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Pakistan Sets Up Tactical Nuclear Missiles Base?

This is a bit strange because as far as I knew these were mobile launchers and can be moved to anywhere so exposing their positions not a wise or right thing to do because they will change as per needs and tactical weapons normally have very short ranges and that necessitates more mobility.
Random pics with labels for retarded domestic consumption. Still loving the obsession with Nasr. Keep trying.

And to the Indian nut huggers on this thread, you got bigger things to worry about let alone short range Nasr. It would help to mind your own business. Otherwise we can provide you with a skirt and pom poms if you insist.
That's why I suggested that Pakistan shouldn't pursue this line of weaponry.

Carrying too much of white man's burden, my friend?

Pakistan never wanted to pursue nuclear path. We were forced to by your friend. We love peace but we also love our freedom. Our security is our responsibility. Decisions in this regards remain ours too. Maybe you should look at what causes us to pursue such paths.
This entire "analysis" & "planning" about Pakistan tactical nuclear weapons is all based upon foggy image circulated on social media. Interestingly the image is captured from Google Maps and it's not sharp enough to actually SHOW what is actually there. All it shows a military base with two launchers parked in open sky near shelters.
No tanks, no gunships, no anti air guns, no personals NOTHING else. This is how you station your trump card in open?
Since that base is located just 70KM from Indian border so Indian fan boys created the concept that TWO NASR MISSILES ARE STATIONED CLOSE TO BORDER FOR STRIKE ON INDIAN INVASION.

But in reality, no NASR battery is deployed in that region. Those launchers look more like Hq9 as "rings" appearing on the launch tubes are not present in NASR, but in Hq9.
NASR deployment and mechanism of its operation demands some thing else which cannot be shared on public forum as it is meant for "surprise" attack and at that place where Indians expect it least.

All those spreading crap of destroying Lahore or any other city of Pakistan just for the sake of halting Indian armored assault simply don't have clue how Pakistan "present" that weapon to World and how Pakistan "actually" intend to use that weapon......

So plz losers........ Cut the crap and stop jumping on things which are out of your approach.
The real purpose to create the Dimona facility is to destroy tel aviv -
Cute. Pakistanis forever comparing themselves with Israel, ignoring the important differences.

You do.. You can't except reality .. It's your genetic problem..
If you're trying to get me to flag you for racism I'm not going to: it's better that you stand here, exposed, for all to see.

All those spreading crap of destroying Lahore or any other city of Pakistan just for the sake of halting Indian armored assault simply don't have clue how Pakistan "present" that weapon to World and how Pakistan "actually" intend to use that weapon......
Given Pakistani silence on the matter all anyone is left with are guesses, yes? So either cure the ignorance or critique the guesses, rather than making fun of it.
& post it on SOCIAL MEDIA ....

plz stop acting like naive person .... If Indian setup are dependent on SOCIAL MEDIA reports ... than hurray from my side ....

There are Hundreds of Pictures taken daily

SO what is wrong if A few are leaked to Create Media pressure
and Then build a case for speeding up the S 400 Acquisition process

Indian Media is the biggest asset of The Ministry of Defence

The whole " Chinese Threat " Blow out was done by the Media
to HELP the Defence Ministry
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