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Pakistan rejects Afghan claims on airspace violation

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lol @ 'training'
I've conducted 'trainings'
myself , its mostly eye wash ... the stuff that matters is not really given out in such tainings ... the country , groups or individial has to build up the real and critical skills and capacity mostly on their own , which the afghan turds have not demonstrated in the past 12 years

In what capacity?I mean are you a Professional or Mujahid ??

ANA can shell your forward posts kill thousands of Taliban and are carrying operations since last year on their own and you say they are laggard. :lol:
In what capacity?I mean are you a Professional or Mujahid ??

ANA can shell your forward posts kill thousands of Taliban and are carrying operations since last year on their own and you say they are laggard. :lol:

LOL .. The ANA stories are no different from that of Private Jessica Lynch , everyone knows
I can't believe to see that our gentlemen are getting emotional over something upon which they should smile-
It is indeed a tragedy to see that our neighbouring countries never co-operated with us earlier as we have expected.We tried all our level best to support our Afghan friends of as much as we can,but we have got nothing in return except acute shortage of trust from one another and I don't blame them either,as this nation never got enough chance to stabilize themselves,they were tormented by Russians earlier and later on bombarded by US so-called war on terror.This nation has suffered so much that they don't trust upon anyone.I remember earlier that when Americans attacked on Afghanistan,many innocent Afghanis approached to our border asking to us in guarenteing their lives against US attack.The situation has worsened later, when Pakistan was given a choice to choose any one out of two:Either Afghanistan or United States.Let me recall you that both nations were Pakistan's ally earlier and Pakistan was pressurized by world to join Americans.Thus my friends must understand each other's pain and instead of hiding it by wrapping over it with aggression, thus increasing each other's pain...must try to resolve it.Afghanistan must understand that if Pakistan has made some violation,(which is not as Pakistani authorties has denied)then ofcourse Pakistan wasn't planning to bombard Afghanistan,it must be some sort of miscalculation if occurred-which is not.Let me recall you all that earlier Iran violated Pakistan's border and even accepted it,but Pakistan didn't went heyware.
Pakistanis even name their ballistic missiles in the name of afghan kings,and how painful to see Afghani minister raising concerns over it?I remember!
Thus I request both Pakistani and Afghani friends for not to fight with each other and insult one another over such a small issue.There are many guests browsing this thread of every age group,who knows that how much your harsh words effect upon them?I wish best of luck to both nations and pray for our prosperity.
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Violence and disrespect to eachothers land is not they way to progress.

And PAF is handicapped when it comes to Air assault against Afghanistan, PAF knows that an aggression will lead to a response by Air Forces of 50 countries based in Afghanistan.
Uhh.. Not really.
That depends on what the PAF targets. Blowing up ten US troops will invite a US tit for tat repose by the USAF. Blowing up ten Afghans will invite a protest.
well guys, air space voilation is another thing, but we should respect their soveranity, guys here are getting a lil bit too emotional. even we are powerfull but still we need to respect their emotion.:pakistan:
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there is this thing i really dont understand !!

why are u guys enemies !!! WTF ? Could two countries be more related in ethnic and culture ?

da fuq is wrong here ? :undecided:
Bro, Afghans claim almost 60 percent of Pakistani land, upto River Indus, how can we talk to them, lol, Their govt has no control beyond 2-3 cities, and their army chief claims that River Indus is their border with Pakistan, basically they live in a delusional world in which 2 provinces of Pakistan ( KPK and Balochistan) are part of Afghanistan....Tell Honestly what would Iran do if a neighbour behaves like this…they even attacked Pakistan’s tribal areas under President Dawood but their army was pushed back by tribesmen from Bajaur Agency.
there is this thing i really dont understand !!

why are u guys enemies !!! WTF ? Could two countries be more related in ethnic and culture ?

da fuq is wrong here ? :undecided:

The damage has been done. Pakistan is a platform for both Afghanistan and Kashmir, even though people from Kashmir appreciates the sacrifices of Pakistan, and on the other hand, people from Afghanistan continues to be anti-Pakistani which is something i have never understood. Afghanistan also opposed to the creation of Pakistan while the rest of Muslim world supported the idea of Pakistan as nation - a tiny portion from India.

There is positive and negative in every cases, but the relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan has brought Pakistan in economical crises - suffice to say Afghanistan couldn't be allowed to get settled due to Russia invasion, and then, USA.

What happens in Afghanistan does affect Pakistan big time. I think the beautiful relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan is the key to restore the stability of both nations. The unity is the key, although i would recommend the border must be placed to control the terrorism and illegal trades that are harmful to both nations.

Despite of what is happening in Pakistan, Pakistan can move on to the bigger point, but can Afghanistan tone down anti-Pakistani policy as it is more closer to India and distancing to Pakistan? Pakistan influence in Afghanistan is the beneficial for both nations, otherwise the border is a must for legit reasons.
Bro, Afghans claim almost 60 percent of Pakistani land, upto River Indus, how can we talk to them, lol, Their govt has no control beyond 2-3 cities, and their army chief claims that River Indus is their border with Pakistan, basically they live in a delusional world in which 2 provinces of Pakistan ( KPK and Balochistan) are part of Afghanistan....Tell Honestly what would Iran do if a neighbour behaves like this…they even attacked Pakistan’s tribal areas under President Dawood but their army was pushed back by tribesmen from Bajaur Agency.

dear bro , in every fight each side thinks that the other side is wrong and he/she is right ! every side zooms on the other side's faults and wrongs and ignores his/her own faults .

thats the truth ! of course afghanistan had not acted accordingly to pakistan's (a friendly neighbor) interests . but had pakistan acted like a good neighbor for afghanistan too ? the answer is simple : NO ! pakistan also had never been a good neighbor for afghanistan and visa vers

what i'm trying to say is this : pakistan and afghanistan have unbelievable common grounds ! from ethnicity to culture and even religion !!!! just like iran and pakistan .

why cant u sit and talk your differences out ? thats the question !

look at iran-afghanistan or iran-pakistan relations . all of them are brother like .

I think the beautiful relationship between Pakistan and Afghanistan is the key to restore the stability of both nations. The unity is the key, although i would recommend the border must be placed to control the terrorism and illegal trades that are harmful to both nations.

GOD bless u brother !!

just sit and talk ! you guys bring your issues on the table and ask for explanation !

and visa vers , they can ask u too .

thats it
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Pakistan has been a good neighbor to Afghanistan, in fact more than any nations to Afghanistan. Iran's policy towards Afghanistan on the border has been aggressive, and same goes with India. Pakistan border's policy is lenient towards Afghanistan. If Pakistan wasn't good neighbor, Pakistan could have exercised aggressive policy as well as adopting anti-illegal immigration to Pakistan. Because of Pakistan's hospitality, people from Afghanistan migrated to Pakistan only to cause more troubles for Pakistan, even though there are some good who help Pakistan, but overall, Pakistan has suffered a lot already.

I think you aren't aware of Iran and India policy towards Afghanistan. Ask them to open border to allow immigration from Afghanistan and then we can talk.

Pakistan has been good neighbor whether you admit it or not. There is reason why Kashmir is Pro-Pakistani because they appreciate the efforts of Pakistan. Like i said, if Afghanistan tones down anti-Pakistan policy, then there is hope of relationship between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Otherwise, Afghanistan is alone in this - causing itself more harm by allowing Indian and Iranian influences. You cannot trust them. The history attests to that. Take a example of Iraq and Kashmir.

No matter what Pakistan does, but it's never enough for ungrateful. That's bitter truth.
Soo Karzai also got radars to check violations from PAF……??:eek:

Pakistan has been a good neighbor to Afghanistan, in fact more than any nations to Afghanistan. Iran's policy towards Afghanistan on the border has been aggressive, and same goes with India. Pakistan border's policy is lenient towards Afghanistan. If Pakistan wasn't good neighbor, Pakistan could have exercised aggressive policy as well as adopting anti-illegal immigration to Pakistan. Because of Pakistan's hospitality, people from Afghanistan migrated to Pakistan only to cause more troubles for Pakistan, even though there are some good who help Pakistan, but overall, Pakistan has suffered a lot already.

I think you aren't aware of Iran and India policy towards Afghanistan. Ask them to open border to allow immigration from Afghanistan and then we can talk.

Pakistan has been good neighbor whether you admit it or not. There is reason why Kashmir is Pro-Pakistani because they appreciate the efforts of Pakistan. Like i said, if Afghanistan tones down anti-Pakistan policy, then there is hope of relationship between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Otherwise, Afghanistan is alone in this - causing itself more harm by allowing Indian and Iranian influences. You cannot trust them. The history attests to that. Take a example of Iraq and Kashmir.

No matter what Pakistan does, but it's never enough for ungrateful. That's bitter truth.

i dont know why u dragged iran to the conversation . my comment couldnt be nicer but u brought BS about iran .

what did iran did to u ? and please dont talk about iran-afghanistan relations which makes me and every other iranian or afghans laugh !!

iran today proudly hosts 2 million !!! i repeat 2 million afghan citizens as refugees !! can u even make that up ? do u know how much iran is spending on their education , food , healthcare , ...... each year ? so please dont be a hypocrite !

and also u can ask every afghan in the world of our relations !! every single of them !! iran and afghanistan are the same countries with different leaders ! we even speak the same language ! so pls dont spare us this cause its laughable ! and our border with afghanistan is much more secure and friendly than our border with pakistan !! you guys are at odds with all of your neighbors !!

the only country in the region who tries to reach out to pakistan is IRAN , and yet you are so rude that you spare BS about iran .

and u cannot trust iran ? :lol: ask indians or afghans about that !

stop blaming others and work on your attitude .

@Sher Malang

The comparison is only to prove that the situation could have been worse than we could have possibly imagined.

You make it sound like Iran is proud to have Afghanistan. You better read the article.

The plight of Afghan refugees in Iran | openDemocracy

I am not against Iran or India for immigration policy as they are right to exercise aggressive method. If Pakistan could have the similar methods, then the on-going situation as we see could have been avoided nicely, Allahu Alim. Nevertheless, Pakistan still exercises less lenient on Afghanistan people to accommodate the million refugees in Pakistan. The census from 2009 indicates that there was 1.7 million refugees migrated to Pakistan. We are in 2014, and the numbers must be multiplied.

Like i said, people are not grateful despite of border-free policy. I guess ignorant is bliss.
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