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Pakistan ready for another war with India over Kashmir,says Musharraf

I was not an American by birth...My upbringing was all in India...(God Bless India)...That has given me options..one being that I can question anything and act rationally according to my conscience...Damn I can will question my religion as well..which I do...Can You?
i can i have and i have been answered can ur religon answer ur quest dnt think so dnt start a religous war plz
i can i have and i have been answered can ur religon answer ur quest dnt think so dnt start a religous war plz
Ok!...that's not my intention(religous war)..maybe I was not able to understand what you were trying to say the previous post.
And I still dont understand...your present post as well....just chill bro...I have nothing against you or for that matter any religion...to me all religions are good if practiced the right way.
As far as I remember it was uncle sam out there to rescue the zionazi lovers. I still remember Nawaz returning from Washington DC with tears in his eyes. I don't think uncle sam will be able to save the day for the zionazi pets this time. So, don't get so carried away by your so-called 'Kargil Victory', it might bite you in the end!
Yeah Right. What a good joke.

Nawaz Sharif ran to US to beg them to make India stop the war started foolishly by his general without informing the PM.
Yeah Right. What a good joke.

Nawaz Sharif ran to US to beg them to make India stop the war started foolishly by his general without informing the PM.

indians keep repeating this
question for you , why did india listen to America ? Why you stopped ? arent you super power india ?
Yeah Right. What a good joke.

Nawaz Sharif ran to US to beg them to make India stop the war started foolishly by his general without informing the PM.

Nawaz did not go to Washington to request uncle sam to save Pakistan from the 'valiant' indian army, he went there to explain the Pakistani position but uncle sam wanted to favour india and so took side of the zionazi pets and gave ultimatum to Nawaz to retreat from Kargil. Hence, uncle sam ensured the so-called indian 'victory' at Kargil.
Well I don't like this man but he is right here Kashmir issue will never get solved through talks war will have to be fought eventually no matter how much secularists and coward liberals on our side hate it because of there love for India but its inevitable

You idiot zaid hamid clone. I am a liberal but also want Kashmir to be with Pakistan. Don't make up assumptions.
Nawaz did not go to Washington to request uncle sam to save Pakistan from the 'valiant' indian army, he went there to explain the Pakistani position but uncle sam wanted to favour india and so took side of the zionazi pets and gave ultimatum to Nawaz to retreat from Kargil. Hence, uncle sam ensured the so-called indian 'victory' at Kargil.

He went there on an American holiday? When the American president was on holiday to explain? Why? He could have waited for the holidays to get over, correct? Any specific reason for that? Or maybe, he just wanted a small break and decided to celebrate the American Independence day, correct?

indians keep repeating this
question for you , why did india listen to America ? Why you stopped ? arent you super power india ?

Actually, we kept pounding your army even after being told to stop, while they were retreating. Your own Pakistani sources. Btw, why did the army withdraw? Americans said they will stop money flow? If it was pure patriotism and belief in whatever you believe in , you should have held your ground. What happened?
Supah powa India does not need to fight a war. Pakistan is good at creating one itself, fighting itself and defeating itself. We are just here to enjoy the show :P
As far as I remember it was uncle sam out there to rescue the zionazi lovers. I still remember Nawaz returning from Washington DC with tears in his eyes. I don't think uncle sam will be able to save the day for the zionazi pets this time. So, don't get so carried away by your so-called 'Kargil Victory', it might bite you in the end!

Seriously? whats up with you BD posters, if it wasn't for India intervening in your pathetic nation, you probably wouldn't exist. You are probably alive only because Indira sent our army in order to free your people, your forefathers would have been victims of **** genocide, you should be ashamed for your anti india post. You of people should know India can and has always kicked *** when it comes to PAk. Thy were running with their tails between their legs, forget KArgil, they were running last week when Modi gave a free hand.
Seriously? whats up with you BD posters, if it wasn't for India intervening in your pathetic nation, you probably wouldn't exist. You are probably alive only because Indira sent our army in order to free your people, your forefathers would have been victims of **** genocide, you should be ashamed for your anti india post. You of people should know India can and has always kicked *** when it comes to PAk. Thy were running with their tails between their legs, forget KArgil, they were running last week when Modi gave a free hand.

You should be ashamed of your zionazi methods of spreading lies! Lies are lies, there's nothing anti-indian in that.
You should be ashamed of your zionazi methods of spreading lies! Lies are lies, there's nothing anti-indian in that.

Ohh I get it, must be remnant **** still living in BD, one of the 93000 POWs perhaps, still bitter from the humiliating defeat. Its ok, continue your life in misery and bitterness, thats all your gonna ever get.
well we are ready for a war against India in kashmir right now but i don't think India would dare to do so as they have been beaten badly in 1999 when they posed emergency on coffins for there soldiers as there were too many casualties on INDIAN side including 3 jets and 2 heli's :P :D And yes musharaf was the same man who stayed 4km with in INDIAN territory for 3 days and came back on which your own army general said that "it is a big failure for us that an enemy general stayed 3 days inside our territory and went back" ;) :D :yahoo::pakistan:
well we are ready for a war against India in kashmir right now but i don't think India would dare to do so as they have been beaten badly in 1999 when they posed emergency on coffins for there soldiers as there were too many casualties on INDIAN side including 3 jets and 2 heli's :P :D And yes musharaf was the same man who stayed 4km with in INDIAN territory for 3 days and came back on which your own army general said that "it is a big failure for us that an enemy general stayed 3 days inside our territory and went back" ;) :D :yahoo::pakistan:
I also want a war with Pakistan.
You must be tired of sucking the zionazi pricks!
Why! are you jealous...in the meantime you just keep sucking the Indian curry dicks..a good change from sucking on the one that your Mullahs put out!
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