerical then they were between 1970-2010. Everyone seriously seriously underestimates Pakistan's conventional forces. If Pakistan's nuclear weapons & doctrine were ineffective then india would have attacked Pakistan many times in the last 3 decades especially after severe provocations but have instead chosen diplomatic means to malign Pakistan. So it's very hard to believe your post.
Pakistanis are the only species to come to conclusion that having tactical nuclear warheads is enough deterrance to stop a full blown conventional assault from a massively superior force both far better conventional and NBC capabilities when provoked.

Pakistan doesn't have nuclear or conventional parity with India. India commands a far bigger arsenal and a far more robust mechanism in both areas. You're last 4 conventional losses in battle only prove that. Also, India's defences against Pakistani delivery mechanisms are far more capable.

When India comes punching and you deploy your tac nukes, you better fire everything you got since firing off a couple of tac nukes to stop a strike corp will only result in wide spread destuction of Pak and you will be turned to rubble. The problems with nukes is you better fire everything or nothing.

Give me a break and stop preaching, we know enough to know that Pak's current nuke doctrine is garbage and only assures it will be turned to rubble when push comes to shove. Its ridiculous to believe tac nukes are a detterent to war or escalation.

Unfortunately you are poorly informed on such matters. You seem to have no idea what horrors you are talking about. I hope there aren't too many like you in India. If there are, then God help this region.

Just so you know, India can neither overwhelm Pakistan nor afford a war. Reduced to rubble thing will be on either side. Now snap out of your ignorance.

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