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Pakistan ready for another war with India over Kashmir,says Musharraf

Well I don't like this man but he is right here Kashmir issue will never get solved through talks war will have to be fought eventually no matter how much secularists and coward liberals on our side hate it because of there love for India but its inevitable
What are you doing in front of the keyboard then? join the army , tell them they need to go to war and be the first to charge. :)
Well it was like a PDF thread went on air ... nukes, ghouri abdali swearing and in the end Arnab went laughing off his show.

Trust me- even Arnab can't moderate a PDF thread if it goes on air :lol: . The trash and garbage we spew mixed with extreme intellectual combinations- man I don't think there is another site like this.
I have been hearing a lot about Balochistan and Sindh in the Indian media these days. May be time has come.
The architect of the Kargil war and former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf publicly acknowledged for formenting terror in Kashmir and said that "Pakistan army was prepared for war with India as people in Jammu and Kashmir are waiting to be incited ."

Former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf said that"lakhs of Pakistani’s are willing to fight for Kashmir. “Kashmir is waiting to be incited and Pakistan is capable of inciting violence."

On the increased firing between India and Pakistan along the Line of Control (LoC) and International Border (IB), Musharraf said ," As far as shelling is concerned ,Pakistan had limitations, “Kashmiri brethren” on the other side of the LoC would be the ultimate sufferers. Musharraf said the Indian government and the army has no concern for the sufferings of the Kashmiri people.

Musharraf raised the Kashmir issue when Indo-Pak border continues to be tense for the past 5 months and his troubles are mounting.Musharraf was back with K rhetoric during his interview with Pakistan's TV channel .

"Mr Modi is an anti-Muslim and an anti-Pakistan politician. While negotiating with him one must hold cards close," Musharraf said. "Instead of running to attend his (Modi) inauguration like we used to do in British Raj, we should keep our dignity," the former president said.

Further added,"Pakistan's policy is in line with his stated position that “Kashmir is our national interest, let nobody have any doubt about it”.

Pakistan ready for another war with India over Kashmir,says Musharraf

Will they do it like Kargil or this time they show some guts to face India directly ????
He is one of the most oppertunistic Army man for Pakistan....That guys always looks for his own interest. He is playing to the gallery....Musharaf is the person who fought war so that he can be president of Pakistan...Then shamelessly he tried cozy up with India to get world recognition and also helped India to tap down funds to Kashmir separatist...And also assisted US for 9-11....

That guy has made so many mess for Pakistan that sometimes i wonder how come you guys are tolerating him....If he is really intrested to fight for Kashmir then he should not have stopped helping Kashmir separatists..

The architect of the Kargil war and former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf publicly acknowledged for formenting terror in Kashmir and said that "Pakistan army was prepared for war with India as people in Jammu and Kashmir are waiting to be incited ."

Former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf said that"lakhs of Pakistani’s are willing to fight for Kashmir. “Kashmir is waiting to be incited and Pakistan is capable of inciting violence."

On the increased firing between India and Pakistan along the Line of Control (LoC) and International Border (IB), Musharraf said ," As far as shelling is concerned ,Pakistan had limitations, “Kashmiri brethren” on the other side of the LoC would be the ultimate sufferers. Musharraf said the Indian government and the army has no concern for the sufferings of the Kashmiri people.

Musharraf raised the Kashmir issue when Indo-Pak border continues to be tense for the past 5 months and his troubles are mounting.Musharraf was back with K rhetoric during his interview with Pakistan's TV channel .

"Mr Modi is an anti-Muslim and an anti-Pakistan politician. While negotiating with him one must hold cards close," Musharraf said. "Instead of running to attend his (Modi) inauguration like we used to do in British Raj, we should keep our dignity," the former president said.

Further added,"Pakistan's policy is in line with his stated position that “Kashmir is our national interest, let nobody have any doubt about it”.

Pakistan ready for another war with India over Kashmir,says Musharraf
What are you doing in front of the keyboard then? join the army , tell them they need to go to war and be the first to charge. :)
I am not going to join Army but I would one day in battlefield against you don't worry that day will come soon INSHALLAH
Musharaaf and Zaid Hamid should join and form a political party.. Mushi as prezzzident and zaid as PM or viceversa.. :chilli::pakistan:
He is an under trial Criminal in Pakistan with serious charges of murder and toppling civil government. He is talking as if he is a general or a president. He tried a mischief in Kargil and get humiliated. Now he wants other people to do the same mistake.
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