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Pakistan Rangers refuse BSF's Eid sweetmeats at Wagah

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You are right, I don't have any relation with the issue, being a Turkish national. I second that the part you said self-respect. But it sounds odd to me especially here where I had arguments with some Pakistani fellows whether Pakistan's military is for the nation or for islam. I remember the majority going for the second till end. as these sweeties were presented during eid. But that's not our topic of course.

Depends on who you ask, no doubt in its inception the Pakistani army was meant to be a Muslim fighting force but the outlook of the army has changed over the years and more and more non Muslims have also began to fill its ranks.
You are right, I don't have any relation with the issue, being a Turkish national. I second that the part you said self-respect. But it sounds odd to me especially here where I had arguments with some Pakistani fellows whether Pakistan's military is for the nation or for islam. I remember the majority going for the second till end. as these sweeties were presented during eid. But that's not our topic of course.

Pakistan's Army is for Pakistan and for the vast majority of us Pakistan and Islam are inseparably entwined with each other; however that is completely irrelevant as is whether the festival under question is a religious or a secular event.

What is relevant here is solely the fact that the Pakistan Rangers did not take kindly to exchanging sweets or pleasantries with those who's unprovoked firing (according to us) killed 4 of our civilians today !

Its like Israel giving sweets to Turkiye right after the Mavi Marmara incident or Syrian troops giving their Turkish counterparts (on the border) baklava right after the Turkish Jet was shot down !

P.S You're a Turk...comment all you will on our issues - No problem from me ! :tup:
Interesting developments. It's clear that neither side wants peace between the two country as it hurts the Military Establishment for both.

The only people who suffer are the regular awam.
cahalo A bi din agaya ab ladoo pe ladiya

duniya jaraha agay aur hum sub continent wala ultaaaa

foolishness is an art wherein you try to beat your previous worst................

Now diwali ki liya next episode reserved............
I think Pakistan will now understand how important it is to have a "conducive atmosphere" for a dialogue.
Pakistan's Army is for Pakistan and for the vast majority of us Pakistan and Islam are inseparably entwined with each other; however that is completely irrelevant as is whether the festival under question is a religious or a secular event.

What is relevant here is solely the fact that the Pakistan Rangers did not take kindly to exchanging sweets or pleasantries with those who's unprovoked firing (according to us) killed 4 of our civilians today !

Its like Israel giving sweets to Turkiye right after the Mavi Marmara incident or Syrian troops giving their Turkish counterparts (on the border) baklava right after the Turkish Jet was shot down !

P.S You're a Turk...comment all you will on our issues - No problem from me ! :tup:
can you please put more information like village with pictures like India release.... or these 4 one should call the Kargil Gate Scandal of PA again;)

Indian civilians killed couple of days back .... India should have retaliated more heavily... like last time when PAK didn't respond to Hot line for couple of days , when IA retaliated with heavy weapon PA started ringing back the hot line and asking for meeting.

Now IA/BSF given again Green light to give back in double. Soon you will be finding PA/Ranger start calling to india for meeting.
I think Pakistan will now understand how important it is to have a "conducive atmosphere" for a dialogue.
Why would Pakistan want a conductive atmosphere when you continue to interfere in our affairs through Baluchistan, Karachi and FATA. Both countries are playing the game so that we continue to hate one another for the foreseeable future.
Why would Pakistan want a conductive atmosphere when you continue to interfere in our affairs through Baluchistan, Karachi and FATA. Both countries are playing the game so that we continue to hate one another for the foreseeable future.
proof please , don't write imaginations like PA done in Kargil......
excellent. Rangers are in the mood to hunt some yendians.
four civilians, including two children killed on EID Day today by Indian border forces firing ...
four civilians, including two children killed on EID Day today by Indian border forces firing ...

It is therefore right that these sweets were refused. Why be a hypocrite?
If they dont want then dont give, and move on.... BSF has did what they have been doing for a long time...... i can see some one talking about the death of 4 civilians in pakistan side, if BSF shared their thought they would not have given the sweet in the first place, 5 civilians are reported to be dead in indian side on the same day......
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