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Pakistan rubbishes Indian claims of Surgical Strike inside Pakistan.

There's a reason why journalism is often called the "first draft of history." Because it's often wrong. This is why I like to wait for the dust to settle and see what emerges, if anything emerges.
Agreed, chest thumping right now is right now the same as shooting in the dark. A waste of energy and resources and a headache.
if they did respond and surgical strikes were carried out then show me the evidence, i bet you are clueless :D Indian media and Your army is trying to fool you :sick:
Surgical strikes killed terrorists your burden should lower down. Why you are not asking your army and PM for this and nothing happened. There are many ways we can live happy together just look at present Pak and before 1947 Paks cities you will understand who is doing saazish...
For those randians who get their knowledge from Arnab Goswami regarding Surgical Strike need to know this is called a surgery .. feel for 22 year old youth who will Roy in Pakistani jail for whole of his life now because Modi's
Hindutava.. http://www.dawn.com/news/1286910/pakistan-captures-one-indian-soldier-eight-killed-at-loc-overnight
Just in..dawn is reporting that pa just apprehended one Indian soldier namely chandu babu Chohan and has been taken to the undisclosed location, as per the news there are about 8 dead bodies of Indian soldiers are Lying at the lc but IA is not picking them up.
lol if allowed these pakistani generals would even go on to say abbottabad operation never happened its a hollywood script , this is the same army which din't accept their soldiers bodies during kargil what else can be expected from them , they are a joke , i am happy unlike these loosers india din't use proxies to hit back this time and infact when out and carried out a full fledged surgical strike eliminating all the garbage that was getting pilled up for decades , good job modi someone in the neighborhood needs to have spine to take care of these cowards.
The stupidity in your post is well off the charts. I mean how stupid can one really be? The indo Pak border is one of the most heavily fortified border of the world. Other is of course between the North and South Korea. A pic from Nasa showed the border lits up like a Christmas tree even when seen from space And here you are claiming that Indians were able to penetrate such a heavily fortified border, stayed there for hours and get back without any repercussions or causality? wow at the super shakti Indians. Even the americans lost one of their choppers when they went in the border and that was not even done by the military but supposedly the guards who were defending Osama.
All hail the new shupa power.
take it seriously ....Now international media also supporting Indian Claim of such strikes....the indians have now shown clips taken from Drone ...covering the op. Wht if this was really happened. We are in Pak assuming it is fake propaganda. If it is proved in coming hours otherwise than?????

Will be the pressure back on PA and Govt to launch reply?

It didn't. The guy responsible for this whole region is sipping tea with my father as we speak.

They shelled across the LOC and we responded. There are currently 8 out of 10 dead bodies laying on their side of the LOC which for some mystical reason they are unable to retrieve. Guess we'll have to do this for them.
The military would have been the first to present (and play) this in front of the public,which is not the case here.
And what proof actually we have on our part that they have crossed the border to execute a planned mission else the evidence of an ordinary skirmish at the LOC?

I think we gave knee-jerk reaction by quickly rejeting instead of thinking on ways to get maximum benefit from the move.
Now doing recovery after denied by Pak Got and army???

Yes ................ now time to make some fake news.... but we say " ab pachtaye hote kya jab chidiya chubh gaye khet"

Since morning this news is there .. but you just can't comprehend it .. because you are being told that their was no casualty .. still deadbodies are their at LoC ... Got balls come and pick
My friend's brother lives in your neighbourhood and he is send a message to him on phone that someone has kidnapped your Gao Mata with "very bad intentions". This news is true...............Indian police is on very alert in your neighbourhood too :-)[/QUOT E]

Today I very happy..... frustrated ho so... I could say...ignore
Now doing recovery after denied by Pak Got and army???

Yes ................ now time to make some fake news.... but we say " ab pachtaye hote kya jab chidiya chubh gaye khet"

Lol now what, we captured you surgical strike group.

Could be true. A military friend told me, its lot more than being told. I hinted previously. India did conduct or try to conduct a Sir g kal attack, we practically wiped the force out. Now its open news so I am saying this.

We are downplaying it to prevent escation.
So releasing evidence is going to war, but calling your Pakistani counterpart, and publishing in the media about violating the border isn't?

Wow, the mental gymnastics happening here is too much

Oh please grow up
don't you belive a full proof video is just embarrisig other countries army, status can you please dare explain why did US has still not released the videos lemme tell you why
1. They had their achievements fullfilled and needed not to prove anyone
2. It becomes very big issue releasing and can face international hatred
pictures where only realeased officially when things calmed down while pak media was claiming to have shot down the chopper UNCLE SAM lost in accident
3. Situations are very delicate and indian armed forces have always been very secretive about releasing their tactics
lastly calling is anathor good will gesture to show the strike was against terroists and not pak army thats why its a protocol to formally inform
Since morning this news is there .. but you just can't comprehend it .. because you are being told that their was no casualty .. still deadbodies are their at LoC ... Got balls come and pick

Nope..............now time to save time for Pak army face. Story making time from pak govt and army
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