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Pakistan rubbishes Indian claims of Surgical Strike inside Pakistan.

India availing the opportunity.

Firing at LOC was replied from PA in well mannered fashion that IA did not expected in such scale though was to give an impression that there is so-called strike. IA raid was (most probably) inside IoK, dark forest or near the LoC but no crossing to Azad Kashmir or Pakistan side at all. Chosen night for the success of Op and to minimize the chances to recognize the raided area. Every movement in back days was to validate the later claim. The most needed goal was achieved by diverting the focus from Kashmir while many Kashmiris lost their lives in the name of raid that IA couldn't do so in IoK against protesters due to pressure of Intentional communities and satisfying the public for the promises made under the political umbrella while pushing away the opposition parties by verifying such through IA briefing to them. There will be more atrocities in coming days in IoK.
From logical point of view Indian claim looks FALSE even though whole drama is being played very seriously.
A surgical strike within LOC area killing of 38 militants at least and destroying 7 points needs a sleeping and silent force from other side and needs long hours of fight. It also requires attackers transport facility i-e helicopters must be stealth and without a fear of attack from opposite side.

1: Pak Army is one the best Force in the world which has lot of experience of fighting in all situations which is a proven fact.
2: Technological equivalence is there as both forces have nearly balanced equipment's to respond.

If they were so comfortable, they should have some proof of attack or Indian Army can identify the exact location so that independent observer can check their claim which is a blame.

So, I must say stop this Propaganda as by doing so India wont get any edge.
India to face strong response in case of any surgical strike: DG ISPR

By Web DeskSeptember 29, 2016 13:36

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RAWALPINDI: Director General Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Lt. Gen. Asim Salim Bajwa categorically rejected India’s claim of conducting “surgical strikes” along the Line of Control and said Pakistan Army is ready to effectively respond to any such aggression.

Speaking exclusively to ARY News, Gen Bajwa said India was trying to tamper facts after Pakistan forces befittingly responded to them in the border fire.

“You (India) can make such claims to satisfy your own public, but there is no substance in these reports,” said the Pakistan military spokesperson.

“India often leads aggressive escalations along the border and their act falls under different violations.”

He said Indian Director General Military Operations Lt Gen Ranbir Singh held a briefing and made claims of surgical strikes, which is totally false.

The DG ISPR said India violated the LoC ceasefire and after Pak Army response, they diverted attention with baseless claims.

“We have given our clear response in the United Nations on Indian brutality in the Occupied Kashmir.”

He said Pakistan is already pursuing its anti-terror fight in full swing. Zarb-e-Azb is going well and India may not be pleased with it.

He said India must refrain from such acts as it won’t serve them any purpose.

Nah, our agents enter with a proper visa only. :P

Is there a mutual agreement between Pakistan and India which allows special forces, infiltrators, militants and ghus bhethyas to cross the LOC and working boundary provided they can produce a valid visa? Is that why militants are found with passports?
I will take your word for it Sir due to your background.

I guess its time for me to make some calls on the Pakistani Side, and see what the hell is happening.
please refrain from negative rating I think it has become personal with viper so use of your privilege is unfair

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